The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 858: A Gu Qingxin——Come over and see if I'm sick (eight changes)

Gu Jue saw Chu Baiqing under the shower head, and the warm water was running down his neck...

Chu Baiqing's skin is very fair, but it is not the pale and bloodless white, but the healthy white.

Although he doesn't like fighting, he has fitness, so he has a good body.

Although thin, the lines are firm, elastic, full of tension, and very well-proportioned.

The water drops across his chest, flowing through the firm abdomen, and then sliding down the arc of the base of the thigh and disappearing...

The room was full, Gu Jue felt his throat tighten, and the strange heat ran wildly in his blood.

As if to break through his veins, the wildness was unstoppable, making his hands tightly grasp the edge of the glass door.

The blue veins on the back of his hand burst, and Gu Jue's eyes remained fixed on the place between his legs.

Chu Baiqing's legs are really well-proportioned, fuck...

Chu Boqing didn't expect that Gu Jue would just break in like this. Although they often sleep together, many years have never passed since seeing each other's body.

I used to go swimming with my eldest and third brothers, but I would often see them, but that was still immature...

It was completely different now, he was so unexpected and completely exposed to Gu Jue.

Chu Baiqing's throat was too tight to speak, and because it was too sudden, she forgot to cover it.

When he realized that he wanted to cover up, Gu Jue had already smashed the glass door severely, turned and left.

When Gu Jue was sitting on the bed, he actually had a reaction...

This is too **** so special.

It must have been holding back for too long, although every man will have a need, this is physiologically normal.

However, he really didn't live so often, and often lived with Chu Baiqing.

It's not very convenient, and he didn't really think about it.

What is going on...

Chu Baiqing usually takes a bath in more than 20 minutes.

However, it has been forty minutes today, and Chu Baiqing still did not come out in the bathroom.

Because he saw through the glass that Gu Jue was still sitting on the bed...

"Have you finished washing, and going to eat after washing, I'm hungry!"

Gu Jue had also convinced himself, and it took more than half an hour to suppress the evil fire in his body.

What a hell, this is something that has never happened before.

Chu Baiqing's body was in his mind...

Chu Baiqing didn't answer, he had already finished washing, and his clothes had been passed on, so he stood in the bathroom.

If he changed to normal times, he would definitely not stay in a bathroom full of water vapor, because that would make him unable to breathe.

Hearing Gu Jue's voice, Chu Baiqing looked at herself in the mirror, his face was a little red because of the heat in the bathroom.

Finally, he opened the bathroom door and walked out.

Gu Jue’s eyes have been looking at the bathroom door, and seeing Chu Baiqing walking out, his hair still hasn’t dried...

There was a slight flush on Junyi's warm face, and Gu Jue's mind instantly appeared four words, "red lips and white teeth"

Chu Baiqing's home clothes are those with relatively large and loose collars.

Looking at Chu Baiqing's beautiful clavicle exposed outside, it had just been bathed.

Gu Jue couldn't help swallowing, his Adam's apple couldn't help but slip.

"Fuck, Bai Qing, come here and see, am I sick?" Gu Jue looked at Chu Baiqing blankly. He didn't wear glasses, how he looked like a seductive fairy...

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