The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 881: A Gu Qing's heart-when I looked up, I saw Gu Jue's car (five shift)

At this time, Ke Min showed all the expressions that liking a person should have on his face.

"Good." Chu Baiqing didn't know what else to say except for such a good word.

What he wants to say most is, "This cup I wish you an early date to find someone who loves you and you love him."

However, it is inappropriate to say this to a girl who likes herself on such occasions.

"Ohhhhhhh, you can't just drink it like this, drink you and I will love each other."

Jiang Dalu's forty-year-old man, who is not at all true, actually yelled.

You come to me and I love each other. Actually, it's almost the same as handing over a glass of wine. It's just that one person puts his own glass to the other's mouth for him to drink.

The two of them fed each other the wine in their glasses, so they asked you to come and love each other.

When Ke Min heard this, he generously sent his wine glass to Chu Baiqing.

Such a situation was unexpected by Chu Baiqing.

He didn't expect that Ke Min would be so fast, so he delivered the wine glass in front of him, so he didn't even have a chance to speak.

"President Chu, the little girls are thin-skinned, so you can save face instead of drinking a cup of wine and drinking, right?"

Jiang Dalu pulled Chu Baiqing's arm and sent it forward, somewhat intimidating.

This is just drinking too much. If he were to give him a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare to attack the dean like this.

Everyone was cajoling, Chu Baiqing's cell phone vibrated. He just wanted to pick it up, but was held back by Jiang Dalu.

"President Chu, the little girl is still waiting! Don't rush to answer the phone, drink first."

Chu Baiqing looked at Ke Min blushing and holding a wine glass. There were so many people, it was really necessary to give the little girl face.

He could only bite the bullet and drank with Ke Min the way you came and fell in love with each other.

When they drank, everyone's roar was louder.

The atmosphere seemed to be that today was not the wedding thank you banquet of the two young people, but it was his and Ke Min's.

After drinking a few more cups, everyone was happier as they talked. Chu Baiqing looked at these people who usually work rigorously, and each of them drank high and let them go. It was really different.

But such an atmosphere is really rare. He thinks that there should be more gatherings like this in the future. Everyone's work is too tight on weekdays, and they should relax appropriately.

Because she kept talking, Chu Baiqing forgot about Gu Jue's text messages and phone calls.

After everyone finished eating and drinking, when Chu Baiqing picked up the phone, she realized that there was no electricity.

I don't know if Gu Jue finished eating, went home, went to the movie with that woman, or went to the hotel.

Although Chu Baiqing did not drink less, she was not drunk at all.

The alcohol is not high, and the wine is good, so there is no headache or discomfort.

Ke Min drank too much. It should be said that everyone except Chu Baiqing and the driver drank too much.

When Ke Min got up, he couldn't stand still, and Chu Baiqing instinctively helped her.

So when he walked out of Jiang Xiaoyu Yuyu Museum, Chu Baiqing supported him all the way.

When they came, they drove a commercial car from the hospital.

When Chu Baiqing helped Ke Min out, the driver had already arranged everyone else in the car.

Ke Min drank too much, and when he saw the wind, he instinctively fell, and Chu Baiqing hurriedly encircled her waist.

When I looked up, I saw Gu Jue’s car, that George Button...

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