The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 895: A Gu Qingxin-eyes collide, no one avoids (three shifts)

Gu Jue's kiss turned into medicine, with eagerness, and his hands became uneasy. The posture seemed to crush Chu Baiqing to pieces.

The pain in the corner of his mouth made Chu Baiqing wake up instantly, and he bit Gu Jue's lips severely.

Taking advantage of Gu Jue's distraction, he pushed him away.

Chu Baiqing's lips were somewhat bloodless, they would be red and swollen by Gu Jue's kiss, making Gu Jue's breathing even more rapid...

Gu Jue evilly licked his lower lip with his tongue, and tasted the smell of blood.

He looked at Chu Baiqing who was embarrassed, looked at his chest that was bullied by anger, that beautiful collarbone...

"Do you drink it yourself this time or do I feed you?"

Gu Jue took the water glass as a normal person, and sent it to Chu Baiqing again, asking dumbly.

Because of the shortness of breath, the words spoken also carry heavy panting, which is a kind of ambiguous panting that cannot be released.

Gu Jue knew that he had raised the flag again, but he didn't run away like before this time, but looked at Chu Baiqing so indifferently.

In fact, under this indifferent look, it was his confused heart, and he felt that he must be crazy.

Not only did he kiss Chu Baiqing, he also reached into his clothes and touched him.

The palm of his hand was still hot at this time, and it seemed that he could still feel the shock of Chu Baiqing's tight and smooth skin.

This time Chu Baiqing bit the straw and drank water. He didn't want to be fed again...

He closed his eyes and didn't look at Gu Jue's eyes that had been staring at him, and the dull and unclear eyes made him unable to find out.

When Gu Jue kissed him, did he simply force him to drink water, or because of something else?

Thinking of other reasons, Chu Baiqing's heart beat faster.

He had thought many times that Gu Jue would like him one day, but after experiencing many things, he knew that this might not happen...

So what did the kiss just now mean? It's a deep kiss...

After drinking half a glass of water, Chu Baiqing opened his eyes and looked at Gu Jue. The two eyes collided, and no one avoided it.

"Why did you do this?"

What Chu Baiqing wanted to ask was actually why you kissed me, but he didn't want to be so embarrassed.

"It's not that you don't drink, I said that if you don't drink, I will feed you mouth to mouth."

Gu Jue said calmly, this was the first time he felt that his reaction was so fast.

Can actually find such a reasonable explanation for the behavior of Uncle Wolf just now.

I did it just because you don't drink water.

And the reason I did this is that you don’t drink water, which is too reasonable an excuse...

Anyway, he always does things based on his mood, he can do whatever he wants

Chu Baiqing looked at Gu Jue and couldn't help but laughed. The smile was bitter. There was no other reason. He did this because he didn't drink water.

This is Gu Jue's style of doing things. He does whatever he wants and never takes into account your feelings.

"Don't do this in the future, it's abnormal."

Chu Baiqing said this not only for Gu Jue, but also for herself.

Chu Baiqing would never have thought that the words she said gave some crazy thoughts that had just popped up in Gu Jue's heart, and they suppressed it in an instant.

Gu Jue looked at Chu Baiqing, his eyes were dark and unclear, abnormal, he said it was abnormal...

Yup! How can a normal person kiss his buddy and want to do more of these things to him? This is really abnormal, yes, abnormal...

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