The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 936: A Gu Qingxin——He looked at Gu Jue and warned him with a cold face (ten more)

Chu Baiqing suddenly felt that she had been driven onto the fire and being roasted.

But Gu Jue still didn't let go, he was really annoyed.

He pressed **** Gu Jue's foot.

Gu Jue was wearing slippers, and he snorted when it hurt, and habitually let go of Chu Baiqing's hand.

"I had a long operation today and ate lunch late, so I am not hungry yet."

Chu Baiqing didn't even look at Gu Jue, and put his hands on the table while holding the chopsticks.

Never give Gu Jue a chance to shake his hand again.

"What's the matter? Li Beichen asked Gu Jue with a bad face.

"It's okay, third brother, Bai Qing stepped on my foot." Gu Jue said casually.

Chu Baiqing squeezed the chopsticks tightly.

I sandwiched a piece of spare ribs and ate it with Xiao Jiangnan's braised ingredients, which naturally tasted good.

Everyone ate and drank, and then Feng Xi found a problem.

"Third brother, you didn't drink, do you taste these dishes?"

Feng Xi pointed at the braised pork, braised chicken wings and braised pork ribs with his chopsticks.

"Well, it's all the same!"

In fact, Li Beichen had eaten it a long time ago, but he didn't say anything.

He just said that these three dishes taste good, but the others are average.

Later, when I thought about it, they were all braised in soy sauce. It was a matter of ingredients.

"Eating can't stop your mouth, eat yours quickly!"

Gu Jue cast a white glance at Feng Xi, "It was from Xiao Jiangnan, but I did it."

Gu Jue didn't conceal it, so he said it directly.

"It's good to be able to make it, not easy."

Huo Zhongrao had eaten it a long time ago, and he didn't say that it would be nice to walk into the kitchen.

"Bo Qing, have you eaten enough of such unpalatable dishes? Gu Jue said he makes them for you every day!"

The eldest brother and the third brother are here, and Feng Xi felt that someone was supporting him, so he didn't care about what he said.

This posture is to demolish Gu Jue's platform and fight him.

"I'm okay with eating. Besides, I don't make it every day. I think it's quite delicious. You may not be used to it.

Chu Baiqing was telling the truth, he thought Gu Jue's dishes were quite delicious.

This is probably Aiwu and Wu! If you like someone, you will feel that everything is good.

"Hey... Bai Qing, you are boring like this, you are helping Gu Jue."

Upon hearing Chu Baiqing's words, he obviously helped Gu Jue speak.

Feng Xi feels wronged...

"Feng Xi, eat your meal, when can we eat your meal?"

Every time Feng Xi and Gu Jue met, they would stand up for a while, which caused everyone a headache.

"I don't cook, it's all soot."

Feng Xi waved his hand quickly so that he would not enter the kitchen.

This would say this very firmly, but afterwards, Feng Xi fell in love with the kitchen.

Gu Jue squinted at Chu Baiqing and saw that he had both hands on the table.

He put his hand on his thigh, and this time, he deliberately moved his feet away from Chu Baiqing's side.

The smile on Chu Baiqing's mouth froze on his face, he looked at Gu Jue and warned him with a cold face.

Gu Jue's eyes were full of evil colors, and his hand gradually swept towards the inside of Chu Baiqing's thigh.

By this action of Gu Jue, all the chopsticks in Chu Baiqing's hand fell.

Then he grabbed Gu Jue's restless hand.

Staring at him in embarrassment.

Who knew that Gu Jue had "accidentally" knocked down the water glass.

But the water spilled, directly wet Chu Baiqing's clothes, and Gu Jue's sleeves were also wet.

"Brother, eat first, and Bai Qing and I will change clothes."

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