The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 949: A Gu Qingxin——Who provoked you again? (One more)

Actually, it's not that Feng Yan is more curious about Chu Baiqing's girlfriend, but it's really boring recently.

He just panicked and wanted something to do with a coke.

That Yin Shinian would only make him unhappy, and he didn't understand how there could be such a cold woman in the world.

Even if she doesn't speak coldly, she is cold when she is in bed, and when she thinks about it, she feels very hot.

Huo Zhongrao narrowed his eyes to look at Gu Jue, and said coldly, "Who messed with you again?"

Gu Jue opened his mouth irritably, and didn't say anything. He wanted to say that Chu Baiqing provoke him.

However, this will be the only words that come out.

The door of the box was opened, Gu Jue squinted his eyes and saw a tall and delicate woman walk in.

Behind her was Chu Baiqing, and he was carrying a lady's bag.

Gu Jue's mouth was filled with a cool smile, his fingers tapped on the table rhythmically.

Every time he picked him up from get off work, Chu Baiqing's bag was held by him, Gu Jue, because he was distressed and tired of Chu Baiqing.

However, now he feels distressed for the other woman, and he takes the bag for her, so considerate.

As soon as Su Qingran came in, she saw the ice standing behind Feng Yan, and she blushed involuntarily.

Chu Baiqing introduced them one by one, and Su Qingran greeted everyone generously.

Chu Baiqing finally introduced Gu Jue, "This is Gu Jue."

"Hello!" Su Qingran glanced at Gu Jue twice, because he looked at himself very unfriendly.

Gu Jue looked at Su Qingran and didn't answer, making it very embarrassing.

"Qing Ran comes over and sits, Gu Jue is reluctant to speak!"

Chu Baiqing pulled back the chair for Su Qingran, smiled and said to her, without looking at Gu Jue.

Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue were still sitting next to each other, and they couldn't let Su Qingran next to him.

When she sat down, Chu Baiqing moved the chair to Su Qingran's side specially, and she smiled at Chu Baiqing.

This kind of interaction is exactly what people in love will have. Everyone who sees it tacitly tells it and laughs without saying a word.

Su Qingran is a relatively talkative person and does not have stage fright. After all, she has received a good tutor, and she often experiences such occasions, so she adapts well.

The sneer at the corner of Gu Jue's mouth became deeper and deeper, and he stopped tapping his fingers on the table, and then turned his head to look at Chu Baiqing, his eyes not shy.

The posture was a bit like finding fault, Feng Yan bumped him with his elbow and motioned him not to look at Su Qingran like this.

But not from the perspective of Feng Yan, isn't Gu Jue just looking at Su Qingran without evasiveness.

Naturally, Chu Boqing felt Gu Jue's eyes too. The palms of his hands were sweaty, and he didn't know what Gu Jue would do.

Because he always does whatever he wants, he ate at home that day, he was in front of his eldest brother and third brother, and he did not pinch and touch him under the table.

And also got him upstairs and did something like that...

Just as Chu Baiqing was thinking about what happened that day, he felt that his leg was rubbed against something, and then again.

Chu Baiqing suddenly realized that this should be Gu Jue's foot, because it was so far away that he couldn't use it, so he changed it to foot...

Gu Jue looked sideways at Chu Baiqing like that, while his feet were rubbing against his legs.

He knew that Chu Baiqing was physically sensitive. He just wanted to look at him, how long could the smile on his face last.

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