The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 957: A Gu Qingxin-what should you explain, don't you know? (Three shifts)

Chu Baiqing was forced to brush her teeth three times by Gu Jue, and finally Gu Jue kissed him, and then stopped smoking.

The black-faced Gu Jue confined Chu Baiqing between the wall and his chest.

When Gu Jue asked Gu Jue to brush his teeth, he brushed his teeth. When Gu Jue kissed him, he did not resist.

One is that he is really tired, and the other is that he has resisted, and it is useless. Gu Jue eats soft or hard, and it is himself who angered him and suffered.

He didn't want to experience the pain just now, he didn't want to...

"Chu Baiqing, let me tell you, if I find you smoking again, I will let you give me toothpaste."

Gu Jue didn't say any threatening words, because he felt that he was actually quite persuasive.

Every time, Chu Baiqing was irritated to death, and kept saying harsh words, but when he saw him hurt or talk softly, I couldn't stand it anymore. Whatever harsh words or temperament, they all Fart.

Chu Baiqing didn't speak, looking at him like this, Gu Jue really wanted to bite him hard, it was really an eyesore to watch.

You are full of anger and hideous, and his response to you is always that faint and lukewarm.

It feels like a punch on cotton.

Chu Baiqing was indeed tired. After struggling with Gu Jue for so long, he had already consumed his remaining strength.

Now he just wants to sleep.

Chu Baiqing has a problem, that is, when he is tired and sleepy, he must sleep, or he will feel dizzy and nauseous.

That is the sequelae of long-term high-pressure work.

Each operation is very intensive for him, because his nerves are tight, a shake of his hand or a mistake in judgment will cause unimaginable consequences.

"I want to sleep..." Chu Baiqing's voice was already sleepy.

There is ambiguity in the husky...

"Fuck, you still want to sleep."

Gu Jue almost didn't come up in one breath, so angry.

Love can't be done, but you have to make it clear about the girlfriend's thing.

Finally, Chu Baiqing took Gu Jue to bed and talked. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

"Qing Ran was introduced by his eldest brother, from the Su family, his father is..."

Chu Baiqing talked about Su Qingran's family background, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Jue.

"I don't want to listen to their family, their family is just a **** to me."

Gu Jue has never been interested in these irrelevant people and things.

Perhaps, apart from Chu Baiqing, there is nothing worthy of his interest right now.

"What should you explain, don't you know it yourself?"

Gu Jue lit a cigarette irritably, usually in front of Chu Baiqing, he did not smoke.

But now he wants to smoke...

Smelling the smoke, Chu Baiqing actually opened his eyes and looked at the smoke, he even sniffed and asked about the smell of smoke.

Such an action, like a teasing, slightly arched body, making the collarbone bulge, **** and sultry...

Gu Jue's Adam's apple slid involuntarily, but when he realized that Chu Baiqing was smoking indirectly.

He is grumpy again...

"Do you really want to die? If you don't let you smoke, you will smell it?"

Gu Jue waved the smoke with his hand...

"Then don't smoke!" Chu Baiqing didn't know what was wrong with herself, so she wanted to smoke today.

Smelling the smoke just now seemed like an addiction.

"What am I...not smoking!"

Gu Jue wanted to say, I can smoke, but you just can't smoke.

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