The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 990: A Gu Qingxin-Optional, some texts are slightly different (five changes)

Chu Baiqing didn't expect the third brother to call him, and felt a little uneasy.

After Feng Xi learned that there was a problem between him and Gu Jue, he was now a little scared. He didn't know when the eldest and third brothers would know, and then there was confusion...

Chu Baiqing looked at herself in the mirror, except that her complexion was not so good.

He only woke up after three o'clock in the morning, and he had been so fainted all the time.

Chu Baiqing knew that her illness should be serious, or she would faint if her eyes turned black.

The third brother and the third sister-in-law came together.

Chu Baiqing realized that it was Su Qingran who was worried about herself, and then called Sansao, saying that she was sick and did not go to the hospital.

Let them have time to look at him.

Su Qingran didn't say about fainting, so Chu Baiqing could lie a little bit.

"Three brothers and three sisters, drink water." Chu Baiqing poured a glass of water for Li Beichen and Huo Qingge, and then sat on the opposite sofa.

"It's okay if you don't go to the hospital?" Li Beichen frowned and asked, seeing that Chu Baiqing's face was not good.

"It's just too tired, not sick, Qing Ran is too worried!"

Everyone knows that I have been busy all the time, so this excuse has always been very useful.

"Bo Qing, I know you like your job very much, but when you treat others, should you also consider your own physical condition."

Li Beichen was most assured of Chu Baiqing, except for his enthusiasm for work, there was really nothing to worry about.

"Brother, I know, I will pay attention."

Chu Baiqing knew that the third brother was worried about him, so lying like this made him feel uncomfortable.

"Why isn't Gu Jue at home?"

Gu Jue had nothing to do. He was basically at home. Why didn't Chu Baiqing see anyone since he was ill.

Everyone has become accustomed to Gu Jue's staying with Chu Baiqing. This place has long become their home.

"He has something!" Chu Baiqing lowered her head when she said this.

Huo Qingge looked at Chu Baiqing and felt that he was hiding something.

She thought that Li Beichen would never think of the matter between Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue.

Before, she had guessed that there was a problem between Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue, but she became more certain that something was wrong between the two of them.

Chu Baiqing's figure is very thin, and her skin is very fair, especially in this white house. With the white clothes set off, her handsome face is pale and bloodless.

"Bo Qing, I'll cook a bowl of noodles for you!" Huo Qingge stood up and said, worried about his body.

Huo Qingge thought of the three words "morbid beauty".

"Don't bother Sansao, I'm not hungry!"

Chu Baiqing is ashamed to trouble Huo Qingge, he knows that his third brother always loves his third sister-in-law, and he can't bear to let her be tired.

"Let your Sansao make it for you. If you feel embarrassed, eat more!"

In Li Beichen's view, although his brothers were not related by blood, they were fateful friendships, and he cherished each one of them.

"Then trouble Sansao!"

Chu Baiqing was not easy to shirk, he also knew that if he didn't eat anymore, his body would be unable to support it.

Huo Qingge smiled and went to the kitchen...

"Big brother, he also said that he wanted to pick a woman for Gu Jue, his temperament is difficult! Aunt Qin gave me a lot of phone calls, worrying about his marriage issues!"

Gu Jue usually likes to pester Chu Baiqing, so Chu Baiqing's temperament can tolerate him.

Sometimes if Gu Jue meets Feng Xi, the two of them will blush because of a trivial matter, and neither will let anyone else.

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