The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 130: You doctor is a bit incompetent

(Today is also updated in three chapters)

Yang Qingyin's physique is not very good. Last time I visited the Old Summer Palace with Luo Ziling, she finally couldn't help her physical strength. Later, Luo Ziling took her out. But today, she did not appear to be exhausted.

The very important reason is that the prescription provided by Luo Ziling has worked, and the mood is very good, the whole person is in a state of excitement. Also, Luo Ziling was very careful, and didn't take her to walk for a long time in one breath, take a break after walking, and the speed was not fast. Look at the scene and take pictures. Stopping and walking, the physical exertion was not great, and Yang Qingyin did not show physical weakness.

When it was almost dusk, the two ate something casually in the scenic spot.

After visiting the scenic area of ​​farming and weaving pictures, we return to the original road, passing the Yulan Room and Wenchang Pavilion to the Seventeen Kong Bridge.

There is a pavilion at the head of the bridge, which is said to be the largest surviving ancient building pavilion in China. The two took a group photo there and asked someone to take it. The photos were taken very well. The handsome men and women in the photos not only amazed the people who helped to take the photos, but Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin couldn't help but marvel.

"Senior Sister, isn't this handsome guy who gave you the green leaf?" Looking at the photo, Luo Ziling couldn't help but proudly said, "Is your red flower more beautiful?"

"It's getting dark, and the scenery on the side is not clear, just two ugly big heads," Although he was quite satisfied with this photo, Yang Qingyin still showed disdain in the face of Luo Ziling's stinky beauty.

"Hey," Luo Ziling smiled triumphantly, "two big heads are also good, the background is dim, so artistic. Since you don't like it, then I won't give it to you."

The photo was taken with Luo Ziling's mobile phone. After seeing the photo with Yang Qingyin, he prepared to put it away.

"You don't want me to save this photo?" Yang Qingyin rolled her eyes at Luo Ziling, "Just forget it if you don't want to send it to me!"

"Go back and send it to you together. The photos you took on your phone will also be sent to me," Luo Ziling immediately became softened, and said with a grin: "I want to organize an album and put your photos and group photos together."

"That's your business, it has nothing to do with me," Although Yang Qingyin said this, there was an unconcealed smile in her eyes when she said this.

The pavilion where the two took pictures is facing the 17-hole bridge, and the pavilion forms a symmetrical distribution with Nanhu Island on the other side of the bridge. The bridge has 17 holes, so it is called the 17-hole bridge. There are 558 lions of various shapes on the bridge, which is more than the number of lions in the Lugou Bridge, which is called countless lions. It was already night, but there were a lot of lights in the pavilion and on the bridge, reflecting in the water, it looked strange.

The two of them didn't cross the bridge to see the scenery on the other side. It was too late and they had to come again next time.

"Let's go, I'll be locked in for a while," Yang Qingyin showed Luo Ziling the time on the phone and smiled: "Come again next time."

"Good!" Luo Ziling naturally agreed, holding Yang Qingyin's hand and walking out of the Summer Palace.

"Let's have supper together?" Luo Ziling suggested after walking out of the Summer Palace: "I'm hungry again, would you please have a big meal?"

"Okay," Yang Qingyin did not refuse, but asked mischievously, "What else did you promise me?"

"When eating supper, find a box," Luo Ziling's expression was meaningful when he said this.

Yang Qingyin blushed and stared at Luo Ziling, without saying anything.

After leaving the Summer Palace, it was exactly eight o'clock in the evening. Yang Qingyin proposed to go to a well-known western restaurant nearby for supper, and she treats her.

"A student who performed well today should be rewarded. How about I invite you to have a big meal and Western food?"

"I have never eaten Western food, what should I do if I make a fool of myself?" Luo Ziling was a little embarrassed.

"Senior sister teaches you that if you don't want to pay tuition, you can accept your mangy."

"Then I'll follow the senior sister's arrangement with a cheeky!" Luo Ziling agreed shamelessly.

Followed Yang Qingyin to the western restaurant called "Swallow Garden" near the school and asked for a fully enclosed box.

Yang Qingyin asked Luo Ziling to order, but Luo Ziling, who didn't understand Western food, let Yang Qingyin do it for him. Yang Qingyin ordered a fruit salad, a small pizza, and a steak for Luo Ziling, the cooked one, and a drink.

While waiting for the meal, Luo Ziling played the role of a doctor and checked Yang Qingyin.

Look at the complexion, take the pulse, and use all the basic skills of watching, hearing, asking, and cutting. After a diagnosis, Luo Ziling smiled and said: "I originally wanted to use a special technique to pinch a few acupuncture points for you, but now I don't think it is necessary. Or, I will use moxibustion plus prescriptions to restore health for you!"

"Acupuncture?" Yang Qingyin, who doesn't know much about Chinese medicine, asked with some confusion: "Do you want to get a needle? I'm most afraid of it!"

"No need," Luo Ziling said about the difference between acupuncture and moxibustion in acupuncture. "Acupuncture is what most of us think of as acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture at some acupoints works well, but it works well for those who need it The requirements are high. Of course, using this method to treat your minor illnesses has the fastest effect, but it is not necessary and...not very convenient."

The main reason why Luo Ziling does not recommend acupuncture is inconvenience, because several acupuncture points are in or near parts.

Seeing that Luo Ziling blushed and stammered a bit when she spoke, Yang Qingyin probably understood the meaning and couldn't help but smile.

Luo Ziling smiled continued: “The method of moxibustion is to burn, iron and apply moxibustion sticks or moxibustion grass on the acupoints of the body using heat. The cìjī and medicine can prevent and treat diseases. For this, without me, you can treat it according to my method. Then I will adjust a few moxibustion sticks for you."

After speaking, he smiled shyly, "Actually, the effect of pinching acupuncture points is also quite good. I will teach you the method of pinching at that time. You can pinch these acupuncture points yourself, or let your roommate help Now. Especially...that...when you feel uncomfortable, a pinch is very effective, maybe it will ease."

After listening to Luo Ziling's words, Yang Qingyin looked at him earnestly, and looked at Luo Ziling a little hairy.

Just when Luo Ziling looked confused, Yang Qingyin burst into a smile: "You doctor, a little incompetent!"

Luo Ziling blushed immediately and his heartbeat speeded up, but he didn't dare to take Yang Qingyin's words, he just smiled.

Soon, the food they ordered came up.

Before eating, Luo Ziling asked the waiter for paper and pen, and then wrote a prescription for Yang Qingyin.

"Smoggy days and poor air, I will give you a health-care prescription to clear your lungs."

Yang Qingyin stretched out his hand to take it, looked at it carefully, put it in his small bag, and joked by the way: "Your handwriting is pretty. I will save the prescription you wrote. Maybe you will have it later. Fame, your words are very valuable!"

"Words are not valuable, but prescriptions are valuable!"

These words made Yang Qingyin's heart move.

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