The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 179: Attend the reception

(Four more today)

During the military training the next day, Lin Lin directly invited Luo Ziling.

"Ziling, let's go to the cocktail party today, okay?" When she invited Luo Ziling, Lin Lin was quite shy, as if she was afraid that Luo Ziling would refuse.

Several of her roommates followed, hoping that Luo Ziling would definitely go, or Lin Lin would definitely be sad.

This situation made Luo Ziling very embarrassed, but in the end he did not refuse.

Luo Ziling agreed, and Lin Lin was naturally very happy.

"Why does it feel wrong?" Luo Ziling asked Cao Jianhui puzzledly when they returned to the bedroom together.

"It's normal for her to like you!" Cao Jianhui said with a faint look: "You are handsome and tall, and you rescued her from the **** that day. Of course she has a good impression of you."

"Boss, these girls in our class all have a good impression of you. As long as you beckon, no matter who will surrender to you." Li Fuming said with a mysterious face: "If you want to break the body of chùnán, you can find which one in the class Girls, they must be very willing."

"Go go," Cao Jianhui kicked Li Fuming away. "Old Dalian Ouyang Huihui doesn't like měinǚ, but are these girls in the class? People already have Yang Qingyin, you said he can watch the class. Female classmate?"

Luo Ziling was furious after hearing this, and kicked three guys each: "I have warned you, don't talk nonsense, and yell?"

"Isn't there no one on the side?" Cao Jianhui said with a smile: "If there is someone on the side, we will definitely not say."

The other two guys also hurriedly promised that they would never talk nonsense in front of other people, and Luo Ziling was relieved of his anger.

After returning to the dormitory, the four of them took turns taking a bath, preparing to follow Lin Lin to the reception.

"Boss, why don't you wear your Versace suit?" Seeing that Luo Ziling was just wearing ordinary casual clothes, Cao Jianhui asked curiously: "If you go in that suit, maybe a group of měinǚ will take the initiative. Seduce you. You don't know, the reception is the easiest place to happen."

"No," Luo Ziling shook his head. He didn't want to be too high-profile. Since knowing the price of that suit, he dare not wear it easily.

Ling Ruonan sent someone to give him clothes, but he was reluctant to wear them.

He had taken a good look at the gifts Ling Ruonan gave him, and tried on the clothes, but only the watch was officially worn for a few days.

But now the watch is also hidden by him. Since knowing that this watch is also very valuable, he dare not wear it.

"When you go to a specific occasion, wear the clothes she gave and wear the watch she gave!" Luo Ziling comforted herself like this.

Except for Luo Ziling, the other three guys all wore the best clothes and dressed up in front of the mirror for a long time.

Especially Cao Jianhui, who actually used perfume and got mousse on his hair, aroused ridicule of the other three people.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Lin called and said that they were going to wait at the school gate. A car came to pick them up, and four people from Luo Ziling hurried over.

When Luo Ziling arrived at the school gate with Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang, Lin Lin and several of her roommates were already waiting in a 10-seater commercial vehicle.

"My aunt's company opened and held a cocktail party and invited some people from the community to join in. I was afraid that some invited guests would not come, so it was cold, and asked me to find a few classmates to gather the number of people. Anyway, there is food. If you have a drink, you can also meet the world, so I invited everyone to go and have a good time." After the car started, Lin Lin also explained to everyone with a little embarrassment.

Lin Lin and several of her classmates have all dressed up carefully, and they all look pretty, especially Lin Lin. After carefully dressed up, they have the charm of a professional woman. Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, Wu Longjiang and others look at them from time to time. Last glance.

Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang also dressed up for a while. Only Luo Ziling, dressed in an ordinary costume, would think that anyone who saw him would think that he was just a rigid student who had never seen him in the world.

When getting in the car, the seat next to Lin Lin was empty. She invited Luo Ziling to sit there, but Luo Ziling squeezed with Li Fuming first and pushed Cao Jianhui over.

Cao Jianhui sat down with a cheeky face. Although Lin Lin was a little disappointed in her heart, she said nothing in the end.

The car soon came to the five-star "Northern Hotel" where the reception was held.

After getting out of the car at the entrance of the lobby, the group followed the welcoming guests waiting there to the banquet hall on the second floor.

Today the entire second floor was taken down by Lin Lin's aunt, and the banquet hall was also very luxurious.

It was not too early or too late for them to come. There were already many people in the banquet hall, but there was still about half an hour before the buffet reception officially started.

After a group of people and Lin Lin walked into the banquet hall, a middle-aged woman who was pretty well-dressed, and whose figure and appearance were all good, greeted her.

"Lin'er, here comes," the woman greeted Lin Lin with a smile, and nodded to a group of classmates with a'er, please entertain your classmates, my aunt and uncle want to receive guests. Dear students, I’m sorry, but the food and drink are all over there, so just feel free. "

Cao Jianhui quickly said that it was okay and asked Lin Lin's aunt to leave them alone.

At this time, a large group of people walked in at the entrance of the banquet hall, headed by two handsome young men who were very well-dressed.

"Unexpectedly, Young Master Ling was here today," Lin Lin's aunt said embarrassed again after seeing the unusually handsome young man who came in, "He is a distinguished guest, I will come over to meet him. Several classmates, really Sorry."

"You can take whatever you want to eat, drink whatever you want," Lin Lin played the role of a half master and greeted everyone enthusiastically: "Let's play our own, leave them alone. Today we are here to gather the number of people. Everyone is full of food and drink today. Don’t worry about other tasks."

The freshmen are not deeply involved in the world. Although Lin Lin's words sounded a little uncomfortable in Cao Jianhui's ears, they were only a little unhappy about the number of people, but they didn't care. And because I wanted to pursue Lin Lin, I quickly yelled for help and took the lead to get food and drink.

After entering, Luo Ziling had put on his big glasses, he didn't want to be recognized by others. They didn't move around either, but very low-key together with Li Fuming, holding a plate to eat, and preparing to eat something first.

Just when Luo Ziling and Li Fuming took some food and drink in a low-key manner, and were about to find a place to hide and fill their stomachs, there was a quarrel not far away.

At first glance, it turned out that Cao Jianhui had an argument with a young man who had just entered.

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