The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 226: I want to tell you about Yang Qingyin

(Thanks to the novel book friends for their rewards. Ask for collections, recommended tickets, wonderful book reviews, full praise and rewards, all kinds of requests... The chapter is updated at ten o'clock in the evening)

Luo Ziling, Cao Jianhui, Li Fuming, and Wu Longjiang went to a very clean restaurant outside for dinner.

"Boss, most of the acne on my face really disappeared," Cao Jianhui said while waiting for the dish, pointing to his face that was much cleaner but darker than before he came to school, "Your prescription is really good. The effect, I believe what you said when you gave me the prescription, it will surely cure the acne in two months."

"Can you fulfill your original promise?" Luo Ziling looked at Cao Jianhui with a playful look, "You said that you covered my college living expenses for several years."

"No problem," Cao Jianhui patted his chest and said boldly: "Brother has always said everything he said, and he will definitely do what he said. Starting next month, I will cover all your living expenses. I use a bank card or WeChat to transfer it to you, and Alipay is okay."

Li Fuming and Wu Longjiang looked at Luo Ziling with envy.

Wu Longjiang, who drank a cup of tea fiercely, said to Cao Jianhui with a smile on his face, "Or, by the way, we also pack ours."

"Yes, that is," Li Fuming pointed his head like a chicken pecking rice, "Anyway, the squad leader has money, so let's be ours, hehe."

"Go away," Cao Jianhui was angry, and opened Li Fuming's extended hand, "I don't want to look in the mirror. I want to be a man, and I won't cover a man with no body and face like you."

Li Fuming wasn't annoyed, but still giggled and said, "Then you like a man like the boss?"

"Good friends, for the rest of my life," Wu Longjiang yelled blindly, and raised the tea in his hand, and raised his voice at Luo Ziling and Cao Jianhui, "I wish you all grow old."

"Two bastards, do you want to be beaten?" Cao Jianhui scolded with a smile: "You are still getting old, and I will let you water your feet in a while."

With that, he picked up the tea cup in his hand and was about to pour it on the head of Wu Longjiang, but it was snatched by Luo Ziling.

"Okay, okay," Luo Ziling pulled Cao Jianhui back to his seat and smiled: "Even if the prescription is given to you, I don't want you to cover the living expenses of my university. You can take care of the three roommates in the same dormitory in the future. . You are the monitor, everyone needs you to take care of."

"This is no problem," Cao Jianhui slapped his chest. "If Teacher He continues to let me be the monitor, I will definitely take care of you the best. However, I will do what I promised you. I have covered the living expenses of the university for several years."

"Don't, don't, don't," Luo Ziling hurriedly waved his hand, "If you are like this, people really think I've been bāoyǎng by you. Or else, you should help us buy breakfast every day, how about?"

"No," Cao Jianhui resolutely refused, "I won't buy you breakfast. I sacrificed a good time to sleep, so I won't do it."

"Okay, okay, the food is here, eat it," Luo Ziling hurriedly greeted as the waiter brought the food, "We are brothers. Let's take care of each other in the future. Don't talk about living expenses, otherwise we will Give birth."

Cao Jianhui didn't say anything, but patted him heavily on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Good brother."

Several people frolicked, and the atmosphere suddenly became warm.

Cao Jianhui opened a few bottles of beer, and each one sent a bottle in front of them. He asked for a case of twelve bottles of beer, three for each.

Soon, a few people were enthusiastic about drinking and eating.

As he was eating, Luo Ziling's mobile phone rang, and he took out a look at the Hào code, and he stayed there immediately.

It was the cool and beautiful woman who gave him a gift last time, and immediately said to the other guys who were drinking, “I’ll answer the phone first.”

Without waiting for other people to respond, he immediately walked out of the small restaurant.

"Hey," Luo Ziling took a few deep breaths after walking out of the restaurant, then answered the phone, his greetings were trembling: "Hello!"

"Hello, Ziling," the woman said in a gentle voice from the other end of the phone, "Are you at school?"

"I have dinner at the entrance of the school," Luo Ziling replied faithfully, "It's at the Chuanwei Xiaozhu outside the east gate of the school."

"I'm outside the east gate of your school," the woman's voice said softly, "Can you come and see me?"

Luo Ziling was stunned, and didn't know how to respond.

The other party did not urge or hang up the phone, but waited quietly.

Luo Ziling forced herself to calm down. After taking a deep breath, he replied: "Okay, I'll come to find you, where exactly are you."

The woman replied straightforwardly: "My license plate is Beijing a6789, and the black license plate is Audi a6. I am standing by the car waiting for you."

"Okay, I'll be here soon." Luo Ziling hung up first.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Ziling didn't go over immediately. Instead, after breathing heavily, he walked back to the small restaurant and talked to the other three guys. He said that someone was looking for him, so he went to take a look.

"Go, go, měinǚ summon, you go over immediately, it's better to bring her over to eat with us," Cao Jianhui thought it was Yang Qingyin looking for Luo Ziling, he laughed and joked, "You can also make us long faces ,Hey Hey."

Luo Ziling ignored Cao Jianhui's joke, UU Reading hurriedly left the small restaurant and ran in the direction the woman said.

Soon, he saw the black-branded Audi car and the woman in the cyan professional suit standing beside the car.

Although the woman wore a pair of big black-rimmed glasses to cover most of her face, she still couldn't conceal her beauty. Everyone who walked by her looked sideways. But because of her great aura, no one dared to come over and strike up a conversation.

"Hello," Luo Ziling ran to her quickly, blushing and greeted.

Seeing Luo Ziling, the woman who was cold-faced immediately smiled and called out softly, "Ziling."

Without waiting for Luo Ziling's answer, she opened the door and signaled Luo Ziling to get in the car, "Sit in the car for a while, and I want to tell you something."

Luo Ziling didn't hesitate to listen to the woman's instructions and got into the car. He thought Ling Ruonan would be in the car.

But to his disappointment, there was no one in the car, just a few boxes on the seats.

The woman immediately saw Luo Ziling's disappointment and gently explained: "She can't come to see you yet, please forgive me."

"Okay," Luo Ziling rushed to the woman sitting next to him and laughed forcefully, then asked in a low voice, "What does she want you to tell me?"

"She really wants to see you, but for many reasons, she can't see you in person. This is also for your good. I hope you can understand."

Luo Ziling nodded without saying anything.

"I want to tell you about Yang Qingyin."


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