The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 243: It's really a narrow road

It rained all night, and it was still falling when I got up the next morning.

Woke up very early, opened the window and saw Luo Ziling who was still raining outside, suddenly a little depressed.

If the weather has been like this today, there is no way to go out and play.

Rainy days in the grasslands are very annoying.

The weather here is already cold. If you get wet, a weak person like Yang Qingyin is likely to get cold.

However, Yang Qingyin didn't care at all. It was not convenient to go out when it rained outside, and she was still very interested.

"Brother, do you know how to play Go?" When she got up in the morning and came to visit, she smiled and asked Luo Ziling, "Should we talk about a game?"

"You also brought Go?" Luo Ziling was surprised.

"Well," Yang Qingyin nodded, "I hear you say that piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are good, then take advantage of the rain today and ask you about chess skills."

"Red sleeves add fragrance, and life is a great joy. I don’t want to spend the night and a half, I will knock the chess pieces and fall the lights. Although it’s not at night, I will be accompanied by měinǚ, and I will definitely have a lot of fun to talk about a game." Luo Ziling teased Yang Qingyin. After the sentence, he smiled and said: "Then let me learn about the chess skills of the legendary school sister who is good at chess, piano, calligraphy and painting."

As a result, Yang Qingyin's eyes rolled in exchange for this joke.

Yang Qingyin asked Ye Xiaoli to take the pair of Go that he had brought.

After making tea, using the mobile phone to find Shougu Le, the two sat opposite each other and began to play.

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you lose. It is already a great enjoyment in life to smell the scent of senior sister," Luo Ziling joked again when Yang Qingyin was asked to take the lead. "I think I will definitely lose today. , Fascinated by the fragrance of the senior sister's body."

"Ignore you if you talk nonsense," Yang Qingyin gave Luo Ziling a sideways glance, and two slender fingers took a chess piece and placed it on the chessboard.

"Then don't speak, concentrate on playing chess," Luo Ziling stretched out his hand and scratched his nose, and amidst Yang Qingyin's anger, he also started to move.

Yang Qingyin played chess very fast. She didn't think much about the previous dozens of moves. This is how she did things. And Luo Ziling also likes to play fast chess. After only ten minutes, there are many chess pieces on the board.

"It looks like it's really not bragging." Yang Qingyin was awarded the honor of professional second-tier chess from elementary school last year. She originally thought that her chess skills must be better than Luo Ziling.

But after playing dozens of pieces, it was discovered that this guy is also a master of Go, stronger than her in momentum, and every move is an aggressive attack.

Although Yang Qingyin usually looks gentle and graceful, but in his bones is a very strong and courageous woman, no matter what she does, she is straightforward, and playing chess is also in this style. Luo Ziling's temperament is more straightforward and strong than Yang Qingyin, and this character is also reflected in chess, so when confronted with Yang Qingyin, the two are in a tit-for-tat posture.

The two were indistinguishable on the chessboard, and Yang Qingyin increasingly discovered that Luo Ziling's chess skills were very good, no worse than her.

Luo Ziling was surprised that Yang Qingyin was so good at chess.

But he was also very pleased. It seemed that the rumors that Yang Qingyinqin, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy were excellent should be true.

"Ah," Yang Qingyin couldn't help but screamed in a low voice when he suddenly realized that one of his big dragons might be encircled and annihilated by Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling endured the pride in his heart, but did not urge, but looked at the chessboard with furrowed brows, as if he did not realize that he could win in the middle of the game.

Yang Qingyin wanted to use the "catastrophe" to make his big dragon survive. Luo Ziling was "careless", and Yang Qingyin succeeded in the "catastrophe".

Seeing that his big dragon had two eyes with anger, Yang Qingyin couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and gave Luo Ziling a little triumphantly. However, she immediately realized that the situation was not right. Luo Ziling looked at her with a weird look, and immediately understood that Luo Ziling had let him deliberately just now.

"School brother, you are naughty," she stretched out her hand and squeezed Luo Ziling's face, "you could kill my dragon just now, did you let me deliberately?"

"Senior sister, friendship is first, and the game is second. We are planning to make peace, okay?" Yang Qingyin's mind was broken, and Luo Ziling laughed.

"Oh, don't let me," Yang Qingyin said a little angrily: "Playing chess with others, I never allow them to let me. To lose, it is clear to lose, and to win, to win upright."

With that said, he threw the black ball in his hand on the chessboard, which was regarded as a throw-in.

"I didn't let you. I just looked at your beautiful face and neglected," Luo Ziling said solemnly: "I was fascinated by your beauty, what should I do?"

"Hate," Two blushes floated on her cheeks, Yang Qingyin slapped Luo Ziling shyly, and then joked him: "Do you know how to make girls happy?"

"It's fine if you are happy," Luo Ziling smiled more brilliantly, "Or, let's have another set?"

"Forget it, no more, not as good as you," Yang Qingyin stood up and walked to the window, seeing that there was still drizzle outside, and asked Luo Ziling with a smile: "Shall we go out for a stroll?"

"Are you afraid of getting wet on rainy days?"

"It's not easy to travel in the mountains in the rain, but it is surrounded by mountains and lakes, and the scenery is very good on rainy days!"

Luo Ziling was surprised: "This poem refers to the West how did you use it on the grassland?"

"There are mountains and lakes nearby. Of course you can use them." Yang Qingyin looked at Luo Ziling mischievously. "But the West Lake in the rain is the most beautiful. Next time I will take you to the West Lake in the rain."

Luo Ziling was overjoyed and quickly agreed: "Of course it's good, but don't break your promise."

As he said, Yang Qingyin stretched out his little finger.

Yang Qingyin giggled and hooked Luo Ziling.

Since Yang Qingyin wanted to walk outside, Luo Ziling certainly wouldn't brush her mind.

Therefore, Luo Ziling gave Yang Qingyin his jacket to wear, then opened his umbrella and left the hotel.

They are going to play in Liushugou Scenic Area.

They originally wanted to go there today, but the rain affected their decision. In the end, the two decided to go there in the rain.

Ye Xiaoli followed them with an umbrella, and she continued to act as a driver and bodyguard.

Just as the three people walked out of the hotel lobby one after another and were about to drive to the parking lot, a surprised voice came from a car nearby: "Yang Daxiaojie?!"

Because Ye Xiaoli was behind, Yang Qingyin and Luo Ziling, who did not walk hand in hand, looked back at the same time.

At first glance, they were shocked.

The one who called them out was Ling Haijun, a young man from the Ling family who had been in conflict with Luo Ziling.

It's really Yuanjia Luzhai, who unexpectedly ran into Ling Haijun here---Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin were both depressed.

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