The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 314: Yang Qingyin's reminder

{If nothing happens, more chapters should be added tomorrow}

Luo Ziling came back forty minutes after leaving.

When he came back, Li Haiyang and Yang Qingyin had finished talking about business matters, and they were chatting gossips there.

"I'm back?" Seeing Luo Ziling's return, Yang Qingyin immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile on his face, "How was the visit? What's the gain?"

"I am a layman with regard to military and weapons, but I have learned a lot during the visit with my predecessors today and benefited a lot." Luo Ziling showed a bright smile to Yang Qingyin, and then walked to Li Haiyang and sat down. Senior, when are you going back?"

"It's okay, don't go back with me. You can go back with the young granddaughter of the Yang family for a while." Li Haiyang smiled and said to Luo Ziling, "You have been with me for a long time. Right? Let's go if you are tired, ha ha!"

"Senior, let me squeeze it for you again!" Luo Ziling knew that he was accompanying Li Haiyang on the tour today in the name of a health doctor. Li Haiyang worked hard for a long time, and looked tired, so he wanted to show his hospitality again.

Li Haiyang did not refuse either.

Luo Ziling squeezed it hard for him, and then stopped after sweating.

After stopping, Li Haiyang felt a little sleepy, and Li Haiyang, who wanted to sleep, suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, I want to give you a gift today, I almost forgot." Li Haiyang said, instructing the staff to bring the gift to Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin were waiting curiously, they wanted to know what gifts Li Haiyang would give.

When the accompanying staff brought the gifts, Luo Ziling was stunned.

Yang Qingyin is the same.

It was actually a blocking gun.

A black, delicate-looking blocking gun.

"This is a gift from a foreign friend when I participated in the special forces contest. But I have never used him, and I will pass it to you today." Li Haiyang looked at the very delicate blocking gun and introduced: "This is Beretta. The m9 sniper rifle is one of the famous gun series. Men, you should all love guns. You are also learning to shoot now. I really want to have a gun. I will give you one."

Of course Luo Ziling was overjoyed, and quickly reached out and took it, playing with it in his hand, looking like he couldn't put it down.

"But," Li Haiyang said again: "Your gun license has not been given to you yet, and you are not allowed to travel with a gun, so you cannot bring the gun back today. This gun will stay with me for the time being until the opportunity matures. Now that you have practiced your marksmanship, you can take it away."

"Thank you senior," Luo Ziling was very grateful for Li Haiyang's thoughtful consideration.

In fact, he was also afraid that it would be inconvenient to carry a gun, so he was a little entangled in how to take it back after accepting the gift. Listening to Li Haiyang's words, his worries disappeared.

After chatting with Li Haiyang again, Li Haiyang asked Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin to leave first on the grounds that he wanted to take a break.

The two also left the military museum.

"Senior sister, what did you talk about just now?" Luo Ziling asked curiously when he walked out of the military museum.

"You guessed it," Yang Qingyin smiled, put on his glasses and hat.

"Well, then I won't ask." Luo Ziling also smiled.

Luo Ziling opened the umbrella, and the two of them wore an umbrella and left the military museum, but because it was broad daylight, Luo Ziling did not dare to hold Yang Qingyin's body. After all, he still has to worry about being seen by the Yang family. Acts that are too intimate may irritate the Yang family.

"School brother, actually, there is one thing I still want to say," Yang Qingyin stopped after walking a few steps and looked up at Luo Ziling.

"What?" Luo Ziling was a little surprised.

"My grandfather and my father, if you do something against you, it is not terrible; if there is nothing, then it is the most terrible. Do you understand what I mean?"

Yang Qingyin's words caused Luo Ziling's heart to tremble.

Finally he nodded slightly: "I understand what you mean!"

Yang Qingyin said again: "If you do anything or meet anyone, you have to be more on guard."

"I remembered." Somehow, Yang Qingyin's words made Luo Ziling think of the hot měinǚ teacher Chen Wanqing who was also very hot. Because of Yang Qingyin's words, he felt that Chen Wanqing was too enthusiastic and bold to seduce, and it might have some special purpose.

Maybe it was sent by the Yang family.

Seeing Luo Ziling's thoughtful look, Yang Qingyin thought he didn't believe what she said, and then reminded him: "You are already known by many people, maybe you don't know, the Yanjing giants have been fighting very hard. Fierce, maybe you will be the object of calculation by many people. People from the Ling family, Yang family, Fang family, and Chen family may all calculate you, because you have a strong mother and she offends many people."

"I remember the teachings of senior sister," Luo Ziling agreed again, laughing: "The teachings of senior sister are the highest instructions, and I must always keep them in mind."

"Poor mouth," Yang Qingyin burst into laughter. He knew that Luo Ziling understood what she meant, and he didn't say anything that makes people feel heavy. "What's the highest instruction. I said junior, I have been with you for a long time today, you It should be a treat for the senior sister, right?"

"Of course," Luo Ziling readily agreed, "I have packed all my senior sister's dinner and supper today. What do you want to don't hesitate to say."

"What do you want to eat?" While they were talking, the two had already entered the subway station. When they walked up the escalator, Yang Qingyin took the initiative to grab Luo Ziling's hand. "Not long after you came to Yanjing, there are still a lot of delicious things you haven't eaten. If you say what you want to eat, I will accompany you."

"Go to the vicinity of Dashilan, I heard that a wonton shop there is delicious." Luo Ziling actually missed the delicious food there, but missed the scene when Yang Qingyin went to Dashilan last time.

The memory of that time was very beautiful, and he wanted to experience it again.

It's still raining today. It's nice to walk there in the rain, or to walk on the square together.

"As you wish, let's go." Yang Qingyin took the initiative to take Luo Ziling to the front.

After getting on the subway, the two of them could not find the location and could only stand.

Luo Ziling guarded Yang Qingyin very considerately, preventing others from touching her, lest someone take advantage of her.

This made Yang Qingyin's heart warm, this little boy was really considerate.

After getting off the subway, exiting the station, and walking towards Dashilan, Yang Qingyin hesitated, and said one thing that had been tangled for several days: "Brother, there is one more thing, I want to talk to Tell me."

"what's up?"

"My mom wants to see you!"

"No?" Luo Ziling was very surprised.

"If you don't want to see her, then forget it!" Yang Qingyin said with a smile: "Actually, I have already rejected her."

"Do you want me to see her? If you want, I would like to see your mother!"

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