The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 341: Would you like to cooperate with me

In the evening, Luo Ziling still agreed to Ouyang Feifei's invitation, had dinner with her, and went to discuss matters.

When eating lunch with Ouyang Huihui at noon, so many ambiguous things happened, Luo Ziling was embarrassed, but also had a subtle mentality.

He felt that Ouyang Huihui's attitude toward him had changed significantly, but he didn't know what this change represented.

Ouyang Feifei didn't invite Luo Ziling out for dinner, but when she arrived at her residence, she still let Wang Qing go to pick up Luo Ziling.

When Luo Ziling appeared in front of him, Ouyang Feifei explained: "It's better to feel better at home, and I'll send someone a meal."

When Ouyang Huihui said this, Luo Ziling was too embarrassed to say anything.

On the way, he asked Wang Qing where Ouyang Feifei was waiting for him, but Wang Qing looked too lazy to take care of him. He just said to take him to Ouyang Feifei's residence. Wang Qing was not very friendly to him, and Luo Ziling didn't care.

"I thought I would invite you to dinner. Now that I have arrived at your house, I will continue to rogue once and eat yours," Luo Ziling joked.

Today’s Ouyang Feifei is wearing a very casual dress, a knee-length skirt, a thin cyan sweater on top, and a thick braid on the back. There is no queen look anymore, but full of the girl next door. charm.

The two high places under the sweater and the měituǐ exposed under the skirt strongly attracted Luo Ziling's eyes.

When I saw Ouyang Feifei several times before, Luo Ziling didn’t pay attention to these gender characteristics, but today, he paid attention naturally. I don’t know if it was because of being cìjī by Ouyang Huihui at noon, or Ouyang Feifei’s today. The dress is very good.

Ouyang Feifei noticed the fall of Luo Ziling's eyes, and couldn't help feeling a little proud.

"Sit down," Ouyang Feifei had a faint smile on her face, and greeted Luo Ziling very gently: "Supper will be delivered later, let's talk about things first."

Luo Ziling also generously sat down opposite Ouyang Feifei, and the two sat across the coffee table. Sitting closer, I could smell the body scent from Ouyang Feifei, her měituǐ was close at hand again, Luo Ziling felt that his heartbeat couldn't help speeding up.

Ouyang Feifei did not intentionally or unintentionally yòuhuò like Chen Wanqing, but her appearance made Luo Ziling feel an attraction that she had never had before.

He didn't want to take advantage, he just couldn't help but want to look at her, want to breathe more of her smell. And he seemed quite nervous, but this kind of nervousness was completely different from the uncomfortable feeling before---well, this is because the little boys secrete very strong hormones.

"I went to visit your mother this morning," Ouyang Feifei saw Luo Ziling's embarrassment, and she became more and more proud.

When she spoke, her legs were crossed in front of her, her body was sitting tight, a slight smile appeared on her face, and she looked at Luo Ziling softly: "I told your mother what I told you yesterday."

"What did she say?" Luo Ziling asked Ouyang Feifei immediately.

"She said it's up to you to decide," Ouyang Feifei said with a smile: "Tomorrow night, you are going to have dinner. She should talk about this with you."

Ouyang Feifei even knew that he was going to Ling Ruonan for dinner tomorrow night. Luo Ziling knew that his mother had told Ouyang Feifei about this, proving that she still trusted the woman in front of her.

Immediately said: "Then I will ask her tomorrow. Actually, I don't have any ideas about making money and buying a family property."

"A man, it is impossible not to do something for the future, even if your mother is no matter how powerful. You don't want to eat the wealth your grandfather and your mother leave you for a lifetime, right?" Ouyang Feifei is like an elder , Yu Zhong said earnestly: "You have so many wealth-creating technologies that you don't use to cash it out, what a pity!"

Luo Ziling shook his head, "Actually, it is my grandfather who should cash in technology into wealth, but he has not done so. I know that he has a lofty ideal, that is, to develop our traditional medicine. He is letting When I came to the medical university, I said this to me: Now the development of Chinese medicine has stagnated. Most Chinese medicine practitioners are stuck at the point where they rely on studying ancient books to obtain diagnosis and treatment methods and methods. They are unwilling to innovate and will not go. Research, this is the sorrow of traditional medicine. No matter which discipline, it is developed through continuous exploration and research. Only when many people are willing to study can progress and development is possible. He hopes that I can integrate Chinese and Western medicine and become a generation of medical experts. Carry forward Chinese traditional medicine. I hope that I will not let my grandfather down."

Luo Ziling's words made Ouyang Feifei very moved.

She couldn't think that Luo Liansheng had such a lofty ideal, and he entrusted Luo Ziling to complete such an important task.

She believes that as long as Luo Ziling is given enough support, economically and politically, his idea will definitely be completed.

Now he smiled and said: "In fact, you contribute your grandfather and your research results to benefit more patients. This is also a way to promote traditional medicine, and it is a very good way.

If the drugs or secret recipes you develop have benefited many people and eliminated the pain of many, there will surely be many people who believe in our traditional medicine.

It is far better to use actual actions to promote the therapeutic effects of our traditional medicine. If you turn the secret recipes and medicines into commodities and enter the hospitals and major pharmacies, the patients will benefit. Not only is it an infinite merit, but it can also elevate the status of traditional medicine, and more importantly, you can also get from it. Wealth is something you can do in one fell swoop, you should do it without hesitation. "

It is rare for Ouyang Feifei to say so much in one breath. Today, facing Luo Ziling, he said so much in one breath, but still feels a little bit unsatisfied. However, she wisely stopped talking and waited for Luo Ziling's reaction.

"You seem to be touching me," Luo Ziling grinned.

When Ouyang Feifei spoke, her expression was very moving, and she rarely saw such vivid expressions when she was talking about business.

More importantly, the content of her words made him interested.

He almost never thought about the things Ouyang Feifei said just now.

After hearing what she said, he was greatly touched, and he can really make money for himself while benefiting the people and promoting traditional medicine like she said. Luo Ziling knows that the drugs and prescriptions developed by grandpa are very valuable. It can be said that those prescriptions can cure specific diseases.

Of course, many prescriptions and prescriptions are made by him. It can be said that many prescriptions and drugs were developed by their grandparents.

At this time, Ouyang Feifei said softly: "Will you cooperate with me?"

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