The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3517: We can't calm down

"Uh, I didn't expect the noble Princess Monikala would make such a joke." Luo Ziling added a few embarrassing expressions to the news.

As a result, he received several grimaces from Monica.

"I contacted you today to tell you something. Wilson went to Northern Europe. He is now sick and Steve is serving him. The news has not spread. Many people don't know, at least my parents don't. "

Seeing Monica add a bunch of weird expressions after the news, Luo Ziling was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Do you think Steve will really get pregnant?"

"Who knows. Anyway, we have given them a chance, how they will grasp it, we can't control it."

"Then are you going to Oslo?"

"No, I want to come to China. If I go to Oslo, it will be too late to come to China."

"Do you like China? Or do you prefer Northern Europe?"

"Why do you ask about this question?"

"Just curious!" Luo Ziling added two smiling faces at the end of the message.

"I like Northern Europe, because I often go wherever I go. I also like China, because I don’t know China. This is a mysterious country with a splendid civilization, more than one billion people, and countless foods. Beautiful scenery." Monica added a few mischievous expressions after the message.

"Uh, he really speaks like a diplomat."

"After I come to Huaxia, you have to accompany me to visit many places and eat Huaxia food with me."

"If you want to eat all the food of Huaxia and enjoy the beauty of Huaxia, you may not be able to do it if you marry to Huaxia."

"I won't marry China, I want to live in Europe all my life, and I want to be the queen of the future."

"Then I wish you success!"

"Well, I won't disturb you!" Monica also ended the chat wisely.

Later, she sent Luo Ziling a positive photo of herself, taken in a garden full of flowers.

Monica was wearing a gorgeous skirt and smiled like a flower, and any man would be heartbroken when he saw it.

"Don't seduce me, I hate women seduce me with beauty."

But Monica did not reply to the message.

Luo Ziling went to Li Haiyang's for dinner, and Li Haiyang called and invited him and Luo Yuqing to have dinner together.

After Luo Ziling thought for a while, he didn't refuse in the end and took Luo Yuqing with him.

At 7 o'clock this evening, he is going to 401 Hospital to give a lecture. The 401 hospital has been notified of the lecture arrangement, and the hospital has made all the arrangements. In this lecture, 401 Hospital made full use of its position in the medical field and applied for credits of the national continuing education category.

Participating students, as long as they attend the whole course and punch in and swipe their codes, they can get five points of credits.

This is Luo Ziling's honor. It is not so easy to give lectures with national-level credits, especially in the city of Yanjing.

Many scholars with academic titles or professorships are unable to approve lectures that want to apply for national education credits.

Luo Ziling didn't apply at all. The 401 Hospital helped him fix these, but he didn't know these at all, and thought it was just an ordinary lecture.

Luo Ziling only promised the hospital that he would arrive at the venue ten minutes early for the lecture at seven o'clock. He had already prepared the content of the lecture, so the hospital should not worry.

If the 401 hospital knew that Luo Ziling was going to give lectures this evening, he would go to other people's homes for dinner and come back after dinner, many people would be dumbfounded.

On the way to 401 Hospital with Luo Yuqing, Luo Ziling talked to Luo Yuqing casually.

Luo Yuqing seemed to know that she had done something silly again, so she was very obedient in front of Luo Ziling, not at all domineering.

"Are you to blame me?" She whispered to Luo Ziling on the way.

"Don't blame you!" Luo Ziling shook his head, "I just hope you can think twice about doing anything in the future. Maybe, if a person does not encounter setbacks, there is no lesson or experience to learn. Nor will he become mature. After experiencing things, With experience, you will gradually mature. We only hope that you don’t cause trouble and don’t make trouble for everyone. After all, this is an extraordinary period."

"Understood!" Luo Yuqing said coquettishly: "I will just listen to you in the future."

After arriving at Li Haiyang's house, Luo Yuqing sensibly went to the kitchen to help, and did not disturb Li Haiyang and Luo Ziling talking about things.

"This morning, your grandfather participated in an event, and I also participated." After sitting down, Li Haiyang said directly. "He told me about some recent events. I didn't expect that things will become more and more complicated. Originally I thought that as spring passed, everything would slowly calm down, at least this summer would be spent in peace."

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps going. I feel that way now." Luo Ziling smiled bitterly: "So, we can't calm down, we can only follow them."

"Your grandfather and grandfather clearly support your mother and son, so don't worry about it." Li Haiyang comforted Luo Ziling: "Moreover, one thing is very gratifying, that is, the two elderly people in our compound brought out and can affect People who are, but occupy a very important position. This is an absolute advantage and can overwhelm other aspects. The direction, Wu Dongfang, and Lin Zeping are under pressure because of this. As long as this point does not change, then The subsequent results are also predictable."

"That's good!" Luo Ziling smiled, "I'm really worried about being tricked by them."

Li Haiyang smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry about this. With your grandpa and grandfather, the combination of their father and son can at least hit the world invincible now."

After a pause, Li Haiyang said again: "I am most worried about Phoenix. Her abilities are good in all aspects, but she lacks the experience of taking charge of the overall situation. In the past few months, she has been in charge of Longteng's affairs and is obviously a little weak. However, this It is inevitable that everyone comes here like this. However, her background and qualifications make her quite Many people also want to get her down. If you have the opportunity, you have to help her. After all, your relationship is also good, and she is also a very good friend."

Although Li Haiyang hesitated to say it, how could Luo Ziling not understand what he meant, and immediately agreed.

"Actually, your father is almost the same as Phoenix, lacking the ability to control the overall situation. The same is true for me. This is a common problem of people like us, and there is no way to compare with people like your mother. After all, our living environment is relatively simple and mutual. Even if there is a fight, there are not so many twists and turns. It is impossible for your grandfather to tilt a lot of resources on him. So, if you feel this, don’t worry about anything. This is normal. If Ling Zhengping continues now With such a performance, your grandfather will definitely give resources to you and your mother."

After hearing this, Luo Ziling frowned slightly: "My grandpa asked you to tell me these things?"

"Of course he wouldn't ask for it, but he should have this meaning." Li Haiyang smiled meaningfully.

At the end, he said again: "You still have to worry about Ling Zhengping, he will cause trouble, but it will cause you huge trouble!"

These words surprised Luo Ziling.

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