The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 3997: showdown

Luo Yuqing would do such a thing, neither Luo Ziling nor Yang Qingyin was surprised.

This fits her character very well.

After the two parties said something, Luo Ziling served Yang Qingyin to sleep.

After Yang Qingyin fell asleep tiredly, he called Ouyang Feifei.

Ouyang Feifei is also taking a lunch break, but she has slept for a while, even if Luo Ziling does not call her, she will get up.

"I have something to do with you!" Luo Ziling explained directly.

"Then come where I live!" Ouyang Feifei's voice was full of flattery, "I'll take a shower first!"

But Luo Ziling refused.

He said he was waiting at the coffee shop on the second floor of the hotel where Ouyang Feifei was staying, and just let Ouyang Feifei stop and get down.

"What's the matter?" Luo Ziling's words surprised Ouyang Feifei.

But Luo Ziling did not explain.

Luo Ziling went out lightly. When he went out, he talked to Ye Xiaoli, saying that he had something to do and he would be back in an hour or two. Ye Xiaoli didn't doubt anything, she nodded and let Luo Ziling go.

After Luo Ziling came to the hotel where Ouyang Feifei was staying, he asked for a relatively closed place in the cafe on the second floor, and ordered some fruits and tea.

The waiter hasn't delivered the things, Ouyang Feifei has come down.

She simply combed her hair. Ouyang Feifei, who had no other dresses, looked lazy and cute.

"What happened?" Seeing Luo Ziling sitting there with a serious face, Ouyang Feifei smiled and sat down beside him, "Didn't he pick up his fiancee?"

"What did Luo Yuqing conspired with you?" Luo Ziling asked directly.

"What?" Ouyang Feifei was taken aback.

"Tell the truth!" Luo Ziling smiled, "You asked Luo Yuqing to conspire. Haven't you thought that she is very unreliable, right?"

"What do you mean?" Of course, Ouyang Feifei would not be so easily talked out by Luo Ziling, so she deliberately pretended to be stupid, "What do you want to say?"

Luo Ziling told Ouyang Feifei what Yang Qingyin told him, and said that it might have been revealed by Luo Yuqing himself, with the purpose of trying to fish in troubled waters and profit from it.

Or, I want to betray Ouyang Feifei.

Luo Ziling said so clearly, Ouyang Feifei had no choice but to deny it.

She thought that Luo Yuqing really told Luo Ziling the matter.

Luo Ziling didn't say that this was what Yang Qingyin told him, he waited for Ouyang Feifei to say it in person.

"I did have such thoughts. I talked to Luo Yuqing about this and hoped to get his help." Ouyang Feifei looked at Luo Ziling straight, "I know this is disgraceful, but as a woman, because of my heart What’s wrong with that love, do some ugly things?"

"Over the years, the things I have done have been lofty, but occasionally do a few things that I originally disdain, can’t I forgive them? Moreover, I didn’t do anything that I’m sorry for my conscience. I just love you and add Do you think you are a good match with Yang Qingyin."

Luo Ziling couldn't react to what Ouyang Feifei said so rightly.

Ouyang Feifei said again: "You and the Yang family are fighting like this. Will your relationship and marriage be happy? Do you want to repeat the experience of your parents again?"

Luo Ziling ignored Ouyang Feifei's question and asked, "Do you think that if you do this, what impression will be left in my heart? If other people know about it, including Qingyin, what will happen?"

Ouyang Feifei glanced at Luo Ziling twice, then lowered her head for a moment, and then asked softly: "Did Yang Qingyin tell you this?"

Luo Ziling didn't answer, just slowly drinking tea.

Luo Ziling did not answer, which is equivalent to acquiescence. Ouyang Feifei sighed again: "It should be Luo Yuqing who took the initiative to tell Yang Qingyin, but not directly, but through other means. With your cleverness, of course you think It’s because she’s playing tricks. I did look away, but I didn’t expect her to be such a person."

"An alliance based on interest is not reliable at any time, isn't it?" Luo Ziling looked at Ouyang Feifei with a sarcastically look, "I think your Miss Ouyang made such a decision must be impulsive, and did not consider it well. In fact, I really want to know, what plan have you put together?"

"There is nothing in total. After reaching an agreement with her, she was dragged to Qiantang by your mother." Ouyang Feifei said angrily: "I came this time, originally wanting to tell her about this matter, let her not What to toss about, because I don’t want to do anything. I didn’t expect that she would betray me!"

After a pause, she said again: "Perhaps she felt that I had no plans to cooperate with her on this matter. She couldn't get any benefits, so she took the opportunity to betray me."

"This is a matter between you," Luo Ziling said irritably, "I don't think your cooperation can be so plausible!"

"I will ask Yang Qingyin to say sorry, and I will explain to her clearly that I didn't do anything." When I said this, Ouyang Feifei felt a little frustrated.

Of course she couldn't have done nothing. Some things Luo Ziling didn't know clearly about her investigation was that she had some tricks behind her back.

Of course, she didn't want to do that for Luo Ziling, but just to destroy the relationship between Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin.

Yang Qingyin is now desperate, almost breaking with the family, and Ouyang Feifei is credited with it.

Ouyang Feifei would never tell anyone about this, and no one knew that she did these things.

The current situation has basically developed as Ouyang Feifei expected. The battle between Luo Ziling, Ling Ruonan and the Yang family has become increasingly fierce, and the final conflict will soon erupt.

Ouyang Feifei firmly believes that Luo Ziling and Ling Ruonan will win, and the Yang family will decline just like the Chen family.

If this is the case, then she has gained a lot.

However, the relationship between Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin has not deteriorated as she thought. Luo Ziling is very tolerant to Yang Qingyin, and Yang Qingyin is also very determined, even preparing to break with her family.

She originally thought that Yang Qingyin would retreat because of the coercion of the family, and Luo Ziling had so many rumored girlfriends, Yang Qingyin could not tolerate it emotionally and would eventually quit.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two is still very good, and even Luo Ziling and Yang Qingyin are already planning for the worst result.

This makes her very frustrated, but she dare not do anything more.

If you add a handful of firewood, she is afraid that she will also be lit.

"I hope you won't become stupid!" Luo Ziling said, standing up, "I think my mother will know about this soon, so think about how to explain it to her!"

These words surprised Ouyang Feifei.

"Even if Yang Qingyin and I don't care about you, do you think my mother will have no idea after knowing this?"


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