The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 4044: Revisit Europe

Chapter 4044-Revisiting Europe

Bob won the final victory in the election.

Luo Ziling also learned the news for the first time and called Bob to express his congratulations.

Bob accepted Luo Ziling's congratulations and invited Luo Ziling to attend his inauguration ceremony on the phone.

Luo Ziling happily accepted the invitation.

Bob told Luo Ziling in a joking tone that he regarded Luo Ziling as a good friend and would receive him as a personal friend.

Luo Ziling knows what Bob wants to express. Personal friends are better than official friends.

When attending the inauguration ceremony, you can sit further forward.

He likes this treatment.

However, Luo Ziling received the invitation letter from Bob's office a few days later.

The invitation letter invited Luo Ziling to attend Bob’s inauguration in a very formal way.

Most of those who received formal invitations were people of Lin Zeping's level, and even Wang Zhengqiang did not receive them.

Luo Ziling learned from another channel that there are not many big-time figures invited to Bob's inauguration, only 50 or 60.

It is mainly people from countries with relatively large influence, and some small countries with close relations with France.

Not many people are invited in private names, single digits!

Of course, Luo Ziling was not complacent because of this, he didn't care much about whether to participate in this kind of ceremony.

However, Ling Ruonan was very concerned.

She told Luo Ziling that by attending Bob's inauguration as a distinguished guest, she could get in touch with the top big men in the world.

If you do something at the ceremony to attract everyone's attention, the influence will rise by several levels.

Luo Ziling knew what Ling Ruonan meant, and repeatedly promised her that he would treat this invitation carefully and must make time to participate.

Moreover, he also asked the people around him to prepare a lot of information for emergencies.

Luo Ziling set out for Europe ten days before Bob's inauguration day.

This time I went to Europe, my mood and state were very different from before.

After experiencing the incident some time ago, after walking through the ghost gate, he felt that his mentality had been sublimated.

Many things are bearish.

Compared with life and death, everything else is small.

Coupled with the blow to Luo Ziling caused by Yang Qingyin's quiet departure, his mentality is much calmer than before.

The smile is no longer so sunny, but becomes deep.

Luo Ziling went to Europe in advance, and actually wanted to find out about Yang Qingyin through these friends in Europe.

Luo Ziling felt that Yang Qingyin's foothold was probably Europe.

After all, in terms of economy and culture, Europe has a great influence on the world.

Moreover, there are many of his friends in Europe, and Yang Qingyin can always find these people if he needs help.

Luo Ziling believed that if Yang Qingyin asked them for help, they would definitely help her.

He felt that Yang Qingyin should go to Europe based on this mentality.

Therefore, he was going to investigate the situation early.

He did not fly directly to Paris, but to Stockholm first.

Last time she promised Princess Ingrid Alexandraf to check and treat his parents.

Svidian's influence in North Europe is still quite large, and this country has always pursued a neutral policy. It has mutual visa exemption with many countries in the world, and has a lot of cooperation with China.

Luo Ziling is willing to have more cooperation with Svidian, and is more willing to have a good relationship with the Svidian royal family.

Princess Ingrid Alexandrahu personally greeted Luo Ziling at the airport. She also dressed up specially, very noble and elegant, so beautiful that a man can't take his eyes off at first sight.

Even Luo Ziling couldn't help but look at her more.

It's just that Yang Qingyin's departure affected Luo Ziling's mood for hunting. Although Ingrid Alexandra Fu was deliberately teasing, Luo Ziling did not take the bait.

He had an official attitude to get along with Ingrid Alexandraf, and immediately followed her to the palace to see her parents.

Ingrid Alexandrov's parents treated Luo Ziling very politely, and they also believed in Luo Ziling's medical skills very much.

After all, Luo Ziling has proven his medical skills with countless examples, and no one doubts his medical achievements.

Moreover, Luo Ziling proved that he did have very unique results in acupuncture and moxibustion. Ingrid Alexandrov’s parents were surprised after they tried acupuncture and felt the magical effect.

And Ingrid Alexandra Fu approved Luo Ziling's medical skills after her parents, hoping that Luo Ziling would continue to help them treat, so he directly proposed to Luo Ziling that she wanted to have more cooperation with her in traditional medicine. She is willing to do her best to help Luo Ziling promote traditional Chinese medicine in Northern Europe.

During the few days with Ingrid Alexandrov, Luo Ziling really felt the sincerity and enthusiasm of this beautiful Nordic princess, and finally agreed to cooperate with her and the entire royal family more. The health doctors who promised the royal family would spare a certain amount of time each year to take care of their health. The royal family has to pay a relatively high price for this. They have to win cooperation projects of more than one billion euros for the enterprises under Luo Ziling's name.

Afterwards, Luo Ziling went to the Netherlands, Hibanya, Bilishi and other countries, and patrolled at a very fast speed.

When interviewing beautiful princesses such as Gulanimfu, Sibetra, Marieltra and other beautiful princesses, Luo Ziling once again promoted the Chinese culture to them, and hoped that when we meet again next time, everyone will be fluent. Chinese communication.

This time Luo Ziling visited several European countries. Although he can communicate with them in Chinese briefly, he still needs an interpreter if he wants to have a deeper exchange. This made Luo Ziling quite regretful, and also made several beautiful princesses and several princes feel a sense of crisis.

They have repeatedly stated that they will speak Chinese as soon as possible. When Luo Ziling comes to Europe next time, everyone can communicate in Chinese.

After all When Luo Ziling is doing personal health care for them, there is an interpreter by his side, which will make each other embarrassed.

If you want to have more cooperation with Luo Ziling in the future, you need to master very proficient Chinese.

Why is Luo Ziling unwilling to learn foreign languages!

Luo Ziling did not accommodate them, only they could accommodate Luo Ziling.

When Luo Ziling communicated with them, he not only talked about cooperation, but also told them about Yang Qingyin, and asked them to look for Yang Qingyin on his behalf.

These people knew more or less what happened to Luo Ziling some time ago, and they readily agreed to Luo Ziling and would definitely help him find out the news.

However, Yang Qingyin left Luo Ziling to find a place to live in seclusion, which made these beautiful European women who had intended Luo Ziling to move around.

They all wanted to take advantage of the emptiness to enter into something with Luo Ziling, the handsome eastern man, in exchange for benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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