The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 454: Not average treatment

"It seems that Teacher Luo is more open-minded than we thought. He actually put down his figure and let his grandson come to the medical university." Wu Mingyun couldn't help but said with emotion: "And he didn't say hello to anyone. Old Li, you Say, he knows that we all work here and send his grandson to study, why doesn't he say hello to us?"

"He has such a temperament. It would be weird that he would say hello to us," Li Mingxun laughed. "I'm really glad that we can find it today, otherwise we missed the opportunity to have a deep friendship with the old man."

After saying a few words to Wu Mingyun, Li Mingxun said to Luo Ziling again: "After you are Teacher Luo, it is no surprise that you treated Teacher Wang with a brilliant hand yesterday. He gave us a few prescriptions that were used to treat chronic diseases. . I believe that the medicine you administered that day was also made by him himself. And we know that Teacher Luo practiced a needle method that was very magical, what is called "burning mountain fire and cooling the sky."

Hearing that Li Mingxun actually knew these two acupuncture methods, Luo Ziling was surprised, and immediately took it: "Yes, there are indeed these two acupuncture methods. Burning mountain fire and Tootianliang are recorded in Xu Feng's work in the Ming Dynasty. However, there are not many people in later generations, and now there are even fewer who are proficient in these two kinds of acupuncture. According to my grandfather, there are no more than ten people who are proficient in this kind of acupuncture, including the two of us. Because of these two Acupuncture requires luck and acupuncture. Qi is something like you can’t see or touch, you don’t have a certain foundation in martial arts, and you can’t learn it. If you have luck and are familiar with acupuncture, most people have no conditions to do it. Moreover, my grandpa is right. These two needle methods have been improved and are much better than the original needle method."

Luo Ziling's words surprised Li Mingxun and Wu Mingyun.

Wu Mingyun couldn't help smiling and said: "It seems that this kind of needle method should be called Luo's needle method. I think that since your grandfather has improved the needle method, you can apply for a patent from the Chinese Medicine Administration."

"My grandfather is not interested in these things," Luo Ziling's Li Haiyang also said about it last time, jokingly that the needle method they know could be called "Luo Shi needle method", but Luo Ziling didn't care too much.

I just didn't expect that Wu Mingyun would say the same today, but he still didn't think about it.

Luo Ziling's indifferent performance surprised Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun.

But they came today to learn about Luo Ziling's medication for Teacher Wang, and the principle of his acupuncture.

When Luo Ziling said that the acupuncture method was modified to burn mountain fire and to cool the sky, they knew that these two very profound acupuncture therapies were not fully understood by them, so they became interested in medicine.

Teacher Wang, who teaches advanced mathematics, had no sequelae after the onset of myocardial infarction and all the symptoms were relieved.

This is very different from the results of clinical treatment, which makes them feel magical.

When he was admitted to the hospital yesterday, Mr. Wang's multiple myocardial function indicators, including myocardial enzyme spectrum, troponin, and nr-proBnP, were all very high. If these "gold standards" for myocardial infarction are used to evaluate, the patient is still in critical condition. Among them, symptomatic treatment is needed.

However, if we test again today, these indicators have dropped drastically, only less than half of yesterday's. As experts in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, both Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun know the symptoms of myocardial infarction and the degree of decline in various indicators.

This kind of "collapsing" decline in indicators, patients with rapid relief of symptoms and rapid recovery of health, they rarely encounter.

There are many drugs used to treat myocardial infarction clinically, but the effect of reducing symptoms and indicators is not so strong. Both Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun believed that Teacher Wang was able to recover so quickly, and that the rapid decline of various indicators must be related to the medicine Luo Ziling administered.

If you can get the prescription of this medicine and make a finished medicine, it can benefit countless patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Because of this purpose, the two academic authorities came to the church to find Luo Ziling together.

After some exchanges, Luo Ziling had probably understood what Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun meant. Of course, he wanted to contribute this medicine so that more patients could receive effective treatment.

It is a pity that he only has a few dozen patent medicines, knows some of the main medicine ingredients, and does not know the complete formula.

The same goes for that magical Jinchuang medicine, he hasn't fully figured out the detailed formula yet.

Of course, it's not that Grandpa kept him secret. When he was with his grandfather before, he was not interested in understanding these things, because when preparing medicines, he only had to prepare them according to his instructions.

Luo Ziling never thought that he would have to prepare medicine after he came out.

There are many medicinal materials near the small mountain villages in the northwest. He and his grandfather go to the mountains to collect medicine most of the year, and only there are they suitable for preparing medicines. Luo Ziling used those original medicinal materials to make new finished medicines based on his own experience, and was praised by his grandfather. Those are also a few medicines that he knows the formula completely, but most of the medicines made by his grandfather do not know the formula, so he is also in trouble today.

Hearing Luo Ziling said that he didn't know the formula of the medicine, Wu Mingyun and Li Mingxun looked at each other for a while and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

They thought that Luo Ziling said this deliberately and didn't want to tell others about the ancestral prescriptions. UU read, but after seeing Luo Ziling's sincere face, he also cleared this doubt.

"Then can you give us a medicine, let's take it back to test the composition and proportion of the medicine?" After Li Mingxun hesitated, he made another request.

"Well, this is okay," Luo Ziling brought a bag today with a lot of treasures in it, and this medicine is also with him.

However, there are only a few dozen on him, so I think each one is quite precious.

After receiving the pills packed in a small bag by Luo Ziling, Li Mingxun sincerely thanked you, "Thank you, classmate Ziling. I believe you will have a great success in studying western medicine. When you have a good understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, you will definitely be successful in medicine. Better than us. We can communicate frequently in the future."

"Director Li is polite," Luo Ziling nodded a little shyly, "I have the opportunity to ask Director Li and Dean Wu for more medical knowledge."

"You are welcome to come and talk to us about medical matters at any time," Li Mingxun readily agreed.

After thinking about it, Wu Mingyun offered an invitation to Luo Ziling: "At the end of next month, our hospital will have a national continuing education program. The theme is the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There are many medical authorities at the meeting. If you are willing , You will also participate in the meeting as our special guest. At that time, you can tell all the guests at the meeting your experience in this regard. How about?"

Luo Ziling looked at Wu Mingyun in surprise, seeing the other side's sincere face, and finally did not refuse: "Or, let's watch again when the time comes, I have never taught anyone!"

Thank you happy book friend for your reward

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