The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 544: Embarrassment and ambiguity continue

Luo Ziling didn't dress up especially because he was going to attend the reception, so he just came here today in a casual suit.

Ling Ruonan bought casual clothes too, and the price is above five figures.

But Ouyang Feifei was not satisfied, so Luo Ziling must change into a suit.

Luo Ziling didn't like to wear suits, and the clothes Ling Ruonan bought him basically didn't wear. When I went out today, I never thought about coming out in a suit.

As a Chinese man with traditional thinking, Luo Ziling actually likes to wear long gowns with a classic taste. He often wears them when he is in the small mountain villages in the northwest. I don’t like to wear a suit the most. I can’t exercise, so I feel uncomfortable.

But Ouyang Feifei must tell him to wear a suit, and said that it was a basic etiquette. In the end, under Wang Qing's eyes and Ling Ruonan's several persuasion, Luo Ziling reluctantly agreed to change the suit. Last time Luo Ziling wore a set of expensive clothes to go back, the boss felt uncomfortable, and today he wants to wear the clothes Ouyang Feifei bought for him. He is a little bit resistant.

"Wearing your clothes, why do I feel a little bit of being kept by others?" Luo Ziling looked at Ouyang Feifei with a smile. "Such expensive clothes are uncomfortable to wear."

"If you care so much, just do whatever you want." Ouyang Feifei was a little angry, "Are you going to count the consultation fee with me next?"

"Okay," Luo Ziling had to accept Ouyang Feifei's old saying again.

The way Ouyang Feifei was when she was angry is still quite scary.

Followed Ouyang Feifei upstairs again and came to her bedroom.

Because of what happened a while ago, Luo Ziling felt a strange feeling in Ouyang Feifei's bedroom.

Ouyang Feifei was also a little nervous, but she still forced her composure, took out the clothes from the closet and gave them to Luo Ziling.

Still an expensive Versace suit, Luo Ziling probably knows the price of this suit, at least six figures.

After hesitating, Luo Ziling finally took the clothes Ouyang Feifei handed him and went to the guest room to change it.

The customized shirt does not see the brand, but it is very comfortable to wear on the body, and the suit fits very well, as if tailor-made for him.

In fact, these clothes are tailor-made for Luo Ziling. Ouyang Feifei's ability to observe body shape is quite good, and there is almost no error in the estimation. Whether it is a shirt or a suit, it fits perfectly on Luo Ziling.

When Luo Ziling got dressed and walked out, his appearance has changed greatly from the appearance in casual clothes. Ouyang Feifei couldn't help but straighten his eyes when he saw it. "What a handsome boy," Ouyang Feifei said with emotion.

He was full of noble tolerance, and he looked like a well-educated son of your family.

But Luo Ziling doesn't know how to wear a tie. Ouyang Feifei saw that the shirt was not buttoned and the tie was in his hand, so she could only do it for him.

"Give me the tie, I'll tie it for you." Before Luo Ziling could speak, Ouyang Feifei reached out to him.

Luo Ziling didn't refuse either. He had never worn this thing before, and he didn't know how to tie a tie around his neckline.

He originally wanted Ouyang Feifei to help, but he was embarrassed to speak up.

Ouyang Feifei buttoned Luo Ziling's shirt and then tied his tie, which was very quick.

The two stood facing each other, not as close as usual, and they could feel the heat of each other's breath.

Ouyang Feifei is quite tall, standing face to face with Luo Ziling, and the height is not much different.

Eye to eye, at such a close distance, Luo Ziling was a little uncomfortable, and subconsciously lowered his eyes.

When he lowered his eyes, his eyes just fell on Ouyang Feifei's chest.

When Ouyang Feifei stretched out her hand to tie Luo Ziling's tie, her body rose with the movement of her hand, and the height of her chest became more impressive. Luo Ziling actually stared at it for a while and thought of the touch in her sleep just now. I don't know if it was Ouyang Feifei who discovered the fall of Luo Ziling's eyes, or if she thought of the same thing just now, her face flushed uncontrollably.

When tying the tie for Luo Ziling, her face was already red, and Luo Ziling could feel her breathlessness.

Seeing Ouyang Feifei's shy and charming look, Luo Ziling couldn't help but laughed, looked straight at Ouyang Feifei, and said with a smile: "It seems that she really looks like a good wife and mother."

Luo Ziling's words made Ouyang Feifei's face even more red.

But ignoring Luo Ziling's words, after tying Luo Ziling's tie, he turned down the collar of his shirt for him.

Luo Ziling was a little taller than her. When turning the tie behind Luo Ziling's head, he could only squeeze his feet and leaned forward.

Looking at Ouyang Feifei, who has always been dignified and noble, is so charming, but ignoring his words, Luo Ziling's mischievous mind became natural. When he stretched his hands forward, he clicked on Ouyang Feifei's waist in a natural posture.

The waist was originally one of the most itchy parts of a person, not to mention Luo Ziling's points on the acupuncture points. Ouyang Feifei, who originally stretched his hand forward, suddenly softened, and finally fell into Luo Ziling's arms and put his arms directly on Luo Ziling. On his neck, he and Luo Ziling came face-to-face.

If it weren't for her, she quickly turned her face to the side, and she might have met Luo Ziling again.

He clearly felt a soft and fiery touch on his chest, and he couldn't help but feel a little sway. Luo Ziling didn't reach out to push Ouyang Feifei away.

Ouyang Feifei was a little stupid there, and she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Even, she didn't think this was Luo Ziling's prank, she thought that she didn't stop, and threw herself into his arms, making her face even more red.

He breathed in the nose of Luo Ziling's scent of man, and felt the strength of his muscles. Ouyang Feifei lost his strength, and he didn't struggle to get out of his arms for the first time.

Seeing Ouyang Feifei leaning in his arms and not moving, her body was a little hot, her breathing and heartbeat were very rapid, Luo Ziling couldn't help but laughed again: "Are you planning to kiss me?"

Ouyang Feifei came back to her senses, and got up from Luo Ziling's arms in a panic.

After she got out of Luo Ziling's arms, she hurriedly backed up two steps, turned her head to adjust her hair, in order to hide her embarrassment.

How could it be like this today? She herself is a little This is too much.

After making Ouyang Feifei, who has always been cold, arrogant and noble, amused like this, there was an inexplicable ambiguity between the two, and Luo Ziling felt very happy.

"How is it? Isn't the young master handsome in a suit?" Afraid that Ouyang Feifei would be too embarrassed, Luo Ziling made another joke, and stood in front of the mirror to tidy his hair.

When Luo Ziling straightened her hair and turned her face, Ouyang Feifei happened to look over.

When her eyes met, Ouyang Feifei stayed again. Luo Ziling, who was dressed in a decent suit with a smile on his face, was really indescribably handsome, and Ouyang Feifei, who had met too many handsome men, couldn't help but straighten his eyes.

It was Luo Ziling's smiling eyes that made her feel lost, like a deep pool, she felt uncontrollable sinking in.

(End of this chapter)


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