The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 617: Distinctive Lengtouqing

In the afternoon lectures were a chief physician of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery from 402 Hospital and a professor from the Department of Cardiology, Yanjing People's Hospital.

The two specially invited lecturers are also academic authorities. They have published many articles in domestic and foreign journals, and many documents have been accepted by sci, and their influence is quite high.

When they lecture, everyone in the audience listens attentively, most of them take notes, and the learning atmosphere is very good.

Luo Ziling also listened with gusto, because he was interested in these things. He is very interested in medical things as long as he hasn't mastered them. This is completely different from listening to advanced mathematics classes, Ma Zhe and other classes he doesn't understand.

Ouyang Feifei was not interested in these things, and she did not understand them, but for the sake of Luo Ziling and to respect the two medical authorities who gave lectures, she still listened to a lesson very carefully. She didn't attend the second class. She went out to rest in the reception room outside.

At the end of the second lecture, when Luo Ziling was about to give a speech, she came back.

The appearance of Ouyang Feifei is an interesting agent for all the male guests present.

Luo Ziling is also very attractive to female guests. Many women take advantage of the break between lectures and run over to get close to Luo Ziling and ask for his contact information.

The enthusiasm of the women directly scared Luo Ziling away. He borrowed the name of the bathroom to get rid of their entanglement.

Luo Ziling took the stage to give a lecture and managed to draw the eyes of all the women back.

Many people are also curious as to what this young-looking, very young man will tell them.

After Li Mingxun invited him to the stage and introduced him again, Luo Ziling stepped onto the stage confidently.

Standing on the lectern, facing the gaze of nearly a hundred people, Luo Ziling did not have stage fright.

"All of you here today are the authorities in the medical field and have excellent research results in all aspects. And I am just a freshman who has just stepped into the door of medical school. I came up to give you a lecture today, but I was really terrified." He humbled himself, and after revealing his old story, he changed the conversation again, "But I have a grandfather with excellent medical skills. Many years ago, Dean Wu of Yanjing Medical College and Director Li of Affiliated Hospital both had Ask my grandfather for medical knowledge. They treat my grandfather as a teacher."

Having said that, Luo Ziling met the shocked gazes of everyone present, and then said loudly: "I say this, in fact, I want to put some money on my face. I hope that everyone will not underestimate me, and I will not take it when I lecture. Let me coax. If I don’t say this, maybe many people will disdain to listen to my class. If you think I’m naive, let’s show your understanding and forgiveness with applause! If you think I’m very thick-skinned, too You can laugh at me with applause!"

Before Luo Ziling's words were finished, everyone in the audience burst into laughter, and applause was also warm.

"This young man is still very interesting," someone said quietly.

"Good confident handsome guy, I like it." A certain half-aged mistress woman, with stars in her eyes, took out a photo of Luo Ziling with her mobile phone, and immediately posted it to her Moments. "My sister found the feeling of being in love again today. The little boy who was tempted at first sight, why didn't he appear in my life twenty years earlier?"

"I don't know how high and earthy muddy boy, how can the organizer arrange such a stunned young man to lecture on stage?" Of course, this is a man's mutter. Luo Ziling is too handsome and steals everyone's limelight. The female companions around him are so beautiful that many people are jealous.

Luo Ziling ignored the laughter at the meeting and continued to tell her, "When my grandfather asked me to go to medical school, I asked my grandfather inexplicably: I said that grandpa is so skilled in medicine, and I almost got yours. The truth is, why should I go to medical school? He replied that both Chinese medicine and Western medicine have shortcomings, and there are many shortcomings. For example, many diseases can be cured by surgery, which may not be completely cured by other methods. Recovering health; but some diseases cannot be done with Western medicine diagnosis and treatment, especially some chronic and persistent diseases. I will use a simple analogy, for example, someone stiffened their head last night, and Western medicine treatment methods are difficult to work. If you apply acupuncture or acupuncture to the acupoints of Chinese medicine, it may take a few minutes."

Speaking of this, Luo Ziling paused and asked the people at the scene: "Do you have anyone who has muscle stiffness or pain due to sleeping or other reasons? If so, I will treat you on the spot to ensure that your hands are cured. Minutes."

"I have." As soon as Luo Ziling's words fell, a woman who seemed to be in her thirties stood up immediately, "The bed here is too soft. I slept on a stiff neck last night and my neck was stiff and unable to move."

After the woman raised her hands and stood up, two other people stood up and said that they also had a stiff neck due to sleeping and it was a little difficult to turn their heads.

Luo Ziling immediately walked down from the podium and squeezed briefly for the three of them.

Strange to say, the three of them immediately felt comfortable after his pinch, and there was no more muscle stiffness.

But Luo Ziling was not satisfied with the effect of pinching for the three people. When he walked to a middle-aged man who was about fifty years old, he smiled and said to him: "This senior, if I expected it well, you There are muscle tension and paralysis caused by nerve block. Do you need me to help you with acupuncture? I promise that after acupuncture, you can make a lot of changes."

At this time Li Mingxun, who had been by Luo Ziling's side, told him that Luo Ziling was treating Teacher Wang from the medical school that day, and said that the acupuncture method Luo Ziling used was the legendary mountain fire.

"I don't seem to believe you very much, I'm afraid you will break me." The middle-aged participant said his worry, but immediately said: "But for the sake of Professor Li's words, I think Give it a try."

"Okay," Luo Ziling didn't hesitate, took his own treatment equipment, and after publicly disinfecting the poison, under the eyes of everyone in the room, he started treatment for the middle-aged man.

"It's really amazing. I feel a warm current flowing in my body. It's very comfortable." During Luo Ziling's treatment, the middle-aged man couldn't help being surprised and said his feelings.

At the end of Luo Ziling's treatment, he was even more surprised to find that the fingers that were originally inflexible could actually perform various movements very freely. This not only surprised the middle-aged man himself, but also surprised a few people who knew his condition.

What a god!

(End of this chapter)


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