The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 654: Grandpa, you are poisoned

Losing one corner, the two corners occupied by Luo Ziling couldn't be occupied, so Ling Mingrui had to admit defeat in the mid-range.

After losing the vote, Ling Mingrui looked at Luo Ziling with complicated eyes, and then reminded him: "It's too easy to break, you read ancient classics, don't you understand this principle? Life is not a game of chess. If you lose, you may not have a chance to come again. "

"Man, I always grow up in constant frustration and suffering. I hope I can grow up as soon as possible. As long as I don't die, I think I will defeat them one day."

Ling Mingrui looked at Luo Ziling and laughed, "You are contradictory."

"Maybe I'm fate, or I'm lucky enough to have the last laugh," Luo Ziling also laughed, not intending to say these things to Ling Mingrui, "Grandpa, let's check your health. If you need treatment, I will I will treat you."

Ling Mingrui didn't say much, and took the lead out of the study.

Xie Enhua and Ling Ruonan, who were sitting in the living room whispering, both stood up and looked at them in doubt.

"Your son is good at chess, I lost the game," Ling Mingrui said to Ling Ruonan expressionlessly, and then told Xie Enhua, "Be prepared and let Ziling check our body."

Hearing Ling Mingrui's instructions, Xie Enhua was relieved and immediately went to prepare.

Ling Ruonan was also relieved.

Luo Ziling first checked Xie Enhua's body. After the examination, Luo Ziling smiled and said to her: "Grandma, you are in good health and do not need any treatment. Or, I will prescribe you a prescription that has health effects. You only need to take the medicine once a month. I guarantee that your skin is getting smoother and cleaner, your hair is getting darker and darker, and the quality of sleep is better than before. I will give you a recipe for maintenance, your daily life The arrangement mentioned in the formula will do."

"Really?" Xie Enhua was naturally surprised, "Ling'er, grandma believes in you and must take care of you as you ordered."

"Grandma, I can guarantee that in two years, you will definitely look younger than you are now." Luo Ziling smiled openly, "At that time, you will definitely not believe that you will become younger than you are now."

"Good boy, no matter what, grandma thank you first," Xie Enhua immediately asked Ling Ruonan to prepare a pen and ink for Luo Ziling and let him write the prescription.

Looking at the very neat handwriting written by Luo Ziling, Xie Enhua was even more surprised, and immediately made a request: "Ling'er, your grandfather asked for your handwriting, or would you help us to leave the adverb? I have people framed and hung in the living room."

Seeing that Ling Mingrui did not object, Luo Ziling readily agreed.

When Ling Ruonan was happily preparing pen and ink for him, Luo Ziling had already figured out what to write.

Under the gazes of Ling Mingrui, Xie Enhua, and Ling Ruonan, Luo Zi wrote a very metaphorical masterpiece like a dragon and a phoenix:

New bamboo is higher than old bamboo branches,

Relying on veteran support.

There will be new students next year,

Ten Zhanglong and Sun Rao Fengchi

This is the famous Qing Dynasty painter and poet Zheng Xie, also known as Zheng Banqiao's masterpiece. Its artistic conception is very simple and understandable. The deep meaning contained in the first two sentences of this poem is: No matter how good the younger generation is, it depends on the support and help of the older generation to achieve results. The next two sentences are almost the Yangtze River's back waves pushing the front waves, meaning that the younger generation is definitely better than the previous generation.

On the basis of respecting the predecessors, this poem also expressed the lofty and ambitious mood of the younger generations. It was really good for the two elderly people.

After reading the content of this poem, Ling Ruonan was quite shocked.

Looking at Luo Ziling's handsome font again, Ling Ruonan couldn't help but feel very happy in his heart, and his proud expression naturally revealed.

"Ling'er's handwriting is really good," Xie Enhua held up the rice paper lovingly, and after looking left and right, he was full of praise: "Among such young people, there are people with such a good handwriting like you. It is really rare. Although she used to force Nan Nan to practice calligraphy, compared with your son, her calligraphy is far behind."

Although Xie Enhua belittled her in front of so many people, Ling Ruonan didn't care at all, smiled happily and said, "Mom, compared to Ling'er, my writing is too far behind."

"Old man, why don't you comment on it?" Xie Enhua asked Ling Mingrui with a smile: "You are also a frequent practicer, so don't say a few words?"

"The word is good, the word is just like the person," Ling Mingrui commented very simply, and then told Xie Enhua: "You can let someone take it and hang it in the house."

"Okay," Xie Enhua promised, "I will let someone find the best calligraphy and painting shop tomorrow, mount the word, and hang it in the house."

Seeing Ling Mingrui's comments like this and saying words like her own, Ling Ruonan was even more happy.

The word is good, and the word is like the person, which means that the person is also very good. Which mother will be unhappy after hearing others say that her son is very good?

Seeing Ling Ruonan's smile, Ling Mingrui didn't say much, and ordered Luo Ziling to enter the room to check his body.

Luo Ziling respects naturally.

When Luo Ziling checked Ling Mingrui's body, Xie Enhua and Ling Ruonan also stood by.

Luo Ziling checked very carefully, and no one interrupted. After a check, Luo Ziling let go of the pulse-taking hand, then let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Grandpa, did you have a serious illness several years ago?"

"Yes," Ling Mingrui didn't answer, and Xie Enhua said rushingly: "Three years ago, you fell ill from the accumulation of work, but the specific cause has not been found out. Later, the body recovered and it was fine. Ling'er , Is there any sequelae?"

"Grandpa should have been poisoned back then, a chronic poison, but the poison has not been completely Luo Ziling said very solemnly, and then asked Ling Mingrui, whose face changed slightly: "Grandpa, are you? Occasionally have head pain, bloating, and loose stools? "

"It's true," Ling Mingrui looked surprised, and couldn't help but ask Luo Ziling: "You said I was poisoned, what kind of poison was it?"

Luo Ziling replied very seriously: "A poison that decomposes when it enters the body, and it is difficult to find the ingredients. It should be extracted from some plants growing in the alpine zone of Tibet. There is no systematic name for the time being. Those who know this poison There are not many people, and very few people use it. My grandfather and I have been in contact with two cases of this type of poisoning before. One of them was treated in the hospital because of the excessive dosage. There was no symptomatic treatment and eventually died. In another case, my grandfather and I were rescued in time and saved our lives. He had the symptoms just mentioned when the symptoms were relieved. Grandpa’s poison is not deep, it should be because the amount of medicine is not large, or the first It was caused by vomiting out for a while, but the remaining poison was not completely discharged."

Luo Ziling's words made the other people in the room pale.

Thanks to zmzm123, old youth book friends for their rewards

(End of this chapter)


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