The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 672: Something is going to happen

(Eighth more)

After finishing writing, Luo Ziling asked Ouyang Feifei to prepare for treatment.

Ouyang Feifei glanced lightly, and then prepared obediently.

The look in Ouyang Feifei's eyes made Luo Ziling not calm for an instant, because he felt resentment in Ouyang Feifei's eyes.

Yes, it was this kind of look, as if he had bullied her, she felt aggrieved and dissatisfied.

Luo Ziling originally thought that he couldn't see this expression on Ouyang Feifei's face. He didn't expect to see it several times this evening, which was very unexpected. It seems that no matter how strong a woman looks, she has the nature of a little woman at a certain time, but they don't show it normally.

Ouyang Feifei would definitely not show such an attitude in front of ordinary people. When he thought of this, Luo Ziling felt a little proud.

He could feel that his position in Ouyang Feifei's heart was extraordinary. No matter what, a beauty who is outstanding in every aspect treats you as a different person, and any man will be proud.

Because Ouyang Feifei performed well today, which made him quite satisfied, Luo Ziling also worked extremely hard when treating her.

Ouyang Feifei still lay down on her bed, and took off the vest used to cover the indecent place.

Buried head down on the bed, her pajamas wrapped tightly around her body, and the graceful curves appeared in front of Luo Ziling.

If there weren't these ambiguous and embarrassing things happening before, Luo Ziling would move his eyes away after taking a peek at most, but today, because of the things that happened before, he couldn't help but look twice. Even when he lifted the pajamas for Ouyang Feifei and was preparing to press and treat, he deliberately stroked twice, even he himself felt quite shameless.

As soon as the treatment started, Luo Ziling entered the state, and distracting thoughts were quickly blocked. But the distracting thoughts in Ouyang Feifei's heart are not so easy to get rid of. When Luo Ziling pressed her to activate the blood and energy of the whole body before acupuncture, she was thinking in a mess.

That day, Luo Ziling was forced to hold her in his arms. He squeezed her body indiscriminately, and finally the scene of taking her away from her first kiss naturally surfaced. The body also felt itchy, and he even hoped that Luo Ziling would make extra moves.

If Luo Ziling really forced her to do something, or took advantage of her like last time, she felt that she would not necessarily resist.

But to her disappointment, Luo Ziling did not act excessively. After squeezing her for a while, he began to treat her.

For Ouyang Feifei, every time Luo Ziling is treated, she feels enjoyment.

In the process of treatment, not only do not feel pain, but also feel very comfortable. The feeling after the treatment is also very good, it can be said that her body has undergone a completely reborn change. There is no need for Luo Ziling to explain anything. She herself knows that the treatment that Luo Ziling has given her is very effective, and her illness is slowly disappearing.

Winter has arrived, but Ouyang Feifei is not as afraid of the cold as the previous year, for fear that the cold will show symptoms of respiratory tract infection and cause a series of uncomfortable reactions. Therefore, she was very cooperative. During Luo Ziling's treatment, she did not resist any resistance and almost kept her original posture. After the treatment, she was still lying in this position.

She didn't want to move, and she didn't have any strength anymore. She just wanted to sleep when her whole body was sweating.

When Luo Ziling finished the treatment and began to pack the needles, Ouyang Feifei was already deep asleep.

In a daze, she felt the bed vibrate and seemed to have received some impact, but she didn't care and fell asleep recklessly.

I don't know how long I slept, but in a subconsciously turning around, she touched something with her foot and she woke up immediately.

Looking up, Luo Ziling was sitting on the carpet beside the bed and fell asleep leaning on the edge of the bed.

Today, Luo Ziling was very **** the treatment, and his energy was almost exhausted. The boundless sleepiness got up before the treatment was over. After packing the needles, he couldn't help it anymore and fell asleep like this.

Seeing Luo Ziling sleeping well, Ouyang Feifei couldn't help being touched, and she couldn't bear it. She wanted to pull Luo Ziling to bed, or tell him to sleep on the bed, but in the end she didn't do anything. She just turned her head and looked at Luo Ziling who was sleeping quietly.

Luo Ziling was originally very handsome, and when he slept peacefully, it was even more pleasing to look at, especially his eyelashes, which were longer than ordinary people, and the occasional shaking when sleeping, added a lovely touch.

Ouyang Feifei was actually a little silly, and her sleepiness was completely gone.

She feels that her heartbeat is speeding up slowly, and her breathing is also fast---is this the feeling of heartbeat?

After staring at it for a while, Ouyang Feifei actually had a ridiculous idea in her heart, and wanted to kiss Luo Ziling.

Without any warning, this thought suddenly rose.

When this thought came to her, her heart beat faster, and she felt her whole body soft and she had completely lost her strength.

But in the end she just thought about it and didn't act on it.

After lying down for a while, Ouyang Feifei gently got up from the bed, she thought of solving the physiological problem in the bathroom.

She got off the bed lightly, and without awakening Luo Ziling, she went into the bathroom.

After staying in the bathroom for more than ten minutes, Ouyang Feifei came out again with a gentle movement.

However, Luo Ziling was alarmed this time, and Luo Ziling opened his eyes slightly.

In fact, when Ouyang Feifei entered the bathroom just now, he was already surprised, but he didn't feel the danger, so he didn't bother to move.

Originally, Ouyang Feifei wanted to come closer and take a look at Luo Ziling, but he opened his eyes, and immediately said embarrassedly: "Should you be tired of sleeping like this?"

Luo Ziling snorted in a daze and closed his eyes again.

Today he is really tired, and he is too devoted to Ouyang Feifei's treatment. The writing before treatment and the ambiguous feeling before and after writing have also consumed a lot of energy in his body. He didn't have much time to sleep, he still felt very sleepy and wanted to sleep again.

"Go to bed and sleep," see Luo Ziling still want to sleep Ouyang Feifei blurted out these words.

After saying this, her face flushed suddenly and she looked at Luo Ziling nervously.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziling just hmmmmed and climbed onto Ouyang Feifei's bed without being polite, and fell asleep where Ouyang Feifei had lay just now with a plop. This made Ouyang Feifei dumbfounded, but she also understood that Luo Ziling really didn't wake up yet and wanted to continue sleeping.

Luo Ziling occupied her position, Ouyang Feifei hesitated, and finally lay down again, lying beside Luo Ziling.

Lying next to Luo Ziling while awake, Ouyang Feifei didn't know how nervous she was, her heartbeat and breathing were fast.

Just when she closed her eyes nervously and tried to calm herself down, Luo Ziling suddenly rolled over and put a hand directly on her. What's so dying is that it happened to be pressed on the sensitive ground of her chest.

Ouyang Feifei felt trembling all over, her heartbeat and breathing did not know how fast...

(End of this chapter)


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