The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 732: Who told you to look so beautiful

Of course Luo Ziling knew that Ling Haining, Ling Haijun and other Ling family members were definitely discussing how to retaliate against him, and even wanted to put him and Ling Ruonan to death.

But he couldn't even dream that Ling Haining was planning a somewhat inhumane plan, trying to put him and his family in a state where it was impossible to recover.

Of course, what he wants most now is to let Lin Lan recover as soon as possible.

After he woke up after a long sleep, he carefully checked Lin Lan's physical condition.

Fenghuang left, and he and Lin Lan were the only ones in the hotel. The situation was similar to when Lin Lan was rescued in the small mountain village.

Lin Lan's wound had to be changed, and the recovery of the wound had to be checked. Therefore, Luo Ziling woke up and saw that Lin Lan was also showing signs of awakening, he was going to change the dressing for her.

After a good night's sleep, Lin Lan woke up from her sleep and saw Luo Ziling standing by the bed. After a daze, she closed her eyes again.

"Are you hungry? Let me feed you something. After eating, you should be able to recover some more energy. I will treat the wound for you and change the medicine." Luo Ziling sat down by Lin Lan's bed and pulled her His hand softly explained the situation. "It seems that you are recovering well, better than I expected, and the wound should be recovering well."

Lin Lan wanted to break Luo Ziling's hand away, but couldn't get enough strength and had to let him hold it.

Luo Ziling also took the opportunity to get her pulse, and then checked her pulse and breathing, and then took the porridge and soup warmed with hot water in the past to prepare to feed Lin Lan.

Lin Lan resisted a bit, but under Luo Ziling's compulsion, she finally did not insist, and Ren Luo Ziling helped her up.

Lin Lan was not wearing any clothes. When Luo Ziling helped her up, his body was inevitable, but he tried not to touch sensitive parts of her body to avoid embarrassment.

After making Lin Lan lean on the bed in the most comfortable position, Luo Ziling took the still hot porridge and soup and fed Lin Lan to eat.

"Unexpectedly, just a few months later, a similar scene reappeared," Luo Ziling couldn't help but sighed while feeding Lin Lan. "When you secretly escaped, I was still sorry, and I may never again. Without seeing you, those natural things will never happen again. Unexpectedly, after coming to Yanjing, not only did I meet you again, but also repeated the scenes of those few days."

Listening to Luo Ziling's words, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel a sore nose, and she felt like she wanted to cry. She herself didn't know why this happened.

"Eat more, you will gain strength when you eat, and you can recover as soon as possible." Seeing that Lin Lan is not very appetite, Luo Ziling forced her to eat, "I have given you several special medicines, as long as there is one With a tone, your life can be saved. My grandfather only had 20 pills of that kind of medicine. I took three for you at once. For the sake of the three life-saving pills, you must listen to me. "

After listening to Luo Ziling's nagging words, Lin Lan finally became cooperative, opening her mouth as wide as possible and eating the food Luo Ziling fed her.

It's strange to say that when Phoenix fed her something a while ago, she felt a little difficult to swallow, but when Luo Ziling fed her something, she actually felt a very good taste. Before I knew it, half a bowl of porridge was eaten.

Luo Ziling fed her some soup that was very healthy, and only after she felt almost the same, Luo Ziling stopped feeding.

When feeding Lin Lan to eat, Luo Ziling's mouth never stopped, and she kept talking about things, although most of them complained that Lin Lan shouldn't perform tasks without fully conditioning her body, and some complaints about Phoenix and Li Haiyang , But Lin Lan knew that Luo Ziling cared about her and didn't want to see her hurt, so her heart was warm.

Lin Lan is not bored with Luo Ziling's nagging.

"I'm full, do you feel better?" Luo Ziling said with a smile after holding Lin Lan back down. "Make some psychological preparations, because I will check the wound and change the dressing for you."

Lin Lan nodded lightly, then closed her eyes.

Luo Ziling went over, turned on the air conditioner to the warmest, then turned on all the lights, put a 1ed headlight from the bedroom on his head, put all the necessary equipment and medicines, and went to lift the quilt on Lin Lan .

After the quilt under Lin Lan was lifted, the injured part and her two long legs were exposed in front of Luo Ziling.

Luo Ziling didn't take a small business, but after unwrapping the bandage on Lin Lan's body, he concentrated on checking the wound for her and disinfecting and changing the dressing.

"It's not that I'm bragging, now that your wound is recovering, go to the hospital, and it will take at least ten days to recover to the present state." After changing the medicine for Lin Lan and starting to put the bandage, Luo Ziling wanted to reassure Lin Lan. He blew up again, "It is wise to think of me when you are injured. I think, if you are sent to the hospital, the doctors in the hospital can heal your injury, you must fully recover, at least half a year later. With me , You will be able to fully recover in one month, but the premise is not to leave without saying goodbye like last time."

Because Luo Ziling was anesthetized with acupuncture while changing her dressing, Lin Lan basically felt no pain. After eating, she recovered a little bit of energy and was able to speak.

"At that time, it was a special situation. Everyone didn't worry about me, so they asked them to pick me up. I was afraid that my identity would be exposed, so I could only let them pick me up after you left home."

Hearing that Lin Lan would explain, Luo Ziling was naturally very happy, and asked curiously: "How did you get in touch with your comrades?"

Lin Lan took two breaths after again replied: "You should think of it without asking? In fact, they can come to rescue me that day, but I was badly injured and they didn't show you. If there is hostility, let me heal my wounds with you."

"It seems that if I had any unruly attempts against you at that time, your comrades in arms would rush in and beat me into a hornet's nest, right?" When saying this, Luo Ziling laughed at himself, "Fortunately, the little master is An upright gentleman will not take advantage of others."

Lin Lan thought of the scene at that time, and thought that Luo Ziling had seen the secret of her body just now, and her face was pink.

She did not deny Luo Ziling's speculation: "If you have an unruly attempt, there will definitely be trouble."

"Actually, there have indeed been unruly attempts. Who told you to look so beautiful and have such a good body." After Lin Lan spoke a few words to her, her complexion did not change, but she recovered and her complexion was ruddy. Luo Ziling knew that her mood had improved, so she couldn't help but ridicule: "If you seduce me, maybe I will do something bad."

Lin Lan blushed immediately.


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