The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

023 Unique Spatial Ability


This was the first human survival place that Lin An destroyed. Of course, because of Lin An, everyone in this farm was either killed by Lin An or bitten to death by zombies.

In Lin An's impression, the people on this farm were dead, and now Lin An probably won't even think about it.


The nearly sealed environment was filled with a nauseating stench.

The woman and the men in the cellar had their heads smashed by Lin An. They couldn't even turn into zombies. The corpses were already rotting and maggots were crawling all over the floor.

But there is a slight breathing sound in this space where no one lives. It is the little girl, the girl who was bitten by Lin An before she could be mutilated by the farm man.

Lin An didn't want to let go of the little girl at that time. He bit her and was sure that the latter would definitely turn into a zombie.

But he didn't expect that nothing in the world is absolute, and this girl...she became an evolved person.

The girl's name is Li Xiaonan, and the young woman who was raped most often in the cellar is her biological sister.

At this time, Li Xiaonan was squatting with his legs curled up next to the rotting corpse of his sister Li Jie, his eyes were dull and empty, without any sparkle in them.

Li Xiaonan's breath was very weak, and she could die at any time like a candle in the wind. If it weren't for Lin An's virus that made her an evolver, she would have starved to death without eating or drinking for so many days.

Li Xiaonan is only thirteen years old this year. For a child whose mind is not yet fully mature, the mind is the most tortured compared to the body.

The men on the farm abused her sister wantonly and treated Li Jie like a beast. She hated them.

Lin An killed them.

But she was also protected by Li Jie after the apocalypse broke out, and finally found the farm as a place of survival. She loved her sister.

Lin An also killed her sister.

And Li Xiaonan only had Lin An's memorable bone whip in her mind, which was the bone whip that shattered her sister's head.

She felt happy that Lin An killed the man in the cellar, and resented Lin An for killing her sister.

Her few lives are flashing in front of her eyes like a revolving lantern. Once a person falls into despair, it is difficult to get out.

Li Xiaonan didn't have the courage to continue living. She just didn't have the courage to commit suicide and was waiting for death silently.

She looked at the maggots crawling all over her sister's body and thought that after her death, she would be covered in these disgusting things.

Li Xiaonan couldn't hold on anymore, and her hungry consciousness was about to dissipate. She reached out and held Li Jie's rotten right hand, and her numb body suddenly experienced a wave of fluctuations.

The space was like a ripple on the surface of a lake, and Li Xiaonan's body suddenly disappeared, as if traveling through space out of thin air and arrived in the mountains near the farm.

Li Xiaonan's life should not be cut off. In the mountains, there was a strange middle-aged man digging a hole.

His eyes were exactly the same as Li Xiaonan's, full of hollowness and dullness.

There were several corpses of zombie children at his feet. The heads of the corpses were smoothly chopped off, but were sewn back together with thin threads.

The man dug a hole, buried the children in it, inserted a wooden board, and simply made a tombstone.

The man's name is Chen Xuhai, he is a fourth-level evolver...

With Chen Xuhai as the center, all zombies in a radius of several kilometers were eradicated, including some lickers and hunters.

Chen Xuhai's weapon was just a steel bar with a radius of 3 centimeters, with the top sharpened, about nine feet in length, and was carried on his back.

Li Xiaonan's sudden appearance attracted Chen Xuhai's attention. After burying the corpses of several zombie children, he walked up to Li Xiaonan.

Looking at the pale-faced Li Xiaonan, his childish face and the aura of a living person made Chen Xuhai's dull eyes glow with a trace of brightness.

He took out a corpse core from his hiking bag and fed it to the unconscious Li Xiaonan.

"Have you survived alone until now... Where is your family... It's really amazing..." The middle-aged man forced out a soft smile, looked at Li Xiaonan's face, and muttered to himself.

Lin An probably would never have imagined in his wildest dreams that the little girl he casually bitten would gain unique spatial abilities when he became a first-level evolver.

If he had known about this outcome, he would probably have raised Li Xiaonan for a few years and then turned her into his own corpse concubine.

As for Chen Xuhai, before the apocalypse broke out, he was just an ordinary working-class person. After the outbreak, everything changed. He, like most others, lost what he 'should' lose.

His hometown is in G City, the southernmost city of China, in the coastal area.

There is still an old mother at home, and her mother can be said to be Chen Xuhai's only hope at the moment, although this hope has long been gone.

He is going to G City. He was originally alone, but now there will be multiple Li Xiaonans.


At X City Base, Lin An handed the red wine to Yang Yanran in front of him and said: "Tell me about the number of survivors in Lan Jing, the number of combatants in the military region, the weapons reserves, and the information on the evolvers. Don't worry, the night is very long. , let’s do what needs to be done after that.”

Yang Yanran's lips trembled, but the consciousness in her mind forced her to answer Lin An's question honestly.

If Yang Yanran continues to be in this state where Lin An doesn't ask questions and she doesn't take the initiative to reply, Lin An will probably get annoyed with her before long.

Yang Yanran's personality aside, she is a good woman as a woman. Until a woman better than her appears, Lin An is really not very interested in other women.

Drinking red wine and listening to Yang Yanran's narration, Lin An's eyes gradually deepened...


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