The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

030 The Unknown Devouring Ability

Xu Shi Lei Wang knew the horror of letting Lin An continue to grow, and his opening also showed his intention to participate in the plan to hunt Lin An.

Tu Youwei showed a hint of gratitude and did not answer immediately. Instead, he looked at the other three people and said, "What are your opinions?"

"If the plan is complete, I can give it a try." Liu Yiqi thought for a while and expressed her position.

Li Zhuang was silent, while Sun Shang chuckled and said, "If you don't tell secrets, what good will it do me to kill that fifth-level zombie, Commander Tu?"

"Of course Mr. Tu will not treat you badly. The document placed in front of you is the preliminary hunting plan, and the reward for the action is written on it." Tu Youwei nodded. It is a good thing to ask for something. It makes people feel unsure.

The four of them picked up the plan document and took a look. The first thing they saw was not the plan, but the reward Tu Youwei had promised.

They all looked a little surprised, but they also seemed satisfied.

"Okay, I agree." Li Zhuang said with a simple smile.

The other three people also nodded. Seeing this, Tu Youwei smiled knowingly and immediately began to discuss some details of the plan.


Zhan Lei left the science and technology building directly, but in his mind he kept thinking about Lin An's invincible and ferocious posture. He lowered his head, and the frightening light in his eyes shone.

He is a lone ranger. His relatives and friends have long since died. He has no friends or women in the entire base. He will only return to the base when he needs some supplies. He spends most of his time wandering outside the Lanjing base, killing senior officials alone. Zombies.

Since he chose not to participate in the hunt for Lin An, he planned to no longer stay at the base, but to hunt high-level zombies outside the base.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the base, I heard a group of people laughing and playing.

The leader was skinny and only 1.7 meters tall, but when Zhan Lei saw this man, his eyes froze and he whispered in his heart: "It's him."

The skinny man Gao Song is the second person with fire element ability besides Liu Yiqi among the hundreds of thousands of people in the entire base. However, he has not reached the fourth level of evolution, but is still a level 3 evolver.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Song was Sun Shang's friend before the apocalypse broke out, and he is now in Sun Shang's camp.

Takamatsu's team of evolvers only has about six people, but the lowest one is also a second-level evolver, which is considered an elite team.

They left the base overnight, and it was already dawn when they found the place with zombies, but the six people organized to hunt the zombies.

Hunting high-level zombies is a major way to improve the level of the evolver. Takamatsu is so "hard-working", of course he wants to become a fourth-level evolver and have a place in the entire base.

Because of his fire element ability, he secretly gathered many of his subordinates.

Zhan Lei looked at this person and hid sideways to prevent him from seeing him. After he left the base, he followed him quietly with twinkling eyes.


Zhan Lei's aura seemed to have always existed in the darkness. Even at dawn, Gao Song and his party still did not notice him. Neither murderous intent nor hostility was emanating. It was obviously not the first time he had done such a thing.

"Brothers, when we go back this time, everyone must have at least one hunter corpse core! After we go back, I invite everyone to go to Xiaoyao! Shuangfei, mother and daughter, it’s up to you! Hahaha." Waiting to find out that there is a hunter ahead. After wandering around, Gao Song suddenly turned around and smiled at the brothers behind him.

His five subordinates burst into laughter upon hearing this, and began to work together to kill the hunter in front.

It was obvious that this was not the first time that Takamatsu's team of six acted, and there was no heroism. They just worked together to kill the zombies and then evenly distributed the corpse cores.

Teams like them are very common among Lan Jing's evolvers, but loners like Zhan Lei are rare.

There are many low-level zombies around the hunters, but in front of the advanced evolvers, the low-level zombies can be said to be useless.

Under the siege of six people, this hunter could barely hold on for a few seconds before he was surrounded and killed.

The corpse core in the body was also accepted by Gao Song.

"Brothers, go find the next target!" Gao Song exhaled and turned around.

When he turned around, his expression suddenly became dull, and he saw a humanoid monster with arms like scythes appearing behind their team.

"Blade Man? No, it looks different!" Gao Song looked at this humanoid monster, and its scythe arms made him feel terrified.

Puff puff puff!

The humanoid monster didn't make any nonsense. It turned into afterimages all over the sky at great speed. The light of the scythe flashed in mid-air. Takamatsu's five men were cut off ruthlessly like withered grass.

"Spare... spare my life!" Takamatsu was stunned. He backed away and begged for mercy, but his right hand was hidden behind his back.

"I can't spare you!" the humanoid monster said coldly, raising its arms and slashing wildly, like a sickle and a weasel.

Hoo ho ho!

The rapid chopping creates an atmospheric cutting sound that can make one's scalp numb.

"Die!" Gao Song roared, pushing his right hand towards the humanoid monster, and a scorching fire shot up into the sky, just like a ball of flames.

However, the humanoid monster was well prepared. His speed was far faster than Takamatsu's ability to perform his moves. He immediately stepped away from the burning range of the flames and slashed with his two scythes. As Takamatsu howled in pain, he cut off Takamatsu's limbs and sliced ​​them off. Became a human stick.

The humanoid monster did not finish the last hit, but began to change, slowly returning to its human form. It was Zhan Lei.

I saw the five fingers of his right hand suddenly extending like a tentacle and thrusting into Takamatsu's heart. It was obvious that the tentacle was sucking.

"Uh ah..." Takamatsu opened his mouth and screamed silently, as if his bone marrow was being pulled out, and he was suffering from great pain.

Until finally, he died in pain, his skin as dry and gray as withered grass.

After Gao Song died, Zhan Lei shook his right hand, and there seemed to be fire dancing in his palm.

"The fire element ability... is not bad. But I want that monster's bone spurs more!" Zhan Lei looked at his right hand, and once again thought of Lin An's bone ability that he saw in his notebook.


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