The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

057 The Nuclear Bomb Is Launched, Lan Jing Ceases To Exist [Please Order First! 】


In the conference hall of the Great Hall of the People in Yanjing, Tong Xi hammered the table with a look of regret, and said sadly: "I asked you to listen to me, but don't listen to the launch of nuclear bombs! It's okay now. Commander Yang's death in the line of duty will be a great blow to China." It's a painful lesson that we must never underestimate these evolving zombies.'

"Admiral Hua Feng just said frankly that Commander Yang has reached the level of a sixth-level evolver, but he is still no match for that zombie!"

Wang Ke remained silent for a while and then said: "I underestimated the evolution speed of that zombie."

"Dr. Wang, there is no need to blame yourself. Not only you, but also me and everyone here did not expect that zombie to evolve so fast, so fast that it can far surpass Commander Yang's strength!"

Tong Xi was the only one speaking in the entire hall, which indirectly showed that most people would choose Tutsi's position.

After all, once Yang Tianqi died, Tong Xi really became the most powerful commander of the Huaxia Military Region, and his strength was also that of a Level 5 670 Evolver, no less.

In fact, when she heard that Yang Tianqi had reached the sixth level of evolution, Tong Xi's heart suddenly thumped. Fortunately, the other party died because of his own pride. Otherwise, there would be no chance for Tong Xi to talk so eloquently in China in the future.

Tong Xi didn't panic, but was a little happy.

Yang Tianqi died. It was not a group of elite evolvers who died in battle. Although the threat of Lin An continued to approach, in Tong Xi's eyes, this threat was nothing more than an intercontinental ball with the equivalent of 10 million tons of TNT. Just nuclear missiles.

A nuclear bomb with the equivalent of 10 million tons of TNT will destroy both Lanjing and Magic City into ruins in an instant. Even Yanjing will cease to exist within the Fourth Ring Road.

Yang Tianqi's death was so sudden that it sounded the alarm for these Chinese senior officials. When a fatal threat approached, they would naturally unite and choose to kill Lin An at all costs.

Dropping a nuclear bomb would kill two birds with one stone. Not only could it kill Lin An, but it could also wipe out the terrifying zombie army that Lan Jing had gathered (cebf)!

This meeting first commemorated the death of Yang Tianqi, and then Tong Xi went straight to the point and proposed the nuclear bomb plan.

This time, Tong Xi received most of the support.

Seeing this, the top comrades of China also know the seriousness of the matter. There is an unobservable threat that is growing rapidly, and it is worthwhile to eradicate the opponent at all costs.

In the end, the Chinese leader made the final decision and agreed to the nuclear bomb plan!

After receiving the approval from the leader, Tong Xi also had a smile on his face.

Looking at Lin An again, he has a terrifying recovery ability. After swallowing the heart of a sixth-level evolver, his right arm and heart almost recovered overnight.

Lin An didn't know Yang Tianqi's identity. He was already dead, so he didn't bother to ask about Yang Tianqi in front of Yang Yanran.

A dead person is not worthy of Lin An's attention.

After staying in Lanjing for a few days, Lin An planned to leave for the Magic City.

Lan Jing is not far from the Magic City. If his zombie army is not blocked on the way, at this relatively slow speed, it is estimated that it can reach the Magic City in one and a half months.

There is no way, the movement speed of low-level zombies is a fact that cannot be changed.

It's only a month and a half, so Lin An is not in a hurry.

After capturing the magical capital, he directly established a zombie empire in the magical capital, then killed Yanjing, and then recovered the zombies and humans throughout China one by one. In the end, it opened the country wide and crossed the ocean to encroach on other countries.

This is the general plan Lin An currently has in mind.

Some small countries around China such as North Korea, Han Dynasty, Tai Kingdom, and even Mongolia and Afghanistan will suffer!

The zombie army then set out again, aiming directly at the Magic City.

It's not that Lin An didn't expect that the Chinese government would use nuclear bombs to deal with him, but he didn't expect that it would come so quickly.

On the third day after Yang Tianqi's death, Lin An's zombie army had just moved for a day and had not even left the urban area of ​​Lanjing when a flaming missile suddenly dropped from the sky of Lanjing.

There is no doubt about the accuracy of the nuclear bomb, and Lin An had no corresponding defensive measures. The nuclear bomb directly broke through the atmosphere and landed towards Lan Jing, and Lin An could not detect it at all.

By the time I noticed it, everything seemed to have come a little too late.

The nuclear bomb that looked like a meteorite falling from the sky appeared in Lin An's sight, and Lin An's eyes immediately froze.

Without saying a word, he hugged Yang Yanran and ran towards the chosen place.

After only running for a second, Lin An knew that he could not match the speed of the shock wave of the nuclear bomb explosion, and immediately he drilled down towards the ground.

It only took tens of seconds for the nuclear bomb to fall from the sky. Lin An couldn't care less about the life and death of other zombies. A large number of white bones immediately appeared on the ground where he drilled, forming a bone wall, and he desperately drilled towards the center of the earth, trying to Take minimal damage.

The nuclear bomb finally exploded tens of meters above Lanjing. Hundreds of kilometers in the center of Lanjing were instantly razed to the ground, and a sinkhole dozens of kilometers deep exploded. Then a terrifying shock wave headed in a circular pattern. The news spread rapidly around.

The urban area of ​​Lanjing covers an area of ​​6,500 square kilometers, but it is as fragile as paper in front of this nuclear bomb, the highest weapon of mankind.

Wherever he looked, everything was reduced to the ground. The thousands of households that Lin Xinxin had gathered and the army also evaporated and ceased to exist under the terrifying power of the nuclear bomb.

And Lin An's bone wall defense also melted away like the melting snow of the spring sun, and the ground turned up several kilometers of land.

Lin An...can't hide at all!

He hugged Yang Yanran and lost consciousness in an instant as the terrifying shock wave rippled through his body...

"The nuclear bomb was launched successfully, and tens of millions of zombies in Yanjing have been eliminated!" At the same time, many people in Yanjing breathed a sigh of relief.

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