The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

060 City Of Bloody Worms [Today’S Third Update]

From Lanjing to the Magic City, we pass through several big cities and more than a dozen small cities.

Lin An didn't have a specific direction, he just asked the golden corpse to head in a general direction. Of course, he was not going to the Magic City in his current posture, but was preparing to absorb humans and zombies along the way to allow him to recover quickly.

It is true that his body is recovering, but due to the severity of the injury, without external support, this recovery may not last for a year before he can completely return to his peak condition.

But in this era of great evolution, a one-year gap will be fatal. Perhaps during this year, there will be a large number of seventh-level beings among human evolvers and zombies, and even higher ones will reach the terrifying eighth level. Level is not impossible.

Lin An might be able to withstand level seven, but the strength of level eight is estimated to be higher than Lin An's current level five zombie level.

Therefore, for Lin An, the top priority now is to restore his strength as soon as possible and then win the Magic City.

When he was at level five, a nuclear bomb couldn't kill him, so when he reached level six, a nuclear bomb still couldn't kill Lin An. Is it possible that China still needs to use Tsar missiles with an equivalent of 2.4 billion tons of TNT? If that is the case, half of China will be enough.

After five days, the Golden Corpse finally took Lin An away from the area thousands of kilometers away from the Lanjing nuclear bomb explosion. Within those thousands of kilometers there was no grass, let alone any biological species. It was like a battle with the ancient gods and demons in mythology. It's like a ruin, eerie and lonely.

Not long after leaving the scope of the nuclear bomb, Lin An finally encountered the first batch of zombies. The number was only around tens of thousands, including two or three Lickers.

Lin An asked Yang Yanran to freeze the two three-headed lickers and hold them in front of him. Then he stretched out his right hand and smashed the lickers' heads into pieces. He unleashed his blood power and smashed the lickers' heads. The blood was sucked into the core of his heart.

Dong dong dong~

Lin An's heart flashed red and beat violently.

"It's not enough. Level 2 zombies are still not enough! But there is nothing to criticize at this time." Lin An groaned. Although the effect was not satisfactory to him, it was better than nothing.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of Golden Corpse and Yang Yanran, he slaughtered tens of thousands of zombies and turned their blood into blood power to replenish himself. Only Lin An, whose upper body was left with a broken upper body, began to grow again.

Although the left arm has not grown, most of the ribcage and sternum have grown.

After absorbing this batch of zombies, Lin An continued to advance forward and entered Zhucheng City.

T City is considered a second-tier city, but Lin An felt that something was not right after entering the city. The population of the second-tier city was no less than millions, but why was there not a single zombie in the entire city.

Have they been eliminated by humans, or have the zombies in T City been taken away by some high-level zombies.


At this moment, the golden corpse under Lin An made a sharp cry for the first time, as if it was warning something.

Yang Yanran was also a little nervous, the atmosphere was too weird.

Lin An patted the golden corpse's head with some dissatisfaction and shouted softly: "What are you afraid of! Keep walking!"

The golden corpse couldn't disobey Lin An's order, but he still screamed sharply and refused to listen, moving slowly forward, as if he was wary of something.

Not long after, Lin An came to a wide square, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

I saw that the entire square was covered with bones, and I didn't know whether they were zombies or human beings. It was as if there was an indescribable existence holding a feast here.

This scene reminded Lin An of the first time he saw the corpse.

But at this moment, he could clearly see that there was no so-called corpse among the bones.


Suddenly, a series of dense and numb crawling sounds erupted, and the ground immediately cracked, and a large number of bloody worms emerged from it like an explosion of magma, rushing toward Lin An.

Yang Yanran was so frightened that she almost screamed. These bloody worms looked extremely scary. Each one was about the size of a palm. They had no obvious organs, only a mouthpart covered with sharp blades. They looked like big white worms but were all blood red.

What kind of weird bugs have taken over a city! The humans and zombies in this city have probably been defeated by them and turned into their food.


The golden zombie screamed loudly, and its tall figure immediately launched an attack on the group of bloody worms. Lin An grabbed Yan Yanran and threw her to the side of the building to temporarily avoid the attack of these insects.

Under the attack of such a large number of bloody worms, even if Yang Yanran could hold on for a while, she would not be able to hold on for long. Lin An didn't want these disgusting bugs to touch his female body.

Ever since, in an instant Lin An and the golden corpse were completely wrapped in the blood-colored worms like a blood-colored sea.

Yang Yanran looked down with widened beautiful eyes [A dense crunching sound rang in her ears.

Lin An protected his heart. These blood-colored worms were gnawing at his bones crazily, seeming to covet the heart inside. There were only a few who attacked the golden corpse, and most of the blood-colored worms targeted Lin An. That strong and strong heart.

Lin An's heart is his corpse core, and the energy contained in it can far exceed that of any level 6 zombie or level 6 evolver. At this moment, it is almost exposed, so naturally it becomes the target of these blood-colored worms immediately.

At first glance, the number of the first batch of blood-colored worms that came in was probably not millions, but there were still a large number of blood-colored worms emerging from the ground in the distance and crawling quickly toward Lin An.

Their actions are extremely consistent, as if under some kind of order.

"Disgusting thing!" Lin An couldn't move easily, so he could only be drowned by the red worms. However, he could survive the nuclear bomb explosion without any mood swings. "There was no way he was afraid of being eaten by worms.

It was just the numbing feeling of the bones all over his body being crunched, which made him feel very sick.

He opened his mouth wide and bit into several bloody worms. The worms exploded immediately, and a large amount of blood came out.

Seeing the blood, Lin An's eyes suddenly lit up!

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