The Zombie Emperor Of Doomsday

078 Collecting Ten Corpse Dependents [Update 1]


Lin An and the Yang family sisters had been struggling for who knows how long. There was no movement until dawn the next day. However, the group of evolutionists kneeling on the ground stayed neatly in one area, surrounded by slight noises. The sound of squirming blood beetles.

The blood beetle army suddenly gave way to a path, and nearly twenty fifth-level evolvers whose limbs had been removed were carried in.

These fifth-level evolvers are the group of people who had Lin An's hands and feet broken on the top of the mountain.

"Hey, brother Qiu, what a coincidence, your limbs are also broken?" Li Qiu was naturally among them, but as soon as he was carried in by the blood beetle, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

He turned around and saw Wang Qing, whose limbs were also broken and lying on the ground, looking at him with a wry smile.

He was optimistic and still had time to joke around.

Li Qiu was greatly surprised. He was among the group of people who ran away from Lanjing, and he also knew what happened to those who stayed in Lanjing after they left. So Li Qiu was surprised that Wang Qing and the others were not driven out to death, but instead So many people survived.

"Stop joking, why didn't he kill you?" Li Qiu also lay on the ground and asked Wang Qing.

Wang Qing said with a helpless expression: "Brother, I don't know. My limbs were directly broken by that monster. Then he stopped killing when the others surrendered. If he doesn't kill us, will he stay to torture us?" ?-"

"I don't know, just hope for the best." Li Qiu lost the intention to talk and his will was gone.

Lin An, who had been fighting for a day and a night, woke up leisurely at this moment. She could not sleep well, and Chong Chong's complaints popped up in her mind from time to time.

Lin An slapped the sleeping Yang Yanran awake with her backhand, and said to Yang Yi, who had fallen asleep with tears on her face, "Have a good chat with your sister."

After that, he got up, put on his shirt and walked out of the building.

When he came to the surrendered evolvers, the evolvers suddenly became restless and uneasy.

Lin An took a deep breath and said loudly: "From now on, you will all be my subordinates, Lin An. If you are loyal to me, I can give you everything you want.'s useless to talk nonsense. I just want to survive now." Take the initiative to swallow such a minister!"

After that, the blood beetles brought hundreds of thousands of white eggs with golden corpses.

Lin An will use his mental power to control whether these eggs will hatch, but of course his mental power cannot divide hundreds of thousands of them. Most of these eggs are dead eggs and will probably be digested if swallowed.

Only level five evolvers, Lin An, will feed them live eggs to control them.

After Lin An finished speaking, he directly grabbed a level 3 evolver and forced the eggs into his mouth, and used his mental power to speed up the catalysis of the eggs.

Soon, the level 3 evolver howled in pain. The eggs in his body quickly devoured his internal organs. By the time the brain popped out of his eyeballs after eating, it was already as big as a baby's fist.

"You guys...are you going to eat?" He threw away the body of the unlucky level 3 evolver and looked at the group of evolvers coming with a ferocious smile.

He was just letting this group of people know what would happen if the eggs hatched.

"Those who take the initiative to eat can survive. In the future, you will obey me and do not disobey my orders. These eggs are no different from dead eggs. If you don't want to eat them, I will send you back to the west now."

There is no choice at all. No one wants to be killed immediately. It is better to be controlled than to lose one's life.

But what they don't know is that only the fifty-three level five evolvers who are still alive eat live eggs, and the rest are all dead eggs.

There are more than a hundred fifth-level evolvers in the Demonic City, and only fifty-three of them, including Li Qiu, are still alive.

Of these fifty-three level five evolvers, Lin An is naturally the focus of treatment.

He even wanted to choose ten of them as his corpse relatives.

Collecting the corpse family is a bit troublesome. Not only do you have to plant the seeds of spiritual will, but you also have to make the opponent accept your hard work, and the loss ranges from 1 to 1000 in all directions.

But if the other party cooperates fully and does not resist at all, the value consumed is estimated to not exceed 100 [and may even happen.

After seeing that all the evolvers had taken the insect eggs, the insect army retreated underground like a tide.

Immediately, Lin An began to carefully select ten potential fifth-level evolvers.

The first one, named Qian Yan, is a power evolver.

"Don't have any resistance in your heart." Lin An held Qian Yan's head and his eyes became cold.

Then he reached out and inserted his hand directly into his heart, took out a drop of heart blood and motioned for Qian Yan to take it.

Qian Yan's face was ashen and he seemed to be resisting, but he still chose to take this drop of his hard work under Lin An's cold eyes.

The next step is to plant the seeds of spiritual will so that the corpse family will never betray Lin An, even if their strength exceeds Lin An.

After all the procedures were completed, Lin An checked himself and found that his full attribute value of 450 was directly consumed. He flicked his hand and beat Qian Yan's head to pieces.

"I said, don't have any resistance in your heart!!" Lin Shu repeated ten sentences again.

Lin An's sudden attack frightened the other nine selected fifth-level evolvers to tremble in their hearts.

After killing Qian Yan, Lin An chose another one.

Li Qiu and Wang Qing were lucky enough to be selected by Lin An.

With Qian Yan's lesson learned, the subsequent fifth-level evolvers did not dare to have too much resistance in their hearts, for fear that Lin An would slap them and send them to the west.

The ten corpse relatives took Lin An half a day's time, plus the 450 from Qian Yan, the total cost was less than 700, which was not harmful to Lin An at all and was dispensable.

After a week, the seeds of spiritual will in their minds will sprout, and they will completely become Lin An's puppet. Although they are allowed to have their own will, they will not have the slightest disrespect or disobedience to Lin An in their hearts.

Corpse relatives, in other words Lin An’s dead warriors!

And in the future, Lin An will also focus on training these ten corpse relatives, striving to improve their strength and become his capable subordinates.

Lin An's empire begins in the magical capital!


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