The intern's name is Han Zhi. He was tall, but very thin, and Fu Erdie felt that he was lighter than herself.

Han Zhi and Cen Xiyang were so thin inside and out that they lost a layer of skin. Cen Xiyang was in his early 80s at most, and suffered a lot of torture.

Fu Erdie took out the peaches prepared in advance and handed them to the two: "I don't know if your stomach can digest it now, but you still bring it with you. If you are really hungry, eat it, if you are not hungry. Eat at home."

Cen Xiyang's eyes lit up, and he stuffed the unfinished water bottle into the intern's hand, then took Fu Erdie's fruit and ate it in a big mouth.

Fu Erdie: "This, um, classmate Han Zhi?"

Before Han Zhi spoke, Cen Xiyang said casually, "You can call him an intern, we all call him that."

Fu Erdie didn't care what his name was, and continued: "I'm a good friend of Cen Xiyang, I was supposed to pick her up, but she mentioned that you are her partner and have a vision to share. Ability, so we also want to take you back with you."

"There are three people in my family now, me, Sang Wenhao next to me, and a mother-in-law who lives with me."

"I trust Cen Xiyang, she said that you have a good character, and I trust you. But it is better to say unpleasant things first than later," Although Fu Erdie already had a lot in mind The picture of fighting together with the intern's ability, but her expression is cold and serious, "Don't do anything that damages my interests, don't damage my home, don't damage the plants in my home, when you need everyone to work together to improve the fighting style. We must cooperate when we fight together, and we must not back down when we fight together.”

The intern looks like a bad-tempered person, and Fu Erdie is ready to turn his face.

In the end, the intern did look bad, but he didn't refute or be arrogant. He just listened with half a bottle of water, his eyelids were drooping and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Furdie: "What I can guarantee is that you have a safe living environment, sufficient food and water."


Han Zhi's mouth twitched invisibly.

This cake is painted like his boss, no, it should be the former boss.

"Don't worry, I won't make trouble. I don't have a place to go now, I can go anywhere." Han Zhi didn't believe what Fu Erdie said, and said casually, "As long as I have something to eat, no Let me do too much, what do you want me to do."

Fu Erdie was okay to hear this, but Sang Wenhao frowned, feeling that this person did not have a correct attitude.

Perceiving Sang Wenhao's squinting eyes, Han Zhi raised his head and stared back impatiently.

He gave face to Cen Xiyang's friend, but he wouldn't give face to this little pony.

The two of you look at me and I look at you, and they don't like each other.

Fu Erdie ignored the eyebrow-raising lawsuit between the men and said, "I still have to go to my grandmother's house to get something. If you have no injuries that need to be dealt with immediately, we will take the things first. Go back together."

It takes four hours to go back and forth to my grandmother's house, and two hours to go back and forth to the business district.

Furdie didn't want to waste time, so she continued with the previous plan.

On the way, Cen Xiyang told her about her experiences since the end of the world.

Although there are many sad or dangerous things, it is relatively stable on the whole, even a little more stable than a university town.

"We have a lot of zombies and a lot of dead people here. But because there are office areas around and no large warehouses or anything, those powerful abilities in other places have not been able to stand. Groups of zombies are looking for resources."

"After the local survivors have robbed the few supermarkets, they are also constantly expanding their search range around. But the food they can find is getting less and less, and the place to go is getting farther and farther. The supervisor is also morally kidnapped, and insists that we distribute food to everyone, otherwise we will not give clean water to drink. I really can't help it, I search for supplies almost all night without sleep. "

Cen Xiyang is not a fragile crybaby, but this is the first time he sees an acquaintance and a best friend in such a long time in the last days, and he can't hold back the tears of grievance.

Fu Erdie touched her back to reassure her, thinking about the scene she saw on the monitor.

The surveillance was put down around ten o'clock, and until today, only a few embarrassed people were photographed returning, and the scene where they came out before was not photographed. Thinking about it, it was indeed going out as soon as it got dark, and then working outside all night.

Fu Erdie: "Do you want to squint for a while now?"

Cen Xiyang shook his head and laughed through tears: "I'm very happy, I finally don't have to be angry there anymore, so happy that I can't sleep."

Fu Erdie laughed.

Okay, if you can't sleep, you can't sleep. Anyway, they can have a good sleep after they go back.

The four of them sat in it and finally stopped crowding and rushed back happily.

Cen Xiyang's happiness is real. Although she also felt that the safe shelter, sufficient food and water that Butterfly said was to make her feel at ease, and exaggerated, but she believed in Butterfly and knew that even if there were exaggerated ingredients, there must be something to exaggerate. .

She imagined that Fuerdie should be a flora, so there are fresh fruits. Maybe there is some water system ability, and then there is water, so you don't have to worry about food and clothing. As for the safety of the accommodation, it is because of this handsome bodyguard who has been watching the intern very well.

His metal system shocked the group of survivors in the commercial building, and also shocked her.

Based on these considerations, Cen Xiyang believes that he has made psychological expectations.

Han Zhi didn't have any psychological expectations, as long as he didn't see the supervisor and those nasty things

He is spiritual, his perception is much stronger than others, and he glances at it casually, and if he feels his spiritual power roughly from a distance, he can feel the huge vitality there!

It seems to be a primitive jungle that has never been polluted.

Of course, in fact, the plants are not really very tall, but the impact of their exuberant vitality on him is too great.

When the iron bed box floated over the community, not only Han Zhi was shocked, but Cen Xiyang also joined the shock.

In the last days, there are places with such a good environment?

Nuo Da's community does not have a single zombie. There are huge dandelions everywhere. The vines of tomatoes and cucumbers climbed up the window, and the little fruit that had not yet grown up swayed under the window like a swing.

I found Fu Erdie and his party coming, and the dandelion suddenly blew a lot of dandelion flying like a welcome ceremony.

Fu Erdie stretched out her hand, and the dandelion came along with the wind and was gently blown away.

Cen Xiyang opened his eyes wide, not daring to make a sound to destroy this dreamy scene.

She hates that her phone is out of power now, so she can't take pictures!

Only Sang Wenhao knows, it seems that behind the thousands of dandelion flutters there are all kinds of competing and meticulous fighting methods.

Those flying catkins that stayed beside Fuerdie for a while and then were blown away did not go by themselves, nor was there really wind, but were driven away by other dandelions who came behind.

Sang Wenhao: “…”

Thinking of this he couldn't help sighing.

Suddenly, Fu Erdie turned her head and stared at him: "Have you noticed that the bed box has become lighter."

Sang Wenhao was stunned, and immediately felt it with his heart.

Like, is it true? !

In order to verify whether it was an illusion, Sang Wenhao made a few more turns in the air, and finally confirmed it.

"It does get lighter."

Fuerdie looked at the flying dandelion.

They are!

Yes, the dandelion has its own wind property and can fly.

The strength of a dandelion is relatively small, but a lot of dandelions can really reduce the weight and save a lot of effort!

"I have an idea." Fu Erdie touched the dandelion fluff, "We can make an improved dandelion version of the 'hot air balloon', referred to as dandelion balloon."

Sang Wenhao understood in seconds, nodded and said, "You go to work first, I will greet these two friends."

Furdie couldn't help but do what she thought of. She came to the balcony of 16-1, went straight to the dining table in the living room, picked up the pen and paper that had not been put away yesterday, and continued to draw.

Cen Xiyang and Han Zhi were dazed and immersed in the impact of the clean community on them, and now they have completely failed to keep up with Fu Erdie's train of thought.

Especially the unit building where Fu Erdie lives, it looks so special.

First of all, there are many kinds of plants. From a distance, you can see the whole floor of the 16th floor is covered with green dill. On the first and second floors, there are huge succulent fleshy leaves sticking out from the windows, and there is a faint tendency to wrap the whole building upwards.

In addition to these two very eye-catching plants, there are many plants that are not so big, but grow very well, such as gardenias, spider plants, peach trees, cherry trees and so on.

The three of them did not enter from the balcony of Fuerdie's house, but entered the 16th floor from the balcony of the largest room 16-8.

The moment he entered the balcony, Cen Xiyang only felt his whole body light up, and his breathing was instantly smooth.

The nose, which had been smelling rancid for half a year and was about to be scrapped, regained consciousness instantly, as if it had been transferred from the car exhaust to the natural oxygen bar.

Immediately afterwards, the unremarkable house flashed white light, startling the two newcomers.

White light poured into the body of the two of them, and the two of them subconsciously wanted to hide, but they didn't, and their bodies were tense.

But in the next second, they discovered that the white light of this house could actually heal their injuries inside and out!

While the two of them were in shock and felt their bodies recover, Sang Wenhao went to the utility room of 16-2 to get two sets of clothes, two towels, two bottles of body wash and shampoo: "This floor There are ten rooms in the building, of which 16-1 is for Butterfly, 16-2 is for me, 16-5 is for Zhang Dongxuan and Granny Zhang, I will introduce you later, 16-8 is the dining room and the living room where everyone rests and gathers. Except for these rooms, you can choose other houses. But…”

Sang Wenhao paused: "You'd better choose a room without plant body, otherwise different plants have different personalities, and there may be conflicts."

Cen Xiyang, Han Zhi:? ? ?

The last sentence, every word can be understood, why is it so strange together?

Cen Xiyang's soul asked: "Aren't plants born from the power of butterflies? Why do they have their own...characters?"

Sang Wenhao did not intend to elaborate. Although this is her good friend, it is up to her to decide whether to reserve any issues involving her.

"It does have its own character. In fact, it's better not to be in the same room with tomatoes and cucumbers. That is, it's best not to go to 16-10. The plants in other rooms are very friendly."

The two accepted Sang Wenhao's suggestion and began to choose a room.

Cen Xiyang wants to choose 16-3, this room is opposite to 16-1, very close.

The structure of their building belongs to five households on the left half and five households on the right half.

And each half is divided into half three households and half two households.

16-1, 16-2, 16-3 belong to 1/4 of the whole floor. 16-4, 16-5 belong to the other 1/4 partition.

Cen Xiyang asked for 16-3, so Han Zhi could only go to Granny Zhang's subdivision, or to the other subdivision that was completely empty.


Neither of these.

He is not the kind of person who hides from the cleanliness. He came out with him. In addition to disliking the group of people, he also wanted to be with his partner, Cen Xiyang.

So far apart, are they still partners?

"I also want to live in 16-3." Han Zhi rascally said against the wall.

Cen Xiyang: ? ? ?

Han Zhi: "16-3 is three bedrooms and one living room, it's too extravagant to live by yourself. We live together almost. Think about it, in the future your friend will have to pick up her parents, and also I’m going to pick up my grandmother and my aunt, and if I have spare time, I’ll also pick up your family members. Maybe more and more people will be picked up along the way due to various circumstances. In this case, we can save a little space.”

Cen Xiyang: "…"

She wanted to say, didn't Sang Wenhao also live in a three bedroom and one living room?

However, in addition to his own things, Sang Wenhao's room has a lot of collected materials. Two of the rooms are filled with miscellaneous things, not all of which are used by him.

Cen Xiyang agreed.

Anyway, since the end of the world, their group of refugee-like survivors have all lived under one roof, who would be hypocritical.

Sang Wenhao handed over the toiletries, Cen Xiyang said, "I'm taking a bath at 16-3, you can find a room to wash."

Han Zhi: "Okay."

He is going to wash 16-6.

However, just a few steps away, they both stopped.

Wait, take a shower?

“There is no water supply in the community?!”

The two asked in unison.

Sang Wenhao calmly said: "The water has stopped. It's just that the house has not stopped water."

Two: ! !

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