The only one who can be considered thinking is Professor Zhao Shansi Zhao.

As a person without powers, she is actually not the worst in the last days. First, she has a certain resistance to unclean river water, and there is no sign of disease so far. Second, she is indeed a professor and expert with solid theory and practice. She has made achievements in building various infrastructure frameworks, so In the beginning, regardless of the resources of the base itself, he was willing to protect her as much as possible and let her do research with peace of mind.

It's just that after the base was attacked by many batches of mutant zombies, the weapons were gradually used up, and a third-order ability user became the boss of the H city base.

And this third-order power user is to some extent the "beneficiary" of the end of the world. He has won a position he has never had before, and he doesn't care about dead relatives and friends. In the environment of the end of the world very comfortable.

Even, he enjoys the end times and hates the orderly society under science and technology.

So within two days of his appointment, the treatment of the technicians in the base took a turn for the worse. A professor like Zhao Shansi, who has no supernatural powers but is highly knowledgeable and skilled, has lost his previous treatment, and it is difficult to eat and live.

Zhao Shansi therefore understands a truth, the bases of all parties in the last days are no longer the stage where ZF can fully decide. When their weapons are getting less and less, they can only rely on the power user.

If the power user is his own, everything will be fine. However, the ratio of zf staff to ordinary people is too great, and there is also a very large gap in the number of abilities. The strongest power users in most bases are not their own.

So if you want to defect to the next base, instead of looking at who is in power at the moment, it is better to look at who is the most powerful ability person at the moment.

Professor Zhao kept observing when He Xuan and the others were talking to Fu Erdie. She found out that this girl is really serious about technicians, and in her own base... oh no, in the words of a girl, it is a community, and she is dominant in her own community.

Her boyfriend is very strong, but he also listens to her words and acts.

This is definitely not a primary and secondary relationship simply because of the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, it must have the role of the girl's own ability.

Maybe because the girl is a plant-type power, she can provide food?

Or the girl is a dual-type power user, and also has a water-type power, so basically she is the boyfriend and the food and clothing parents of the entire community?


This ability to provide food, water, and healing, although very useful and highly valued, is often the object of competition due to lack of aggression, and is always in the team. Those who do auxiliary work have very little autonomy.

There must be something special about her.

This is a good thing.

A strong and powerful person who values ​​technical personnel and has the necessities of life is the best choice for her.

Professor Zhao is forty-six years old. He has his own way of dealing with schools and corporate project departments. He also has a company.

She glanced at everyone present.

Zhuang Licheng, as an electrical engineer, must be attracted, and Pan Feizhou, an athlete with metal extraction ability, must also be attracted. The two of them, plus herself, were members of the technical department who Fu Erdie named and could have a better living environment.

The others, Professor Zhao doesn't really want them all to pass.

There is a couple in particular, they don't seem to spend much effort at the moment, but after getting along for a few months, it can be seen that they are very fond of camping, and at the same time love to take advantage of it.

My team has gone through untold hardships to escape here, and finally met a defector who seems to be very good at the moment.

Professor Zhao lowered his eyes and thought.

Twelve noon.

After driving wildly for four hours, Fu Erdie and his party finally reached the boundary of Fentie City.

After passing through a transition zone, they saw a large field flooded by the Wangyang River.

Fu Erdie thought about it for a while, and asked Sang Wenhao to drive the car to the nearest hill, and then changed to a box car to continue driving.

The box car was very clean, He Xuan looked at his dirty body and hesitated.

Fu Erdie directly gave her a bucket of water and a set of shabby but clean clothes, and used a metal shelf to temporarily build a shading shed, allowing her to take a shower and change clothes inside.

Fu Erdie dragged Sang Wenhao to the top of the hill, urging the ability to restore energy and physical strength, and at the same time killing the surrounding zombies.

Wait for He Xuan to wash his head and take a bath with a little water, then put on clean clothes, tidy up and enter the truck, the whole person can breathe smoothly, and the lingering rot from the outside world All odors are isolated.

Fu Erdie and Sang Wenhao entered the truck and saw the rotting and deteriorating wound on her arm, and said, "I can treat your injury, but now I can only cure part of it, let it be The surface recovers, but the inside is no longer deteriorating. For the rest, when I find my parents, I will treat you again, okay?"

He Xuan nodded quickly!

This is awesome!

"Thank you for your help, I can express my position directly, I recognize you as the boss! I will do whatever you ask me to do! Whether it is looking for my parents, or seeking good luck and avoiding evil on the way home , I will do my best to let you, classmate Sang, and all of us get home safely!"

Fu Erdie nodded politely at her.

The distance after that is basically all flight, and the speed slows down a lot.

In the morning, I drove the electric car for 400 kilometers, but in the afternoon, under the constant transfer of the box car, I only moved 40 kilometers.

Mainly, from now on, they have to check point by point, and they have to go over all the mountains that may hide people, and then use loudspeakers to call people.

There are survivors who feel that they are about the same age as Fu Erdie's parents, who are in their 50s.

Fu Erdie didn't care at all. After disposing of the zombies that gathered because of the horn, she sprinkled a few dandelion flakes and flew away.

At more than six o'clock, they stopped to restore their abilities and finished their meal at the same time. After eating, I continued to walk for 30 kilometers and went to five hills, only to stop at the sixth hill.

Fu Erdie felt that her parents would definitely not stay in place for half a year. And according to her speed, she might be able to find someone within a week.

But it is also possible that they have left the flooded place long ago. If that is the case, it means that they have the ability to **** gasoline, and have the ability to run so far, and maybe they will go back directly.

At that time, Fu Erdie checked the hills of the flood disaster and made sure that her parents were not there, so she could look back.

To sleep at night, Sang Wenhao widened the bed box to a width of two meters and one. He and Fu Erdie sleep one meter four wide, He Xuan sleeps 07 meters wide, and the middle of the two sides is used from the outside. Pulling in the sterilized and deformed steel plate made a block, barely turning the small space into two rooms.

Fu Erdie was lying in Sang Wenhao's arms, running her powers and falling asleep, and continued on her way early the next morning.

They followed the map regularly for the next few days.

There are not many survivors who usually seem to be crowded on the top of a small hill or on a small kayak, Fu Erdie and others who rushed past and cried for help.

Fu Erdie has seen it, and will drop a small potato, and more are as hard-hearted as passing by without stopping.

In this way, they traveled day and night for five days. They were on a roof that could no longer stand, and saw two middle-aged men with withered faces and shaky faces washed away by the water.

In the box car, Fu Erdie's loudspeaker was still broadcasting the recorded voice over and over again: "Cao Bingqing, Fu Chenghong, my daughter is looking for you, and she will shake the flashlight when she hears it! Buy it for you. There's a flashlight on my watch!"

"Cao Bingqing, Fu Chenghong, daughter..."

In the rain curtain, after the two middle-aged men were stunned for a moment, the woman among them began to flash the light of the flashlight on the watch vigorously in the direction of the box car.

When Fu Erdie looked over, the light just used up the last bit of power and went out.

But this moment was enough for Fu Erdie to capture the woman's blurred face.

It's mom!

The one next to her must be Dad!

Fu Erdie burst into tears and shouted: "Dad! Mom! Hold on! I'm here!"

The window opened, and the box truck landed quickly and came to the two middle-aged people. The two tired, pale and hopeful faces burst into a huge surprise when they saw the girl in the box car, as well as thousands of sorrows that could not tell what was right and wrong.


The heart seemed to be beaten by a bell drum of jubilation, and Fu Erdie felt that the huge and heavy stone in her heart disappeared.

"Dad, Mom...! I finally found you!"

The rain and river water outside the window mixed with Fuerdie's tears, interweaving into a slightly blurred light spot.

She pulled the potato and let the potato wrap the root system around her parents' waist, and then worked hard with Sang Wenhao to pull the two people who were still surprised and disbelieving into the car.

The carriage was parked beside the roof and did not move. A steel cable was controlled by Sang Wenhao to insert it and anchor it, fixing the carriage to this piece of water.

"Dad, Mom..."

Fu Erdie's hands trembled as she hugged her parents who were almost ten years old and burst into tears.

For ten seconds, Cao Bingqing and Fu Chenghong finally pinched themselves.

"I didn't dream, I really didn't dream!" Their rough and calloused hands touched Fu Erdie's face and arms, "I thought we would never see each other again, woo woo woo Woo!"

"We are reunited!"

Alive, reunited!

Fu Erdie cried and laughed: "Slim, I've gained ten pounds, and my body is full of muscles. I don't believe you touch it."

Fu Chenghong listened beside him and couldn't help laughing.

Fu Erdie is healthy now and has nothing to do, but she is worried that her parents are injured, so she hurried to ask after crying for a while.

"We don't have any major problems, we don't have any missing arms or legs, just some minor problems."

Fu Erdie looked at the places he could see. On the surface, the most serious ones were the thighs and calves that had been soaked in water. Especially the calf, which has been soaked for three days, the entire leg is swollen, and there are many bruises on the waist that have been knocked out by floating objects.

Fu Erdie asked Tudou to help clean up the dirt on her parents, and then she glanced at He Xuan inadvertently, put her hand on the wall, and activated the ability, so that the wall produced a lot of white light And instantly poured into the body of the parents.

When her parents' legs and feet got better, Fu Erdie organized language to talk about her "ability" and the situation of this carriage.

"I have plant abilities and abilities similar to 'home', which can urge animals and plants to grow and work, and can also define a certain space as my 'home', in this 'home' where I allow those who have access to clean water and adequate treatment."

Because He Xuan was here, Fu Erdie did not tell the truth, but told the truth about her abilities.

"I need treatment through the house, and this treatment includes trauma, internal injury and various diseases, which is very comprehensive. Parents, you don't have to worry about sequelae such as rheumatism, you can rest for a few days. Perfect."

"As for house flying, it is Sang Wenhao's ability. He is my... prospective boyfriend."

The parents who were marveling at their daughter's ability instantly raised their radar and looked at the young man again.

If at first, they just regarded this man and the woman next to them as their daughter's teammates, no matter how they look at it, they are all good people, but now suddenly it's a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the younger generation and looking at the son-in-law is not the same after all.

Fu Erdie patched: "It is still in the contact stage, not an official boyfriend or girlfriend. If you have any questions, I will find out later."

Sang Wenhao scratched his head uncomfortably, then took out clean potatoes and water and handed them over: "Uncle and auntie, eat a little first, and pad your stomach."

The husband and wife looked at each other, took it politely, and said nothing.

It is up to the child to make up his own mind.

The box truck is very small, but five people sitting around a small table is actually just right.

The water surface is rippling, and the box truck is also swaying.

Cao Bingqing and Fu Chenghong were cleaned of the dirt on their bodies by potatoes, and the treatment in the house made no room for them to relax. They briefly talked about the situation in the last six months, and then fell asleep after their stomachs were initially full.

It turns out that at the beginning of the apocalypse, Cao Bingqing and his wife really lived well in that small villa they rented.

But in August, I don't know where the torrential rain happened upstream, and the dams were not repaired and controlled. The water rose quickly and flooded many fields.

Their villa was on the plain, and when they saw water coming from a distance, they quickly prepared their necessities, brought a spare bicycle and started to escape.

The story behind is similar to many other ordinary survivors. First, the gas station I found along the way was either occupied by the ability user or had been picked up, and the vehicle was forced to be stranded on the road.

Faced with the flood that may raging on the plains at any time, the husband and wife traveled lightly, took the little food left, and rode their bicycles to run inland.

Just as Fuerdie thought, they really followed the route agreed at the end of June.

However, no matter how fast a bicycle rides, it cannot leap over the flood area that stretches for hundreds of meters in the low-lying area ahead. They dragged their bicycles for a while, but when the water flooded the bicycles and they could only swim across without their feet on the ground, the bicycles were abandoned.

In this way, they fled in embarrassment, and they had less and less things to use, and the food was soaked, rotten, moldy and smelly, and they only tried to find wild vegetables to eat.

Last month they were too weak to run, so they simply waited to die or wait for the water to recede in a building abandoned by the power user.

In this way, the water slowly rose from the first and second floors to the third and fourth floors, and finally rose to the top of the seventh floor. Erdie found it.

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