"Don't panic...you still have the rice cooker I gave you. You don't need to beat it, just seal it. Don't worry, for you, the difficulty you have to face is not this breeding order at all. ." Chen Luo comforted Xing.

"That's good...wait a minute, you mean I have to face other difficulties? I'm still a child who's not yet one month old. You just ask me to do such a dangerous thing, how can I do it? It's too cruel. Come on!" Xing said angrily.

"I'll add 100 merit points to you."

"Okay, Luoluo. I knew you were the best to me."

"Being arrogant at first and respectful later makes people laugh."

"Hey, our relationship...I watched you grow up." Xing patted Chen Luo on the shoulder.

"...Chinese language is indeed broad and profound." Chen Luo sighed with emotion.

"Then again, you haven't told me what the difficulty is yet."

"You will soon usher in the second event of the simulated universe, Gold and Machinery. If the Locust Plague in the Universe records the fall of the Star God, then Gold and Machinery records how the Intellectual Star God looked at the Emperor. Emperor Rupert goes from life to death. In short... Come on! The simulated universe is a link you cannot avoid!" Chen Luo encouraged Xing.

"...Emperor Rupert, oh, he is the twenty-seventh member of the Genius Club who is weak in flesh and blood, but mechanically ascended." Xing thought of this character.

"We have the machinery, but where is the gold?"

"Gold refers to the border trade wars caused by the company's colonial expansion and monopoly..." Chen Luo said

"Expansion? Monopoly? That doesn't sound like a good word..." Xing frowned.

"The company is not a good thing in the first place, so what good words can you expect to use about it?" Chen Luole said, then rubbed Xing's head.

"It is quite ironic to say that the Interstellar Peace Corporation has become the largest protective force in the entire galaxy. You cannot deny that the trade practices of the Interstellar Peace Corporation have made many planets live a better life, but you also cannot deny that, There are not many good people at the top of Interstellar Peace Company.”

As for the Cunhu Star God, even if the Cunhu Star God knew what the Interstellar Peace Company was doing, he would not bother to pay attention to the Interstellar Peace Company, but would concentrate on patching up his wall.

"What about Void Manzo?" Xing thought of Void Manzo, who now holds a high position within the Interstellar Peace Company.

"It's not human."

"That's reasonable. But why are you telling me this?" Xing tilted his head.

"The reason why I tell you these things is so that you should be on guard when dealing with the Interstellar Peace Company. After all, this trip to Pinoconi... the interstellar Peace Company's envoys are an unavoidable part. "Chen Luo couldn't help but scratch Xing's hair.

"...You should say this to my body, not to me. Don't I know that Interstellar Peace Company has evil intentions against Pinoconi?" Xing muttered in a low voice.

The silver star is ready to hit the placer gold sap, what's the use of telling her this?

For this reason, Silver Star also specially wrote a reminder to the main body in the memo.

The only pity is that I can't do it myself...

Xing still remembers the crisp sound when the sap hit the sand gold head...

Good to hear.

What sounds good is a good start.

"Ding bell!" The wind chime rang.

A person whom Xing didn't know very well walked into the bar.

"Chen Luo, Chen Luo, newcomer, newcomer! Come up and get close." Xing said, pulling on Chen Luo's sleeve.

Zodiac sign is a frequent visitor to the bar, so he naturally knows how much a newcomer can improve the bar...

Well, not much.

It purely depends on whether the particularity of the other person's world is very high?

Of course, even if the other person's world is not unique, the bar is not unwelcome. There are many friends and many paths, what if you need them in the future?

"There's a new one, her name is Yvette. She's my... first doll. Haven't you seen it?" Chen Luopo was speechless.

They just don't show up in the bar very often. As for you, when you meet the other person, you keep pointing at the other person and saying they are new.

"Hiss... I have no impression. Isn't your first puppet a mercury lamp?" Xing scratched his head.

"The first puppet I made was indeed a mercury lamp, but in addition to making puppets, didn't I also become a puppet?" Chen Luo explained.

"..." Yvette stood there quietly watching Xing and Chen Luo discuss the issue of whether she was the first doll beside her without hesitation.

[Actually, Xing had met Yvette, but because the attributes of the blonde beauty were too much in the bar, and the two of them had not communicated with each other, they simply forgot about it. 】

The humanized plug-in came out and said something fair.

[Of course, Yvette’s role is really small, this is indeed a fact...]

There is nothing that can be done about it. Yvette's main energy is on the aura plane where Chen Luo is. In addition, Yvette herself is relatively resistant to using the river god's ability to create golden and silver versions of herself under daily circumstances. , Chen Luo couldn't take Yvette with him, so it was not surprising that the people in the bar, especially the guests who entered the bar later, gradually forgot about Yvette.

"Are you done talking?" Yvette said slowly.

"Oh, we're done chatting. Hello." Silver Star nodded and moved to the side.

At least in the future where Silver Star is, the main body star and Yvette really have nothing to do with each other, so Silver Star has no memory of communicating with Yvette.

This means that Yvette might leave again soon and won't come to the bar for a long time.

"It's not that Yvette doesn't come to the bar, it's because you stay in the basement every day. How can you two meet?" Chen Luo complained.

The first floor below the bar, which is also the basement, is for people who don’t know how to drink...if you don’t know how to drink, go to the children’s table.

"Here." Yvette turned her hand and returned a mercury-silver mirror to Chen Luo.

"90% of the leaders of all the survivors' gathering places protected by giant stone pillars in the dark bullet world have been replaced with clones." Yvette reported on the work.

This is why Yvette rarely comes to the bar.

Yvette rarely comes to the bar if she has nothing to do.

Because Yvette, who is also a paradise adventurer and is also a local snake in the aura plane, is often busy managing the paradise adventurers in the abyss passage and assigning them appropriate jobs.

An old tool man.

But Yvette seems quite satisfied with the job.

Yvette's mission this time is to take Chen Luo's ancient mirror to the dark bullet world, use the ancient mirror to copy all the leaders of the surviving cities, and then replace the civet cat with the prince.

This is also to verify the advice Chen Luo got from stargazing - don't always focus on quality but occasionally focus on quantity. Although ordinary people in a world without magic produce fewer elements of lies than strong people, But there are a lot of them.

Over time, the number of lies accumulated is also a considerable amount.

However, there is a bottom line for Chen Luo to let Yvette implement this plan... The bottom line is not to touch leaders who are not famous.

For example, the Holy Emperor escaped the turmoil of changing the civet cat for the prince.

It's a pity that there are too few people like this who are not famous as leaders.

Chen Luo didn't feel that doing these things was morally wrong.

After all, the red name means that the other party is not innocent, just like the empire's minister Ernest.

It is undeniable that some of these ruthless people can really make the survivors live better when they seek their own political power, but the clones can do better than them.

As the old saying goes... If you don't do it, there will be clones.

The clone can do what the original body can do, and the "self-control" clone can also do what the original body cannot do.

So why not let it be copied?

And it can also harvest a lot of lying elements for Chen Luo.

As for the famous leaders themselves... they were not thrown into the primitive gut biome and eaten up by Yvette, nor were they turned into dolls... Chen Luo didn't just collect all the garbage.

"In addition to the dark bullet world, the Eden you requested to build in the zombie world is also being built. It will probably be completed in a few days." Yvette reported the work meticulously.

Those famous leaders who were taken away from the dark bullet world were all sent to the Garden of Eden for labor reform and to help build the Garden of Eden.

Although the park adventurers do not lack this labor force, letting them have bad luck can make people feel happy.

"But Esdeath encountered some problems..." Yvette said.

"As expected." Chen Luo was not surprised.

"After the clone of Esdeath was copied, he was unwilling to return to the empire that was waiting for construction and could not fight freely without weapons. Instead, he launched a challenge to the original Esdeath after it came out. ...Whoever wins is the real Esdeath.”

"...It fits Esdeath's style very well." Chen Luo nodded.

"So I canceled the clone, but kept Esdeath's clone record." Yvette said.

Hearing what Yvette said, Chen Luo glanced directly at the ancient mirror in his hand, and then lightly snapped his fingers.

The area of ​​the ancient mirror expanded instantly, but the extended mercury did not cover the entire bar, but only covered a circle with a radius of about two meters.

The copy of Esdeath was instantly fished out of the mini mercury lake by some force and stood in front of Chen Luo.

Esdeath's size is not enough to fully expand the scope of the Ancient Mirror of God.

"...My dear brother, are you planning to let me go back to that boring empire again?"

After the mercury color faded, the copy of Esdeath slowly walked up to Chen Luo. He stroked Chen Luo's cheek with some cold hands, and then inserted his fingers into Chen Luo's hair, with a dangerous look on his face. smile.

Although Esdeath has long known that the identity of Chen Luo, the Esdeath clan brother, is just a background for world creation, it does not prevent Esdeath from being willing to bring this background into reality.

"If you don't agree, then you can only change to Esdeath, but it is necessary to remind you that the next clone copied from Esdeath's body may not be you..." Chen Luo Friendly reminder to Esdeath in front of me

The reason why the other party maintains the memory before the copying is canceled is because the ancient mirror of Zhaoshen retains this record.

If the record is deleted, a new copy of Esdeath will come out next time.

Esdeath still showed no fear.

"I said, the current empire is too boring. At least it has to bring me a grand war to make me willing to go back, right?" Esdeath's clone shook his head.

"Then you have to think clearly. The requirements for the next Esdeath I summon may be much smaller. Although there is nothing to fight against the foreign ethnic groups on the border that you are already afraid of, but at least it is better than You don’t have to fight to be strong, do you?”


"Dear Esdeath, if you don't do it, there will be Esdeath's clone." Chen Luo stretched out his hand to help Esdeath straighten the white military cap on his head.

"Hey, I really don't give you any face. But I asked Chitong and the others to stretch their muscles. You must at least agree to this request, right?" Although Esdeath was unwilling to do so, she still chose to endure it.

"Deal. The door is over there. The little emperor will help you arrange your duties." Chen Luo pointed at the door of Bar No. 2 that suddenly opened behind Esdeath and said.

By the way, the little emperor sitting on the throne now is also a clone.

However, the other party took the initiative to request the replacement of the clone, because he himself did not seem to want to be the emperor.

As a reward for Chen Luo's contribution in providing a large number of lying elements, the other party received 10,000 paradise gold coins, and then began to spend them in the group network, seemingly... planning to explore the dimensional sea.

He was still shouting that the world is so big and I want to see it.

But Chen Luo felt that the other party just didn't want to work, and he found quite fancy reasons.

"...Chen Luo." Xing suddenly patted Chen Luo's shoulder as he watched Esdeath leave.


"Let's discuss something..."


"I don't want to work hard anymore." Xing looked at Chen Luo pitifully.

"What a coincidence, I don't want to work hard anymore."

"You take care of me."

"..." Xing's words silenced Chen Luoqian.

Do you know what you are talking about?

"You use this ancient mirror to copy me, and then ask her to come out of the mirror to help me measure the simulated universe. Can I go into the mirror?" Xing said, pointing to Chen Luo's mirror.

"...You have some backbone. You are a famous pioneer. You control the power of the star core and have the power to destroy the world. You are the real protagonist, the omnipotent and the destined person! How can you have such lazy thoughts? Here!" Chen Luo's hands directly grasped Xing's shoulders, causing Xing's breathing to quicken.

"Am I...am I that good?"

"Of course. You can doubt me, but you can't help but believe in yourself."

"This...this..." Xing blushed slightly after being praised by Chen Luo.

Are you really that good?

"So go ahead. Come on!" Chen Luo encouraged.

"Okay, then I'm leaving!" Xing confidently took the first step to the Black Tower Space Station.

Chen Luo looked with relief at Xing, who was slacking off for a moment but soon changed his ways.

"So... what is the truth?" Yvette asked slowly, looking at Xin Yuan's back.

"Well, what are you talking about?" Chen Luo was confused.

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