Their Commission Pay is Not Right

Their entrusted rewards are wrong Chapter 614

Outrageous fucking opened the door for outrageous.

In order to restore his expression to normal, Chen Luo continued to use the gap to monitor the person Chen Luo wanted to monitor.

"Yakumo Zi just said that she left a gap in the murderer's house, but she didn't say that she also left a gap in other places? Where is this? Tohsaka Rin's boudoir?"

I don't know how many years Yakumo Zi's realm ability has been used, and he has almost used it to the limit, and because of this, a gap has been created.

The gap left by Yakumo Zi in situ is extremely stable and concealed.

And as if taking care of Chen Luo specially, Yakumo Zi made the gap left by her very easy to connect.

It's like leaving a super strong WiFi in place, but this WiFi has no password, but Chen Luo can connect even if he has a little bit of ability.

There is one thing to say, Yakumo Zi is too reliable to be a teammate.

After all, the other party's ability to peep... to steal information is quite good.

But the problem is how to make Yakumo Zi a teammate is the most difficult thing.

"Oh, I found it."

After finally tuning to the corresponding channel with his mobile phone, Chen Luo began to watch.

Taking Luo Shu into his hand, after pondering for a while, Chen Luo moved the hands of the moon watch.

Chen Luo, the master of time management, is about to come out again!

If you disconnect from the bar now and time jump, you can stagger the time slightly.

It is equivalent to keeping the main world time unchanged, and the lunar world time is adjusted forward by six hours.

In this way, you can try to miss the opening time of the Holy Grail War and the bar.

Although there is a high probability of participating in the Holy Grail War not to talk about martial arts, it may just stay up late.

But at least it's better than not adjusting the time.

Chen Luo didn't want to participate in the damn Holy Grail War after opening the bar.

"Yingmanyingmanymanyingmanymanymany, 4 times over and over again..."

"Wait, 4 times or 5 times? That...was discarded when it was full...Isn't that right?" In a dark room, a sunny boy held a book and began to read what it was spell.

"Yingmanyingmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanmanfulmanmanfulfulfulfulfulfuly, this time it's 5 times!" The sunny boy seemed happy for being right.

"The following is the follow-up report on the serial murders in Fuyuki City..." But soon a piece of news broadcast on TV attracted the other party's attention.

"At the scene of the three murders that have occurred so far, there are all mysterious patterns that appear to be magic circles formed from the blood of the victims..." the host on the TV is broadcasting this.

"Ah, I really seem to be a little presumptuous." Listening to the report, the young man of Sunshine temporarily stopped the progress of drawing the magic circle and put his hands on the sofa.

Reaching out and picking up the remote control on the sofa, the sunny youth turned off the somewhat annoying TV.

Immediately afterwards, the other party turned his head to look somewhere, showing a healthy and somewhat lazy smile: "Do you think demons really exist? Kid?"

But as the angle of view changes, you can see that where the other party's line of sight is, a child with tears in his eyes is tied up.

Nearby, there is a large bucket of blood and where it is placed.

It can also be seen from this that the sunny young man in front of him does not seem to be as sunny as he appears on the surface.

"News and magazines always call me a devil. But if devils really exist, then this kind of name is a little disrespectful to them. I can't let go of that." The sunny young man who was not very sunny walked towards A child whose hands and feet were bound.

"Hello, Ryunosuke Yusheng is a demon!"

"Can I introduce myself like this?"

Sunshine that isn't very sunny... Ryunosuke Yusheng suddenly squatted down and looked at the child lying on the ground.

And the child was frightened, and looked at Yu Shenglong's sword with tears in his eyes.

Yusheng Ryunosuke: Master of Caster in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

He is a bright and cheerful young man who can perceive the subtleties of other people's moods but does not stick to small details, maintains an optimistic and constructive mood at all times, does not admit defeat due to failure, has strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, and is a good young man who enjoys life seriously--- It's just that his hobbies are torture, killing and dumping corpses.

A person who killed 42 people in a row before summoning the servants, a person who was born with evil qualities like Kotomine Kirei.

The difference is that Kotomine Kirei has moral values, but the other party does not.

After all, Kotomine Kirei has a good family and has been serving in the church.

Ryunosuke Yusheng has no interest in the Holy Grail, and he didn't even know the existence of the Holy Grail before he summoned Caster. But Yusheng's family has magician blood in his blood, so his participation in the Holy Grail War was purely accidental.

"I found a good thing. It's an ancient book in my warehouse. It seems that my ancestors have studied how to summon demons. Since it has been said that there may be such things as demons, so I can only verify it. It's over, right?" Ryunosuke Usheng said happily.

"But if the devil really appears, it would be too stupid for me to just chat with him without making any preparations, so if the devil appears, kid, can you... be killed by him?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" After hearing Ryunosuke's words, the child who was too scared to move began to struggle crazily.

"What would it be like to be killed by a demon? This is a very precious hurts..." When Ryunosuke Yusheng happily narrated the experience that the other party might suffer, the rain god Ryunosuke suddenly A pain was felt.

"This is... what?" Yusheng Ryunosuke subconsciously looked at the location of his pain, the back of his right hand.

There, a special imprint is manifesting.

A seal of qualifications for those chosen by the Holy Grail to become masters.

At the next moment, the magic circle drawn by Ryunosuke with human blood began to gradually glow, and made a sound like a lightning strike.

As the light grows brighter...

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning that appeared out of nowhere hit the floor directly, directly smashing the magic circle drawn by blood to pieces.

The summoning ceremony that was about to start was also interrupted.

"Huh?" He was surprised by the glow of the magic circle, and another surprise because the magic circle was destroyed.

What woke up Ryunosuke Uyuu from his astonishment was a sharper pain than before.

Yusheng Ryunosuke suddenly felt a figure flash by, looked at the other party, and found that it was a young man who was much younger than himself, and the other party held... half an arm in his hand.

Is that... my arm?

And the beautiful, gorgeous and touching liquid that flowed own blood?

The next moment, Ryunosuke passed out directly.

After glancing at Ryunosuke Yusheng who had passed out, Chen Luo directly used his peeling ability to peel off the command spell on the back of the opponent's hand, and then placed it on the back of his own hand.

A set of movements is done in one go.

As for Yusheng Ryunosuke... Chen Luo sealed the opponent's acupuncture point so that it would stop bleeding, and then left it alone for the time being.

"I don't know if this Command Seal can be used..." Chen Luo looked at the Command Seal in his hand and muttered.

Logically speaking, Chen Luo should have waited until the opponent summoned a servant before taking the opponent's Command Seal.

But Chen Luo didn't want that magician.

It's too cruel and disgusting, at least according to the other party's current posture.

"Buzz!" But the next moment, the answer to the question Chen Luo asked just now appeared in front of Chen Luo.

The summoning array that had been smashed in front of Chen Luo actually restarted, but this time the summoning was different from the previous one, at least it was impossible for the same heroic spirit to appear.

"Good guy, I'm not ready yet, and I didn't take the holy relic, so I just summoned it silently and obligatoryly? But forget it, I originally wanted to use the ring of angels to summon, but it seems that the Holy Grail War can't appear gods."

"Well, I heard that true love has been born in Group C since ancient times, and I don't know who my true love is..." After Chen Luo complained, she looked at the magic circle excitedly.

And the servants summoned with compatibility should be a good match for me, right?

For example, Morgan and himself have a common savior attribute.

The smoke filled the air, and after the summoning was successful, a soft voice sounded.

"Oh, what's going on? How could I be summoned by the Holy Grail without dying? Well, although I don't know why, it seems very interesting."

As the smoke cleared, the figure of the other party also appeared in front of Chen Luo.

"I'm Merlin, what people call the Magician of Flowers... Uh, what's going on in this weird environment?" Merlin froze for a moment when he saw the scene in front of him.

Although I really shouldn't be considered a good person, but by believing in the master who summoned me, I shouldn't be so bad as to kill the whole family, right?

"Use the command spell to... commit suicide, Merlin." After seeing the person who appeared, Chen Luo said to the person indifferently.

"Hey, wait! I just came out, why did I have to leave immediately?"

Chapter 622 Merlin, Morgan and Artoria

"Hey, no command spell? What a naughty master, it's scary." After finding out that he was not forced to commit suicide, Merlin heaved a sigh of relief.

When he looked at the Command Seals of his current Master, he also found that the other party's Command Seals were not missing.


"It's just that Master, don't you have too many Command Seals?" Merlin looked at the stigmata on Chen Luoman's arm with some uncertainty.

Although the newly obtained Command Seals have not had time to be copied with the ability of the River God, but with the nine Command Seals that originally belonged to Morgan, it is already a full 12 strokes.

"Okay, don't worry about this, save people first." After glancing at the other party, Chen Luo sighed.

Now Chen Luo began to worry about how Merlin and Morgan got along.

Moreover, Chen Luo was still very worried about how he was able to summon Merlin based on his affinity alone.

Where is the similarity between me and Merlin?

Don't be human?

Or is it a nightmare?

Er, well, from the point of view of the nightmare, it seems that the inner demon and the nightmare are not too different.

md, planted!

But Merlin is not completely useless...

"No, Merlin, shouldn't you still be trapped in the tower now? Besides, aren't you dead? Why were you summoned by me as a heroic spirit?" Chen Luo, who had just untied the child, suddenly turned to look at Merlin.

"You ask me that, I don't know, I still want to know why I appear here." Merlin said after spreading his shoulders.

You ask me, who do I ask?

It's not science, it's not magic, it's not even the Holy Grail.

Damn it, it must be Alaya's fault!

Chen Luo cursed secretly!

Um? Misunderstand? Just kidding, apart from Alaya, Chen Luo hasn't met any other special beings, has he?

Who is not Alaya?


"What happened here?" Merlin began to scan the room after hearing Chen Luo's words, and found that the room was indeed bloody enough.

Not to mention that the blood next to it was obviously human blood, and Merlin could even smell a faint wet odor.

"To put it simply, it's a murderer with the qualifications of a magician. It was supposed to be a matter of summoning a servant by chance, and the holy relic of the other party should be this young man." Untied, but the pupils are still full of shock and fear of the child.

In a sense, Yusheng Ryunosuke is not a servant who was summoned without using the holy relic. His holy relic is a child, and the one who is summoned is Gildrey, that is, Bluebeard, a legendary stripper. There are many demons in the skin of children.

And Chen Luo summoned Mei Lin, relying solely on his own compatibility with the other party.

How should I put it, although Chen Luoguang summoned two 5-star servants without using any holy relics, Chen Luo was not happy at all.

One is the Lord of the Lost Belt, and the other is Prunus Merlin.

In a certain sense, these two do not have an orderly camp.

Although Chen Luo didn't feel like he was a good person, but...

Keke, hard to say.

Merlin is not so pure as to do what other people say, but as a nightmare, Merlin still has his own special abilities. For example, Merlin can see that the child is quite frightened now, but the object of fear is not Chen Luo. , but a man lying on the ground with a broken arm.

In other words, the guy who was supposed to be the master of the magus in the first place.

"Master, I feel that the two of us are quite compatible. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mei Lin asked beside Chen Luo.

"I feel that instead of thinking about these issues, you should think about how to save your life." Chen Luo said after sighing.

"Um, what do you mean?"

"Don't you have clairvoyance? And it's a very high-level clairvoyance. Go and see how many followers there are. And who is my other follower." Seeing the cheerful Mei Lin, Chen Luo reminded him one time.

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