Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 246 Fubao: Is it my fault again?

"Shrimp rice? Is there a major drought?"

Fu Bao, who was lying on the mat, was instantly stunned.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that since the weather has warmed up, they have indeed not had any serious rain here. She didn't feel anything special about it.


It seems that during this period of time, in order not to stay in the house, she has been looking forward to the good weather and can play in the yard.

Is it my pot again?

Fubao hurriedly began to pray, praying to God that the rain would stop soon.

In this day and age, it depends on the sky for food.

If it doesn't rain all the time, the crops will dry to death, and the vegetation in the mountains will not be able to withstand it. Any spark may cause the boss's wildfire.

In later generations, the Amazon forest fires, the Australian fires, and the American fires all seemed to be caused by the hot weather.

Just thinking about the billowing smoke in the video makes people feel panicked.

Although Fubao is praying hard, she herself is not sure if it will work.

Although she is God's most beloved cub, the matter of begging for rain is not a trivial matter.

It's like a child asking their parents for a lollipop, a small toy, etc., the value is not high, and you can find a convenience store or supermarket to achieve your wish.

But if you ask your parents for a car or a house, even if your parents are rich, they can't just get them from the roadside for you.

What's more, your parents may not agree to your request.

From Fubao's point of view, it is a relatively big request that she wants God to rain now.

Look at this sky, it is as clear as a wash, without even a cloud, how can it be so easy to rain?

Still, pray!

Fu Bao prayed intently, but fell asleep after a while.

Seeing that Fubao was asleep, Mr. Xu and Mrs. Xu didn't talk in the yard, but carried Fubao back to the house.

Lichun quickly went to collect the mat, cleaned it, and sent it back to the house to prevent the mat from being exposed to the sun and becoming hot outside.


Fu Bao had a dream.

In the dream, she has been running, running under the scorching sun.

The sun was so blazing that she felt dehydrated.

Clouds were constantly flying across the sky, and occasionally there were clouds that blocked the sun.

However, there is no rain.

When Fubao woke up from the dream, she was soaked with sweat.

"Good baby, good baby!"

"Have you had a nightmare?"

"Honey, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mother is here!"

Mrs. Xu's soft voice clearly appeared in Fubao's ears, and Fubao's consciousness gradually became clear.

Yes, she had a nightmare!

From a very early time, Fu Bao has no nightmares.

As God's most beloved cub, she rarely has nightmares. And every nightmare is an omen.

In other words, this year is really going to be a drought.

And this drought was not caused by her.

Fortunately, this is not my own pot.

However, an inevitable drought will eventually come, which makes Fubao unhappy.

In years of severe drought, the grains are not harvested.

For the people of this era, whether it is a drought or a flood, it is a disaster that makes them desperate.

However, in the face of this disaster from God, Fubao is powerless.

She is just God's most beloved cub, and the key point is "cub".

In this world, it is God who truly controls everything.


The sky was still sunny, day after day.

The villagers' work to combat drought has already started from morning till night.

Even with a waterwheel, the scorching weather without the slightest rain stars made everyone a little irritable, and it felt like a little bit of sparks could burst.

Fubao sees heaven and earth and prays, but every time he prays, she falls asleep and then dreams that she is running under the scorching sun.

After having this dream many times in a row, Fubao was desperate.

It is impossible to pray.

In this situation now, it can only be fighting against the sky, its power is infinite.

In order to fight against the drought, the villagers started to produce sweet potato seedlings, preparing to plant sweet potatoes with strong drought resistance in a large area. As for other crops in the field, they have basically been abandoned.

Except for the fields near the Taohua River, in other fields, the villagers endured their heartache and destroyed the crops in the fields and planted sweet potato seedlings.

The strong man breaks his wrist!

In order to survive, I can't manage too much anymore.

Of course, there are also some people who are holding on to their last fluke, hoping that God will rain.

But the facts are doomed to disappoint them.

Mr. Xu was already quietly stocking up grain, and when it was dark and no one was there, he would bring the purchased grain home.

At the same time, Shen Wansheng, the prefect of Xiangyi Prefecture, was not idle, and handed over the document that Xiangyi Prefecture had suffered from drought a long time ago. And the government-run plan for carriage and passenger transport that Mr. Xu negotiated with him could only be put on hold because of this severe drought.

In these years of severe drought, people may have no food, how can they still have the ability to raise horses?


Sanhe Town, Zhao Family Inn.

Zhao Bingxiao did not continue to lie on the bed, but wandered in the backyard.

Many facts have shown that Xiangyi Mansion is really going to suffer a severe drought this year.

"Xiao Wu, you go back to the capital and use all the power of the Zhao family to transport food to Xiangyi."

After walking around the yard for a few laps, Zhao Bingzhen suddenly stopped and turned to look at Zhao Rui, who was standing under the shade of a tree.

"Now?! Such a hot day?"

Zhao Rui was dumbfounded.

It was really getting hotter and hotter these days. He was wearing shorts and shorts, standing in the shade, dripping with sweat. In such a hot day, he still went to the capital, which would kill him!


"Or, you stay here and I go back to the capital?"

Zhao Bingzhuo stared.

Zhao Rui can only admit it.

If some of his brothers and sisters knew that he was so unfilial, I was afraid that he would be cleared of the door without the need for his own master to speak.

"Master, didn't you get involved in these things before?"

"At this time, shouldn't it be the emperor who is benevolent to the people?"

Zhao Rui looked at his master in confusion.

In previous years, many places in Datang suffered from droughts and floods, but his master never asked anyone to do anything. Why is this time an exception?

"Xiao Wu, you say, how about your master and me asking for a title from the emperor?"


Hearing what Zhao Bingzheng said, Zhao Rui jumped up and down, "Master, don't forget about it!"

"Fuck you!"

Zhao Bingzhen smiled, "If you can't think about it, I won't think about your master!"

"However, this title, your master, I will decide!"

Hearing Zhao Bingzheng's resolute words, Zhao Rui said with despair on his face, "It's over, it's over, Master, you are trying to tie yourself up!"

"With this title, you are no longer a commoner!"

"If we do business again, we will be under the jurisdiction of the clan's government!"

In PK, in PK, ask for support, ask for support, kneel for support!

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