It's a pity I can't go back!

Fu Bao was a little depressed, blinded her down payment and the 100,000 yuan she just bought.

"Dang dang, dang-"

Just when Fu Bao and Lao Turtle were staring at each other with big eyes, the old man who had gone out after sending her home came back, and he was still happily holding a not too big water tank.

"Xiao Fubao, come and see, what is this?"

Mr. Xu brought the water tank to the front, and put down the water tank in front of Fu Bao.

Fu Bao raised his head, and sadly found that he was not as tall as this water tank, so he couldn't see it.

Father Xu, his own father, waited for Fubao to stretch his neck with both hands on the water tank, and then he remembered that his daughter was still a little beanie.

"Oops, it's Dad's fault, come, Dad, pick up Fu Bao!"

Mr. Xu squatted down numbly and picked up Fu Bao.

Only then did Fubao see what was in the water tank, the water lily.

"Is it the flower that Fubao wants?"

"Mmmm, thank you dad!"

Seeing the water lilies in the water tank, Fu Bao was quite surprised. It only took a few minutes from when his father went out to when he came back. However, her father actually brought back a jar of water lilies.

In other words, there were water lilies raised at home in their village, but she didn't know it.

This is a little sad!

Since he was able to sit on the back of the old turtle and wander around, Fu Bao thought that he was now somewhat of a spiritual master, and that there was nothing she didn't know about in this village.

As a result, reality is cruel.

She still has to continue to wander around the village!

"Daughter, tell me, should I send the flowers to the pond later, or put them in the yard first?"


Fu Bao raised his hand and pointed to the pond in his new home.

Although this water lily has already bloomed, it can be enjoyed at any time by staying at home. But the problem is, Fubao's legs are too short now, so he can't be held by people all the time, right?

Besides, the two eldest nephews in the family are really at the age of chasing dogs and chasing chickens. If either of them accidentally fell into this water tank, she would not want Sima Fubao to smash the water tank.

Therefore, the water lily should hurry to the pond.

With water lilies, the little golden carp swims there again, and it will come to life after eating the water in the pond.

Mr. Xu held Fu Bao and looked at the water lilies for a while, and then saw Mrs. Xu coming out of the house and picking up Fu Bao.

Then, Mr. Xu picked up the water tank again and went out.

I don't know if it's because children are like this, or because Fubao is different. Anyway, Fubao eats five or six meals a day, and every time he eats a lot.

But even after eating so much, Fubao still didn't get fat as a little fat girl.

Although she looked chubby and chubby, she was definitely within the weight range of a normal baby. At least, the people in the village say that Fubao is not fat, and now it is good, and he is a lucky baby.

Over time, Fubao is no longer hypocritical.

Do the exercise, and eat the meal.

Correspondingly, her strength is really not small now.

The fleshy little fist can now deter the two elder nephews obediently.

For this kind of strength increase of oneself, beautiful master said that it is a normal reaction of practising the fetal breathing method. He also said that when she grows older, her strength will be greater.

Fu Bao was frightened for a while. After all, the identity of a strong woman is a little scary just thinking about it.

But when she saw her beautiful master stretch out her slender fingers and smash the tea bowl in her hand lightly, Fu Bao felt relieved.

With a beautiful master with such a fairy-like temperament in front of him, why do you worry about it!

After eating again happily, Fu Bao went out again in high spirits.

She decided to walk around the village again, and listen to the parents of the aunts and sisters.

Come to think of it, no one cared that a little baby like her would eavesdrop on her, and she could understand it.

Thinking of this, Fu Bao laughed so hard.

However, Fubao forgot that she was a little baby, but Lichun who followed her was not.

After walking around the village, Fubao walked slowly and walked to the entrance of the village with his short legs.

There is a row of big willow trees at the entrance of Lingshui Village. Many children like to play here, especially to climb on the trees.

Fu Bao's two elder nephews are also playing here.

The old people in the village are all enjoying the shade under the big willow tree, and by the way they also take care of the little children of each family.

Not long after Fubao came, a group of little babies surrounded her.

The two eldest nephews are the guardians on the left and right, standing on both sides of her, while the other little dolls are eagerly waiting for Fubao to take out the candy from their pockets.

On Fubao's clothes, there is a cloth pocket sewn by her third sister-in-law. There are often sugar cubes and small snacks in the cloth pocket, which are prepared by Mrs. Xu for her.

Originally, the two elder nephews also had cloth pockets on their clothes.

But they went out for a few days, and when they came back every day, their pockets were stuffed with pebbles, sand, and so on. After several times in a row, Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Li, who were really overturned by their dirty clothes, simply removed their small cloth pockets.

The poor two elder nephews cried for a long time, but in the end they were unable to regain their own cloth pockets.

Fubao put his hand into the cloth pocket and dug for a while, but found nothing.

Well, she just went out for dinner today, so my mother forgot to put food in her cloth pocket.

So there is nothing to share with the little dolls today.

A bunch of little kids were a little disappointed when they saw that they didn't eat.

However, this disappointment did not last long and was forgotten by everyone.

A group of little dolls soon started playing the game again.

Play in the mud, ride a Trojan horse, hide and seek...

Fubao really wanted to play, but her little baby was only able to walk, not old enough to participate in various games.

As for the games that Fubao can play now?

It's okay to play in the mud.

However, Fubao couldn't stand the fact that an adult like him was digging mud and sand, and getting some mud and sand on his body was the second most important thing, and the most important thing was a lot of mosquitoes.

The two eldest nephews acted as Dharma protectors for a while, feeling bored, and then decided to give up.

Fubao yawned after watching the other little kids play for a while.

Forget it, go home and sleep.

This little girl's life is really boring, when will she grow up?

Fu Bao thought gloomily, got up and went home.

As a result, she only took two steps when she saw a carriage slowly approaching the village entrance.

Fubao stood on the side of the road and watched the carriage enter the village. Naturally, he also saw the flag on the carriage and the character "Xu" on the flag.

"Isn't it? Could it be that the people from the Xu residence haven't given up yet?"

Fubao watched the carriage with the flag "Xu" enter the village, drove in the direction of his house, and immediately called Lichun to take her home.

In the capital Xu Mansion, there are one family and three masters!

The only descendant of the founder of the country with a different surname!

After hearing the origins of the ancestors of the old Xu family from his father's mouth, Fubao's only thought was that the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty was indeed a senior, and he was really bold.

Ordinary emperor, who dares to let the important minister who fights the country with him be the king?

It's a pity that the descendants of the Taiping King don't seem to be very good.

Especially in the current Xu residence, the chicken Sichen!

Fubao is not looking down on women, after all, she is a woman herself.

She just didn't understand that the Xu residence was not a dead man, but a family of three. But the big and small matters in this manor are basically up to the old lady to have the final say.

One family and three masters, one family and three masters who were controlled by an old woman who had the right to speak, just like the emperor being ruled by the queen mother, these three masters are basically three puppets.

The most bizarre thing is that this old lady is only the widow of the first generation of An Taigong.

But Duke Changle, Duke Yongan, and their descendants of the three princes in this family have nothing to do with this old lady, so why should they listen to this old lady?

Just because of her age?

Or is it because she was once the adopted daughter of Emperor Taizu, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

Or, did she worship King Taiping as her adoptive father?

Anyway, Fu Bao didn't understand what was going on in the Xu residence.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, She Taijun was in charge of the Yanbo Mansion Yang Family. It was because of the Battle of Jinshatan, the Yang family's males were almost dead, and there was only one Yang Liulang by his side, and because he guarded the frontier all the year round, this Yanbo Mansion was naturally headed by She Taijun.

But what about the Xu mansion?

Can't figure it out!

Of course, after the death of King Taiping, the founding emperor Taizu made this one family and three masters, which is also a very scary thing to think about.

One family and three males seem to be reused, and the three brothers keep pace with each other.

But it really doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Anyway, thinking about this, Fubao will have conspiracy theories.


When Fubao followed Lichun back to the alley in front of his house, he first saw the carriage with the character "Xu" parked in the alley.

When the man driving saw Fubao and Lichun, he grinned, revealing a row of neat teeth.

"Brother Zhong!"

Just when Fu Bao stared at each other, she saw her father emerge from the other side of the alley.


The man driving the car heard Old Man Xu's shouting, and immediately turned around to look at Old Man Xu who was striding forward, and then bowed and saluted.

"Don't be too polite! Brothers, we're too different!"

Old Man Xu punched Xu Zhong, "Who are you sending this to?"

"Mother Song beside the eldest princess!"

"Also, your sister, Princess Yuyan!"


Mr. Xu was completely stunned.

"Brother Zhong, are you joking?"

Xu Zhong shook his head and said, "Young Master, you should go first."

"Oh, by the way, Mama Lu and the rest of the family have had an accident. Mama Lu is gone!"

When Mr. Xu listened to Xu Zhong's words and was about to turn around, Xu Zhong said a few more words.


As early as he guessed that Lu's mother betrayed his mother, Mr. Xu guessed that Lu's mother would not end well. It's just that I don't know whose handwriting it is.

Was it the Xu family who killed the donkey, or was it his little uncle?

As for his father, Mr. Xu really had no hope.

Because if his father still thinks about him and his mother a little bit, then it is impossible to continue to take in that mother Lu. Even if Lu's mother is his mother's nurse!

As for why?

It's simple!

The Lord worries about the humiliation of the ministers, and the Lord humiliates the ministers to death!

His mother and he were gone, but Lu's mother was fine.

If his father has any brains, he should go and check these things carefully. However, his father was afraid that he did not check. After all, he is still the eldest princess when he married another beautiful girl, and his father is proud of it.

"Master, she is not a bad person!"

Hearing that Mr. Xu said "very good", Xu Zhong was stunned.

In his opinion, even if Lu's mother is at fault, it is not as bad as her family. However, Lu's mother's family suffered retribution, and the end was very miserable.

"Who is the bad guy?"

Mr. Xu glanced back at his childhood playmate, "Brother Zhong, many times, the distinction between good people and bad people is just a matter of different positions."

As for the so-called younger sister who came here this time, Mr. Xu would not recognize it.

He didn't even recognize his own father, so how could he recognize this so-called sister? If you recognize this sister, don't you recognize Xu Shuo, the irresponsible father?

He didn't know if his mother forgave his father, but he wouldn't.


Fubao waited for his father to enter the yard before he emerged from the back of the carriage.

"Little girl, who are you from?"

Xu Zhong didn't think much because of the words of Mr. Xu, but turned to look at Fubao and Lichun who stood up from the back of the carriage.

"that house!"

Before Lichun could answer, Fubao pointed to the east of his new house, which was in full swing.

Neither lied nor concealed his identity perfectly.

As a little doll with an adult soul, her inner gossip soul has been burning this raging flame a long time ago, and she wants to explore the origin of her father's identity.

"Are you going home?"

Xu Zhong took out a small cloth bag from his arms, took out a handful of small white candy cubes, and handed it to Fubao and Lichun each.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Fu Bao smiled and took the candy, which was very similar to rock candy, and held it in his hand, but he didn't eat it.

Her father said that you can't eat strangers' food.

Of course, this person does not seem to be a stranger. But for Fubao, she still decided not to eat candy.

When Li Chun saw that Fu Bao didn't eat, she naturally wouldn't eat it either.

Her responsibility is to protect her own lady, so she can't eat anything from strangers.

"It's edible, it's sugar, it's sweet!"

Xu Zhong smiled, "The latest white sugar in Beijing is different from red sugar!"

As he spoke, Xu Zhong stuffed a small piece of white sugar into his mouth, and a happy and joyful smile appeared on his face.

Fu Bao hummed twice and said, "Go home, mother eat!"

Hearing what Fubao said, Xu Zhong was happy, took out two more pieces of white sugar from the cloth bag and handed it to Fubao.

"Well, take it home and feed your mother!"


Fubao still happily took the candy, but still didn't eat it.

"Brother eat!"

Well, there is no younger brother in the family, but there is a group of nephews and nieces, they can't eat sugar yet, they can only drink sugar water.

Not every child is like Fu Bao.

After all, if a child who is too young eats sugar in his mouth, he may swallow it directly, and it is easy to get stuck!

"It's so cute!"

Xu Zhong reached out and touched the hair on Fubao's head, "Little Miss, your eyes are exactly the same as Madam, your grandmother!"

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