
The eldest princess was stunned. How should I answer this question?

The matter of adopting Yuyan County Master and sending him to Anshun County, she was actually hiding it from this son. I thought that I would tell my son when things were over, but I never thought that this accident happened.

"Mother, are you hiding something from me?"

The so-called knowing son Mo Ruomu, the eldest princess was worried that her son would make trouble when she found out about it, so she kept it a secret. But now, I'm afraid I can't hide it.

"Huai Zhi, in fact, there is something that my mother forgot to tell you!"

The eldest princess immediately discussed her with the queen mother, and told the story of Princess Yuyan's adoption of the Zhao family as a daughter.

"Huai Zhi, mother does all this for your brother and sister."

"Now, you may not understand. But, in the future, you will understand the painstaking efforts of mother!"

After the eldest princess finished speaking, she looked at her son timidly.

This son's temper is actually not good, and he is often stubborn. And once his temper comes up, even her mother-in-law can't be coaxed.

"Mother, what do you want to do?"

When Xu Huaizhi heard the words of the eldest princess, it really exploded.

"You said that all this is for our brothers and sisters, so have you asked your son if he is willing?"

"Then Xu Huaiyi may hate us in his heart. You just adopted the little sister like this. Do you think that with the little sister's temper, you will try to please that person?"

"Little sister, what kind of crime is she suffering from now?"

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Xu Huaizhi was a little furious. If the person in front of him wasn't his respected mother, he might have already had an attack.


Looking at her exasperated son, the eldest princess took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "I'm here for luck!"


Xu Huaizhi narrowed his eyes, "Jie Yun Dao?"

"Mother, you—"

The Dao of Jie Yun is the enemy of the Tang Dynasty.

Since the founding of the country by Emperor Taizu of the Tang Dynasty, he has been targeting the Jie Yun Dao. For a hundred years of the Tang Dynasty, he suppressed the Jie Yun Dao for a hundred years.

But now, Xu Huaizhi actually heard the news of Jie Yun Dao from his mother, the eldest princess of the Tang Dynasty. Hearing the meaning of his mother's words, this was clearly cooperating with the people of Jie Yun Dao.

"That's right, it's exactly what you think it is!"

The eldest princess took a deep breath, "If it weren't for this, your mother and I would have already turned into a handful of loess, and none of your brothers and sisters would come to this world."

"How about the robbery and luck, what does it have to do with your mother and me?"

"As long as you brothers and sisters have a smooth life, then, even if you carry endless sins and become the unworthy descendants of the Li family, what is there?"

"Mother, you are already the eldest princess, why continue?"

Xu Huaizhi was stunned for a moment, and his intuition told him that things were not so simple!

"Yes, your mother, I became the eldest princess, but I stole it all. Including the lives of your brothers and sisters, I stole it from God!"

"The reason, you don't need to know!"

"As long as you know, in this life, mother will protect you!"

"Even though your little sister is going to be scolded for a while now, it's all temporary. When the rain passes and the weather is fine, you will naturally have a glorious and long life!"

"Mother, you and Dad, too—"

"your dad?"

The eldest princess sneered, "My father and I are just taking what we need."

"Do you think your father is really infatuated with that Zhao family?"

"If he was really infatuated, how could he have left Zhao's mother and son to go to the frontier?"

"Humph, man!"

"What's going on here isn't something you should know now!"

"Anyway, as long as you do what you are supposed to do, the prince of Beihou, then, for other things, you will have your mother and I will plan for your brothers and sisters!"

Speaking of this, there seems to be a flame burning in the eyes of the eldest princess.

Seeing the eldest princess like this, Xu Huaizhi was inexplicably frightened.

From childhood to adulthood, his mother was a very gentle woman in his eyes, who treated people with kindness and sincerity. But it was only today that he discovered that his mother was not what he saw.

At this moment, Xu Huaizhi was confused.


Royal Palace, Renshou Palace.

Emperor Yongping saw the empress dowager sitting in front of the statue of Sanqing Zun.

"My son has seen his mother!"

"The emperor came to see this palace, but for Yuyan's adoption?"

"The mother is wise, and the son admires it!"

Emperor Yongping smiled, "My son is puzzled, please ask my mother to help my son to clarify!"

"Zhao Shi, when he was still in the boudoir, he was the handkerchief acquaintance with Ben Gong."

"Oh? Why hasn't the son-in-law ever heard it from his mother?"

"Do you often mention a person who is better than you?" The Queen Mother glanced at Emperor Yongping, "If the Zhao family was not born in the Zhao family, and the Zhao family is a family of merchants, the Zhao family might be the most beautiful in the capital today. Honorable woman!"

"Unfortunately, Hong Yantian is jealous!"

"She was born in a family of merchants and is destined to not be able to enter this court."

"Your father has been worried about this for a long time!"


Emperor Yongping didn't know how to answer. At this time, when he heard these things, he was very embarrassed as a son, okay?

"Not many people know what happened back then. Now, I don't even need to mention it!"

"The reason why I adopted Yuyan to Zhao is because, your mother, I owe her a life!"

"Or, we both owe her a life!"

"She once told me back then that she wanted nothing in her life, but asked for a good word. I asked her, what is the word 'good'? She said that having children and daughters is a good word!"

"I asked her again, what about the man?"

"She said, man, it's just embellishment!"

"In the whole life, if you have one heart, the white head will not be separated."

"Unfortunately, there are so many unfortunate men in the world. Therefore, women should not take men too seriously and regard them as embellishments. It's good to relieve their boredom occasionally, and don't put all their hearts on men."

"Her free and easy, this palace still remembers!"

"Your mother and I can survive in the palace because of this freedom."

The queen mother glanced at Emperor Yongping again, "As for the other things, it's all over."

"Empress mother, that, why do you think that the Zhao family would be willing to have Yuyan as a daughter?"

"Erchen thinks that Zhao's so-called good should be her own son and daughter!"

Emperor Yongping cautiously glanced at the queen mother, lest he would make the old lady angry.

The queen mother sighed and said, "Do you think this palace doesn't understand?"

"It's just that she's gone!"

"What can this palace do?"

"It's just a reluctance to make up a good word, and it's all about our sisterhood. Speaking of which, this palace owes her in the end, knowing that she left with grievances, but can't do anything!"


"This palace is tired, the emperor should go back!"

The queen mother slowly closed her eyelids, indicating that the conversation was over.

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