Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 307 Lady, it's not too late for my husband!

"Man, man, I can't stand the pain!"


Seeing Xu Laosan's little actions, Uncle Lu knew what Xu Laosan was worried about, and he was immediately contemptuous.

Xu Laosan no longer wanted to defend himself.

He has now found out that his master is not pleasing to the eye anywhere now.

Forget it, isn't it just riding a horse?

What a big deal, isn't it just ass, don't!

As a son-in-law, when it's time to appear, you must be there.

Xu Laosan decisively chose to follow the advice of his master, and he easily borrowed two good horses from his second uncle, Shen Wansheng.

"Unfortunately, compared to my Zhaoyu Night Lion, the quality is still a bit different."

Riding on this borrowed Huang Cong horse, Mr. Xu was still commenting.

Uncle Lu listened to Xu Laosan's comments, and he was too lazy to roll his eyes. As for Xu Laosan's white horse, I don't know how it was adjusted. Bai has a good skin.

The two set off on the road.

Halfway through, Mr. Xu couldn't sit still.

Uncle Lu was naturally ridiculed again, and the irritated third Xu could only bite the bullet and insist.


When dawn came, Mr. Xu finally saw the city walls of Anshun County.

At this moment, Xu Laosan's tears of excitement fell.

He swore that in this life, he would never travel long distances on horseback again.

For the ass, the face is gone!


When Xu Laosan limped into the city, firecrackers were roaring in Wang Juren's house.

In front of the palace gate, gongs and drums, lion and dragon dancers, jugglers, and opera singers each occupy a corner. After you sing, we will appear.

Wang Juren is one of the few Juren in Anshun County. On weekdays, he also does a lot of good deeds and has a good reputation.

On his fiftieth birthday, even Zuoqiu, the county magistrate, had to join him.

And Yang Yuncong, the patriarch of the No. 1 wealthy clan in Anshun County, came in person and gave him a birthday gift.

All the guests are in their place.

The county magistrate Zuo Qiu naturally sat at a table with Xu Laozi and others, but Yang Yuncong on this table was not a face, and his nose was not a nose.

Because, Yang's life is very difficult now.

Zuoqiu was obviously targeting them, and he had already caught a lot of Yang's pigtails.

But their spokesperson in the county office, Yang Yunyi, is still in a coma in bed, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. As for Li Tuo, who was once regarded by him as someone who could temporarily help the Yang family get through the crisis, he was just a white-eyed wolf.

Now, sitting at the same table with Zuoqiu, how can Yang Yuncong have a good face?

But he can't have a seizure yet.

Today is Wang Juren's 50th birthday, and he knows the destiny at 50. With Wang Juren's connections and reputation, if Yang Yuncong makes trouble at this time, he will definitely be attacked by a group.

So, he could only endure it.

As a bystander, Mr. Xu clearly saw the incompatibility between Zuo Qiu and Yang Yuncong, and he even saw Sisi's killing intent from Yang Yuncong's body.

Aware of Yang Yuncong's killing intent, Old Master Xu also sighed in his heart. Intuition told him that if Zuoqiu's persecution of Yang's was a little bigger, he was afraid that something unpleasant would happen.

Maybe it's time to talk to this brother.

Earlier, Mr. Xu also agreed with Zuoqiu's attack on Yang.

But now, Mr. Xu is thinking about this issue.

That is how to treat the court and the royal family in the end.

His mother's death, the queen mother knows some unknown secrets. From the perspective of the development of the matter, the queen mother was standing from the perspective of a bystander at that time, and confirmed everything happened.

The Queen Mother is a person in power and a member of the royal family.

In terms of etiquette and law, those who are ministers and commoners should put loyalty and righteousness first.

But what about the royal family? Being worshipped by all the people, shouldn’t it be a blessing to all the people?

But the queen mother sat and watched his mother's death and all his tragedies happen.

Is it necessary to be loyal to such a royal family?

Emperor Taizu established the country, and strictly prohibited the local nobles from embezzling the fields and oppressing the local people. This is definitely an unprecedented feat, which Old Master Xu will not deny.

But now, the royal family seems to be the biggest wealthy family in the world.

For a moment and a half, Mr. Xu couldn't tell what was going on in his mind. But what is certain is that he is a little disappointed with the royal family.

Because of the queen mother!

Also because of the eldest princess!

And, of course, the emperor!

What the empress dowager did, what the eldest princess did, couldn't the emperor really stop it?

Even if the emperor did not know about these plans for their family at the time, would he not know about it later?

If the emperor really didn't know anything, then the world would have been messed up long ago.

It can be seen that there are some things that the emperor knows, but he chooses to ignore.

Why ignore?

Either because their family was too insignificant, or because the final result of the matter was what the emperor wanted.

In either case, Mr. Xu was disappointed.

Of course, Mr. Xu would only persuade Zuo Qiumo to do things too badly.

Even if the Yang family is disposed of, so what?

Kill the chicken to warn the monkey!

But those who kill chickens may not necessarily have a good end.

Because the monkey is also in the courtroom.

Mr. Xu thought a lot for a moment, until there was a commotion outside the hall, Mr. Xu recovered his senses and went out with the crowd.

It turned out that the auspicious time had come, and the children and grandchildren of Wang Juren began to worship and present birthday gifts!

Wang Juren is also considered to be a man with many sons and a lot of luck. He has married a married wife, a flat wife, and three concubines. In this small Anshun County, he is definitely a rare romantic person.

The Wang family who married Xu Laosan was born by Wang Juren's wife, which was one of the reasons why Wang Juren was very concerned about this daughter.

In the Wang family, although Wang Juren had many wives and concubines, they were very strict.

Doting on a concubine does not exist.

Wang Juren is a man who is lecherous and romantic, for sure, but he still sticks to some of the rules of a scholar.

When one of the sons sent the congratulatory gifts, Wang Juren smiled from ear to ear.

And his little grandsons are also very well-behaved. When it comes to birthday wishes, they are all set.

And when the children and grandchildren finished their birthdays, it was the daughters' turn.

The first in line is naturally the Wang family who is the first daughter.

Her other sisters came with her husband, but she was alone.

At this moment, it is not obvious.

Fortunately, Wang Shi was calm.

However, just as Wang shi stepped forward, his hand was suddenly pulled by someone.

Wang Shi was startled and thought it was the concubine sisters and concubine sisters who were going to do something, but when she looked up, she happened to see Xu Laosan's smiling face.

"Miss, it's not too late for my husband!"

"Not too late, not too late!"

At this moment, Wang Shi was so happy that he almost burst into tears.

"Go, go to the father-in-law's birthday!"

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