Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 309 Xu Laosan: As witty as me!

"Well, it's the ability and the courtesy!"

Mrs. Xu didn't seem to hear the taste of Mr. Xu's words, and she was still cheerful. Looking at the eyes of her younger son, it was a satisfaction.

"Father, mother, the third one came back last night and rode a horse all night. It's a bit inconvenient at the moment, let's hurry back!"

Seeing how hard his younger brother had endured, Mr. Xu decisively came out to fulfill his responsibilities as the next big brother, and relieved Mr. Xu.

"Okay, go home!"

Going home is naturally the home of Lingshui Village.

The new house on this side of the county seat is a place to stay, not a home.

The family returned to Lingshui Village, but Yuyan County Master stayed in the county, saying that he caught a cold at night, dizzy and dizzy, and he really couldn't get out of bed.

In this regard, Mr. Xu naturally couldn't force her to go back to the village together.

Although the two were nominally siblings, both Old Master Xu and Princess Yuyan actually understood what was going on.

Some things are just fine.

As for the matter of drying the hay in the village, without the Princess Yuyan, there are still people doing it.

The reason why Mr. Xu asked Princess Yuyan to do this work was purely to torment her. Originally, I thought it would be best to toss people to run back to the capital, but now it seems that His Royal Highness the county master is determined to stay in Anshun County.

However, if the other party wants to stay in Anshun County, as long as he doesn't go to Lingshui Village to get in the way, Mr. Xu will naturally be too lazy to bother.

The family lives happily and beautifully, who has the leisure to slowly make calculations with these shameless people?


"Third brother, what's wrong with you?"

When the carriage arrived home, Fu Bao was first carried off by his mother, and then he saw that in the carriage behind, his third brother was carried out by the eldest and second brothers.

"No, it's alright!"

Xu Laosan reluctantly showed a smile, but unfortunately, laughing was uglier than crying.

"Little sister, your third brother, this is a lack of training!"

Xu Lao Er blinked at Fu Bao, raised his hand and patted his butt, "He, his butt is split into eight pieces, it's a miserable old man!"

Fu Bao instantly realized.

Looking at his third brother's eyes, there is a lot of pity. Sure enough, it is not so easy to be a good son-in-law. Look at my third brother, in order to give the old man a long life, what has this ass tossed into?

"Second brother, pay attention, little sister is still young, what are you talking about ass?"

"Why don't you say something? Butt?"

Xu Lao Er winked at his younger brother.

Xu Laosan doesn't want to talk anymore, he is too difficult!

In the end, Mr. Xu was sent back to the room by the two brothers, and went to find the ointment, and he would not let the two brothers help him in the matter of applying the medicine.

"Cut, it seems that no one cares to look at your ass!"

This is Mr. Xu.

As for Xu Lao Er, he rolled his eyes and said, "Masters, why are you shy, cut—"

However, the two still respected their little brother very much, and one slapped the third Xu on the buttocks, and then left.

Poor third Xu could only scream and suck in the cold air.

It's sour, it sucks!

Of course, this bit of sourness is not a heavyweight at all compared to the sourness of the medicine later.

After Mrs. Wang gave Xu Laosan the medicine, she looked at the dead handkerchief bitten by Xu Laosan and the bead of sweat on Xu Laosan's forehead.

"Miss, there is something I need to tell you!"

Seeing Wang Shi's distressed tears, Mr. Xu was about to say that he was nothing but the pain of his flesh, but the moment he opened his mouth, he suddenly remembered a key thing.

Mr. Yun, this is a scourge.

If this woman does something while he's not there, he won't regret it?

Therefore, you must remind your daughter-in-law.

This kind of thing involving other women, whoever changed it would be uncomfortable.

But at some point, when this matter is said, it can have a multiplier effect.

Xu Laosan was about to talk about what happened to him in Fucheng, and said: "Miss, I can swear to God, I have no good feelings for this woman. It's just that this is the teacher's request, I have no choice!"

"Now, this woman should have come to the county seat and opened a rouge gouache shop. If you meet her, what does this woman say or do? Don't be mad at her."

"Master, I understand!"

Wang Shi nodded, and did not have any doubts about Xu Laosan.

"By the way, Xianggong, a new rouge gouache shop has been opened in the county. It's called Yunshang. Do you think it's that woman who opened it?"

"Yunshang, is the shop of the Liangzhou Yunshi."

"You said that the woman is also surnamed Yun..."

"That's right, it must be this woman!"

As soon as Xu Laosan heard Wang's words, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Miss, did she do anything to you?"

"That's not it!"

Mrs Wang chuckled, "Yesterday, I went with my mother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law and the others. Guess what?"


"Isn't that shop newly opened? It's estimated that when the devil turned around, those people worked too fast, and some things were not fixed. Yesterday, the cabinet collapsed and smashed a lot of things."

"By the way, there is a very beautiful woman in white clothes, and her face was scratched by broken pieces of porcelain. I don't know if there will be scars!"

"Haha, well, it really is God's eyes, the retribution is not happy!"

When he heard that the beautiful woman in white had hurt her face, Mr. Xu was happy.

A slender lady, a gentleman is good.

It is true that men love beautiful women.

But the problem is, if this beauty is a beautiful snake with evil intentions, then as long as the man has not lost his mind, he should understand that he should stay away from this woman.

Obviously, Xu Laosan did not lose his head.

"Uh, ma'am, it's not that I have no sympathy!"

"I just think that this woman should be unlucky if she hides behind her back and plots against us!"

"Xiang Gong said yes!"

Wang Shi immediately told about the ambush and murder of Boss Xu, and said, "Xiang Gong, you say, why are these people so bad?"

"Who knows?"

Regarding Wang's question, Mr. Xu really has no answer.

Their family is an ordinary countryman, and he still has some grades in his studies. The best result is nothing more than being admitted to the jinshi, being a small official, and conscientiously working hard all his life. .

Don't recruit anyone, don't provoke anyone!

Even if his father had something to do with the Xu residence in the capital, it was already a thing of the past.

What are these people thinking?

"Xiang Gong, I'm a little scared!"

Mrs. Wang held Xu Laosan's hand, "Otherwise, if you have passed the rural exam, whether you pass or not, let's not take the test!"

"If you go to Beijing to take the exam, it's someone else's territory, I'm really afraid!"

The Xu residence of a family of three males has countless in-laws, and the relationship is intertwined. If Xu Laosan really enters the capital, what happens, who can protect him?

"Madam, don't worry, don't forget, our third uncle is still in the capital!"

Today is the helmsman of Fusu Tengda, come on, or ask for a monthly pass, haha, I will go with the monthly pass!

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