Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 315 Dowry! [monthly pass plus 2 more]

"Daughter-in-law, what the hell, I'm serious, our daughter-in-law can't be a lady!"

When Fubao crossed the threshold and left the house, Mr. Xu lost the stick in his hand and looked at his daughter-in-law very seriously, "If my mother was not a lady, maybe it wouldn't have ended like that."

"So, let's not talk about the lady's set!"

"Okay, listen to you, don't talk!"

When Mrs. Xu heard Mr. Xu mention her mother-in-law, she stopped talking immediately.

Perhaps, being a lady is really not a good thing!


After Fubao ran out of the house, after thinking about it, she decided to go see her little golden carp.

Since planting water lilies in that pond, this little thing has become a lot more active. Even with the old turtle, he became more and more reluctant to come to the old house, and he stayed by the pond in the new house every day.

However, before Fubao reached his destination, he saw his elder brother.

"Little sister, where are you going?"

"Big brother!"

Seeing his eldest brother, Fubao immediately gave him a sweet smile.

"Let's go, big brother will take you home, we have guests!"

Boss Xu stretched out his hand, hugged Fu Bao directly, and walked back with big strides.

"no no,……"

Fu Bao stretched out his arms and kicked his legs.

go home?

No, she is going home now, and she might be taught by her mother how to be a lady. So, it's better not to return.

"This can't be done, our uncle is here!"

"Also with a lot of people!"

"Didn't you like some of the gadgets our grandmother left behind last time? This time, there must be more."


"Sister, when did eldest brother lie to you?"

Boss Xu smiled, his eyes flashing with wisdom. Of course, he wouldn't admit that he brought Fubao home because he was worried that he would be beaten up again by his father for an excuse.

It's different now, with a baby girl in hand, Dad, he has to fight against the rat.

Fu Bao had no idea that he had been used as a shield by his elder brother. Now she is full of the things her grandmother left behind.

Her grandmother, as a senior from Transmigration, has left behind many things that, for Fubao, are real treasures.

Especially the diary written by grandmother in pinyin, it is really a precious treasure.

No one can read Pinyin, but Fubao does.

Unfortunately, the diary is only part of it.

Fubao can't wait to get the rest of the diary now, so that he can learn more about his grandmother's life. My grandmother is obviously a senior from the past, and her origin is not bad, but why did she make her life a tragedy?

If that uncle really brought everything that Grandma had, perhaps, she would be able to unlock the secret.


Not long after Fu Bao was taken home by Boss Xu, Zhao Bingzhen really arrived, and he did bring a lot of things as her eldest brother said.

One box and one box, half the yard.

"Uncle, are these my mother's relics?"

Old man Xu was also quite confused. How could she remember that when her mother came out of the Xu residence, she didn't bring so many suitcases.

"This is your mother's dowry, all the property lists and ledgers!"

Zhao Bingzheng gave Mr. Xu a lukewarm look.

I don't know why, but Mr. Xu felt that his little uncle looked at him this time, obviously with some dislike.

However, Mr. Xu did not take it to heart.

Anyway, he has long been used to the uncertainty of this little uncle. From a very young age, he remembered it like this.

"These, on behalf of your mother, I will make dowry for Fu Bao!"

"If you move any of them, don't blame my little uncle for turning his face and being ruthless!"

Zhao Bingxiao followed suit.

"Uncle, I understand!"

Mr. Xu may not understand other things, but this is the one thing he understands best.

Why can't he understand?

Because his surname is Xu.

As for giving Fu Bao?

Fubao is going to get married in the future, and he is going to bear his husband's family name. These things, eventually passed on, will not have anything to do with the Xu family.

His little uncle, his resentment towards the Xu residence is deeper than his!

"Xiao Fubao, these are all the dowry left by your grandmother. When you grow up, you can control them freely."

"But, my uncle told you, these things can't be given to your father, or your eldest brother, second brother, and third brother."

"They are manly men, and they want to establish a family. They can't use Xiaofubao's things, you know?"

"Well, I know!"

What Fubao could say, he could only nod his head.

"Come on, let's pull the hook!"

Zhao Bingzhen stretched out his finger, and Fu Bao also stretched out his finger, "Hanging on the hook, it must not change for a hundred years!"

"The hook is hanged, and it cannot be changed for a hundred years!"

Fu Bao was a little stunned. She really didn't expect her uncle, who was very difficult to deal with, to have such a childish side.

"Haha... Fubao is so good!"

After pulling the hook with Fu Bao, Zhao Bingxiao let out a hearty laugh.

"By the way, your grandmother's relics are all on the way. When they arrive, my uncle will bring them to you, okay?"

"it is good!"

Hearing that his grandmother's relic had not arrived yet, Fubao was a little disappointed.

However, don't be in a hurry, you are still young, and you don't have to face the storm outside. She still has time to wait.

Zhao Bingzhen came and went in a hurry, and after explaining the dowry to Mr. Xu, he took people and quickly left Lingshui Village.

And when Zhao Bingzheng left, Mr. Xu turned over the current general ledger of his mother's dowry, looked at the amount above, and didn't say a word for a long time.

After a long time, when Mr. Xu recovered his mind and his eyes fell on Fubao, he made up his mind and resolutely did not let Fubao be a lady.

Even when choosing a son-in-law for Fubao in the future, he must be cautious and cautious.

His mother's dowry, in cash alone, has reached a figure he can't imagine, tens of millions of taels of cash, not including various industries.

This is the case when Zhao Bingzhen spent part of his money last time.

When Fu Bao becomes an adult, the amount of this dowry will only be more.

Mr. Xu didn't know how much silver was in the treasury, but thinking about it, the emperor would be tempted by such a large sum of money.

At the beginning, his mother's dowry was not estimated to be so much, and she suffered so many hardships, and finally passed away early.

Now his blessing...

As for giving up this dowry?

Mr. Xu didn't think about it, and didn't dare to think about it.

Because it's his motherfucking thing.

It was he who wanted to get it back from the Zhao family from a long, long time ago.

"Starting from tomorrow, Dabao and Erbao will start practicing!"

"Grind the bones first!"

"Also, our new house is about to be repaired, so it won't be a problem that such a big house will be empty by then!"

"Boss, tomorrow, you can go find someone else, and we'll buy some more people!"

The second monthly pass that I added today was delivered, and I still asked for a monthly pass. Ah, it is very effective to ask for a monthly pass for a single chapter. I am so happy that I almost forgot to send this chapter! However, one has to be honest, so even if this chapter is over a single chapter to ask for a monthly ticket, it still has to be issued! For the author's sincerity, everyone should vote more monthly votes!

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