Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 317 The rich and noble are fishing, and the greedy are hooked

Mother You saw that Princess Yuyan just left her on the spot, and she walked away with some thoughts, inexplicably feeling that things seemed to be out of control.

For a long time, she has been on duty beside the eldest princess, and it is not too much to say that it is not too much to watch Princess Yuyan grow up.

Mother You knew very well what kind of temperament Princess Yuyan was.

Even if the Princess Yuyan is already married, the words of the eldest princess are still in accordance with the imperial decree. This is a habit she has developed since she was a child, and she is used to doing things under the orders of her mother, the eldest princess.

Well-behaved, sensible, not noisy.

But the current Princess Yuyan makes Mother You feel unfamiliar. This is not the Princess Yuyan she knows.

"No, that's not right!"

Mother You turned around quickly and was about to catch up with Princess Yuyan.

However, Mama Sun suddenly appeared at the door and stopped Mama You.

"Mother You, the county master is tired, so don't bother her in front of the county master!"

Mama Sun's eyes were calm, and she stopped Mama You simply.

"Mother Sun, do you know what you are doing?"

"You can't afford to delay the matter of the eldest princess!"

Mama You looked at Mama Sun with a cold face, "Don't think that I can't do anything to you now that you are with the county master. You have to understand that as long as I say a few words in front of Your Highness, you will be finished!"

"What Mama You said is, but the princess doesn't want to see you now, so I can only do it."

Sun's mother is still the appearance of oil and salt.

Mother You was so angry that she stomped her feet, but she was helpless.

In the past, she did not deal with Sun's mother.

Later, when she gained momentum in front of the eldest princess, she began to squeeze and suppress Sun's mother little by little, and finally forced Sun's mother to stay with the eldest princess. The dowry mother beside the princess left the eldest princess.

As Mama You said, if Mama You put eye drops in front of the eldest princess, 90% of the time she will be rejected by Princess Yuyan.

But even so, as long as she is not driven away from Princess Yuyan's side one day, she has to do what she should do.

"You, just die!"

Why Mama You doesn't deal with Mama Sun is because Mama Sun likes to be honest. Occasionally some things can be opened one eye, one eye closed, but the grandmother likes to be truthful.

This also caused Sun's mother to be beside the eldest princess and not have any allies.

Otherwise, Mother You wants to push Mother Sun away, how can it be so easy?

Mother You finally got angry and left.

But she did not immediately return to the capital, but sent the little girl who was traveling with her back to the capital to report to the eldest princess, while she stayed in Anshun County.

I'm going to wait for Yuyan County Lord's horse and children to arrive, and then persuade the Yuyan County Lord.


Sanhe Town.

Zhao's Inn.

Zhao Bingxiao, who became a rich and noble marquis, still lives here.

As a first-class marquis of the Tang Dynasty, he didn't even have a marquis, which was unprecedented.

Zhao Rui has talked to Zhao Bingxiao about this more than once, but Zhao Bingxiao shrugged his shoulders, and just said "no money" and pushed it back.

The dignified second master of the Zhao family, will he be someone who is short of money?

Even without the financial support of the Zhao family, his several apprentices still have a share in the business and industry. Not to mention the dowry he just gave out, belonging to his sister.

"Master, as you expected, the eldest princess received the news and sent her mother You to come to Anshun County, and sent a letter to the Princess Yuyan!"

"Can a dog change to eating shit?"

Zhao Bingzhen drank tea calmly.

"Uh, that is, Princess Yuyan seems to have some deviations from the idea of ​​​​the eldest princess."

"Oh? Has the bamboo shoots out?"

Zhao Bingzhen couldn't help looking at Zhao Rui in surprise, "Tell me, what's the situation."

"It seems that Princess Yuyan doesn't want to compete with the owner of Defu for this dowry, but the eldest princess is very interested in this dowry."

"Master, what do you think is going on in this eldest princess' head?"

"In terms of money, she is definitely not the most."

"However, when it comes to being powerful, powerful, and rich, the eldest princess can definitely be ranked in this world. With such a status, is it worth calculating the dowry of the eldest lady?"

"It's too ugly to eat, isn't it?"

Zhao Rui really couldn't understand that such a high-ranking person could have such an ugly side.

Zhao Bingzheng laughed and said, "Otherwise? Why do you think she married Xu Shuo? You don't think he and Xu Shuo are heroes to save the beauty, and the beauty promises each other?"

"Is not it?"

Zhao Rui really thought so.

After all, at the beginning, this thing was always rumored in the capital, and even until now, when many people talk about Dingbeihou and the eldest princess, they will say that beautiful women match heroes.

Similarly, the evaluation of the eldest princess is also very high.

It is said that she has both virtue and art, and she is a model of a royal princess.

Zhao Bingzheng raised his hand and gave Zhao Rui a slap, "How many times have I told you, look at people and things, and don't be swayed by rumors. The people who say things rarely have their own opinions."

"Often what a lot of people say, others will follow what they say and do."

"Being a person, you must have your own judgment!"

Zhao Bingzheng took the opportunity to educate Zhao Rui again.

"By the way, where did Cheshire Ma and the others go? How long will it take to reach Anshun County?"

No longer mentioning the eldest princess, Zhao Bingzhen turned to ask about the Ma Chaiwei, the county master of Yuyan County.

Chai Wei, born in the direct branch of the Chai family, is the youngest son of the master of the Chai family.

Why did the eldest princess choose Chai Wei as the county horse of the princess of Yuyan, the key is that what she needs is a son-in-law who can impress her daughter without feeling too ugly, and who listens to her very much and can handle it. .

"Master, according to the speed of Cheshire Ma and his party, they will definitely reach the county seat in two days."

Zhao Rui quickly gave the answer.

These are all trivial matters. The people under him have been staring at them all the time. Every two hours or so, a flying pigeon will pass a book over, reporting the movement of Chai Wei, the county horse.

"Then keep an eye on it. When the Cheshire Horse arrives, Ben Hou is going to have a chat!"

Zhao Bingzhen waved his hand casually, sent Zhao Rui away, and then closed his eyes again.

"Master, do you want to disclose these things to Xiaoyi Lang?"

Zhao Rui spoke in a low voice.

Zhao Bingzhen smiled and said, "It's not necessary. When the Princess Yuyan has made a decision, if it's good, she will naturally go to my nephew to make it clear. If it's a bad decision, she doesn't need it. Said, sooner or later, my eldest nephew will find something abnormal."

"Let's continue fishing."

"The rich and noble are fishing, and the greedy will take the bait!"

Chapter 2, I'm a little sleepy, I decided to go for a while, I haven't caught bugs yet, I have to work for the little cuties, and finally, continue to ask for a monthly pass! Allow me to rest for a while, come back and fight again!

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