Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 330 The eldest princess with bad luck

"The routine curse is over!"

"Go play!"

Early in the morning, Fubao squatted in the northeast corner of his yard, and while drawing some circles, he muttered for a while, and then, before the family could figure out what she was doing, Fubao Finished work.

Ever since she knew that the eldest princess wanted that Yingxue to replace her cheap aunt and rob him of the dowry, Fubao's daily compulsory homework, in addition to practicing, was to draw circles in the corner every day to curse the eldest princess who was far away in the capital.

The choice of this curse time is generally morning and evening.

After all, cursing bad guys has to be done from morning till night!

"Mother, what have you been doing recently, little sister?"

Boss Xu noticed the abnormality of his sister, and it was very strange, so he found his mother, Mrs. Xu.

"How do I know this, I'm not a one-year-old baby!"

Mrs. Xu rolled her eldest son a glance, "Are you busy? If you have nothing to do, go to the east to help. The house will be repaired early, and we will move there early."

"Yes, yes, I'm going to help!"

Boss Xu scratched his head.

Think about it too, what the little doll thinks is really not something that adults can understand.

Forget it, don't want to, anyway, the little sister is happy.

Fubao is really happy because her skills have improved again.

In the entire Lingshui Village, there is no one child. From the age of three to thirteen, no one can shake her name as the king of Lingshui Village.

Of course, among them, the credit of a group of guardians around her is indispensable.

Lian Xing, Yaoyue, including Yuan Rong, are all very good seedlings. Although the talent of the root bone is not comparable to that of Fubao, they are older than Fubao, which is an advantage right now.

Being the king of children in the village, Fubao also dutifully fulfilled the duties of a king.

Lele alone, Lele in all.

Every day, Fubao takes a group of children from the village around the village, walking dogs and chasing chickens.

The dog, of course, was the dog that Mr. Xu asked to look after the home.

As Fubao and the others grew up, the original puppy also grew up a lot and ran fast.

There were some old lady Xu who wanted to train her daughter into a lady, but now she has completely let go. It is only when I think about it occasionally that I tell Fubao to pay attention to his appearance.

In this regard, Fu Bao was remembered at the time.

But when she played with a bunch of kids, she forgot everything.

Today, she has successfully transformed herself into a little baby under one year old, from body to spirit. Well, mainly when playing with the children, Fubao really found the fun in it.

Back to childhood, this day is really too hilarious!


Fubao enjoys a beautiful childhood in Lingshui Village, while the eldest princess in the capital is living in the heat of water.

Since she fell outside the palace that day and her hands were bleeding, the eldest princess' childhood nightmare has been repeated.

Choking when eating, choking on drinking, and walking even with someone supporting me, there are always various accidents.

The nightmares for several days made the originally graceful and enchanting eldest princess languish at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was like a delicate flower that was suddenly hit by the frost, and it froze.

In the end, the eldest princess didn't even dare to leave the door, she was trembling like a bird in shock.

"His Royal Highness, someone is here!"

Finally, when the eldest princess was about to despair, the maid beside her brought good news that lifted her spirits.

"Come in!"

The eldest princess spoke impatiently.

As a result, there was another violent cough, choking on the saliva.

The poor eldest princess was so choked by this saliva that she almost died.

The maid who stayed beside did not dare to step forward to help the eldest princess. Before, a maid saw that the eldest princess was choked, so she stepped forward to help, but it was counterproductive, and the eldest princess was pulled out and beaten. I've had twenty boards, and I'm still lying on the bed now, and I don't know if I can survive.

In the eyes of these nobles, people who serve people like them are inferior to livestock.

The eldest princess had been coughing for a while before she calmed down.

At this time, the maid who reported the news earlier also brought in a woman with a veil covering her face.

"Go down!"

Seeing the arrival of this woman, the eldest princess waved her hand and pushed everyone around her back.

"Who has your Highness offended recently?"

When the people around the eldest princess retreated, the veiled woman spoke slowly.

"No, Ben Gong has always been kind to others..."

"If Your Highness says so, then, please forgive the little girl's inability to do anything!"

The veiled woman looked at the eldest princess with a cold gaze. She did not believe the false words of the eldest princess at all.

"This palace really never..."

Before the eldest princess could finish her words, she was stunned for a moment. She remembered what happened not long ago. Because the Princess Yuyan didn't listen to her orders, she arranged for Yingxue to go to replace the Princess Yuyan.

Is this the thing?

"Saint, if there is anything different from usual, it is that Ben Gong's daughter was murdered!"

"Master Yuyan?"

The veiled woman was slightly stunned, "What is the eldest princess joking about? Isn't Princess Yuyan okay? If something happens to the Princess Yuyan, why is there no movement in the court?"

Of course, the most important thing is that the veiled woman is 100% sure that the appearance of the eldest princess is still both children and children. In other words, Princess Yuyan is safe and sound.

"The Holy Maiden doesn't know anything. In order to track down the murderer, this palace can only let people pretend to be Yuyan. Therefore, the court doesn't know about this matter, even the Duke of Dingbei doesn't know about it!"

"So, please ask the saint to keep it a secret!"

The eldest princess said so, she thought she gave a perfect explanation.

After hearing this, the veiled woman didn't say much, and said, "If that's the case, then, Your Highness should be cursed. This person's magic skills are very powerful, even if my master is here, I'm afraid it will be difficult to handle. !"

"Then what?"

"Cough cough cough..."

When excited, the eldest princess choked on her own saliva again.

Another violent cough!

"His Royal Highness, the fate of your fate will involve your family and children. Before, my master helped you change your life against the sky and recreate it by taking your luck. I once said that your destiny has changed in this life, and you are destined to flourish. If the opportunity comes, you will be the best Ninety-five is not impossible."

"But now, His Highness's fate seems to be returning to being a hit-and-miss."

"If you want Your Highness to avoid these disasters, you can only use the method of removing disasters, and your blood relatives will inherit this disaster. Otherwise, you will always be in a situation of constant disasters."

Hearing the words of the masked woman, the eldest princess suddenly changed her face and said, "What does the saint mean?"

"At the beginning, Master Ling promised this palace!"

"Now, what do you mean by that?"

Where is the monthly pass, where is the monthly pass? Kneeling and begging for a monthly pass, begging, begging, a monthly pass! Today is the 29th, and this month is coming to an end. Dear friends, if you have a monthly pass, you must vote it out, it will be invalid if it expires!

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