Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 338 In front of this palace, you are a dog!

"A reduction of one point is also a reduction!"

Facing Dingbeihou's questioning, the eldest princess did not hesitate at all. This question, in her mind, had an answer long ago.

She gave birth to him, gave him life, and let him enjoy the riches and honors in this world. Then, when it was time for him to pay, he could not escape.

This is God's will!

"I, not allowed!"

"Huai Zhi, it's my son!"

"Is it?"

The eldest princess couldn't help laughing, "Xu Huaiyi is also your son. When you abandoned your wife and children, didn't you hesitate at all?"

"Now remembering that Huai Zhi is your son, Xu Shuo, don't you think it's funny?"

"I said, I won't allow it!"

The Duke of Dingbei suddenly drew his sword, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the eldest princess.

The eldest princess was still smiling, raised her finger to point to the position of her chest, her beautiful eyes raised slightly, and said, "Come on, stab here, just send it lightly, this palace will be freed, you will be freed, and the entire Xu residence will be freed. !"

"kill me?"

"You deserve it too!"

The eldest princess suddenly stood up and walked straight to the front of Dingbeihou.

At this moment, the sword in Ding Beihou's hand was already hanging down, and he really did not dare to attack the eldest princess.

If the eldest princess died in his hands, he would have to die, and the Xu residence would also have to be destroyed.


The eldest princess stood in front of Dingbeihou, suddenly raised her hand, and slapped Dingbeihou in the face.

"In front of Ben Gong, you are a dog!"

"From the moment you participated in that incident, you were the dog in front of Ben Gong!"

"Who gave you the courage to bar your teeth with Ben Gong?"

"Xu Shuo!"

"Listen to Ben Gong, this is the first and last time!"

"Otherwise, Ben Gong will let you know what it will be like to annoy Ben Gong!"


Ding Beihou, who was so humiliated by the eldest princess, changed his face several times, but in the end he endured it, turned around silently, and walked out of the eldest princess' room.


When Ding Beihou walked to the door of the first princess' room, the first princess suddenly opened her mouth to drink.

When Ding Beihou heard this shout, he really stopped.

"What else do you have to order, Your Highness?"

"The dog is disobedient and will be beaten!"

"Ri Yao, you go to execute the execution yourself, Ding Beihou and the following will be punished for fifty!"

"Take orders!"

After listening to the instructions of the eldest princess, Ri Yao answered directly without any hesitation.

After listening to the words of the eldest princess, Ding Beihou didn't show the slightest expression on his face, and finally walked out slowly.


Fifty boards were nothing to the Duke of Dingbei.

Even if the executioner was Ri Yao, he still did not let Dingbeihou hurt at all.

But that board fell on his body, although it was not heavy, it made Dingbei Hou lose face.

From this moment on, everyone in the entire Dingbei Marquis Mansion understood that in this Marquis Mansion, the real master of the house was the eldest princess, and the Dingbei Marquis was no different from their servants.

Of course, this is only for the eldest princess.

On weekdays, the Duke of Dingbei is still the master.

But this master is no longer the same.

"Mother, how can you let someone beat Dad's board? Even if he offended you, you shouldn't do this!"

Xu Huaizhi, the prince of Dingbeihou who was summoned by Sun Yao, saw the eldest princess, and before he saluted, he called out for Dingbeihou.

"You're reluctant?"

The eldest princess' expression was a little cold.

"Mother, you know, that's not what I meant!"

Xu Huaizhi hurriedly said, "It's just that you beat your father, so where do you let your son's face go? No matter what, it's the son's father. Even if you think about it now, you don't care, but you can think about your son anyway. Think of your grandson!"


The eldest princess smiled, "If you beat a dog, you have to look at the owner!"

"That's exactly what my son said!"

"Mother, what did you say?"

Xu Huaizhi was stunned when he heard the words of the eldest princess, was he hallucinating just now?

"Huai Zhi, mother is in a little trouble now. Only you can help mother. Are you willing to help mother?"

"Of course, my son is willing to do anything for you!"

Hearing what the eldest princess said, Xu Huaizhi responded without any hesitation.

As early as a very young age, Xu Huaizhi knew that in this family, his mother was the real head of the family. Therefore, since he was a child, he has been very attached to the eldest princess, and will never disobey any decision of the eldest princess.

When speaking, he also stood in the position of the eldest princess.

After so many years, he has habitually accepted any request from the Eldest Princess.

"Ben Gong knows that my son is the most filial!"

"Unlike your sister, when you treat your mother, you are always used to pushing three and four!"

"Mother, do you have anything for your son to help? You said, your son should prepare as soon as possible!"

Xu Huaizhi spoke in a hurry and was very positive.

"Don't worry, wait a moment, when someone comes, you will know!"

The eldest princess smiled and spoke lightly.

"Sit down for a while!"


Xu Huaizhi took his seat, and immediately told the eldest princess some interesting things about the family, especially his son. He mainly praised his son's intelligence, saying that he resembled the eldest princess.

The eldest princess naturally smiled kindly.

It wasn't until the saint of Jie Yundao appeared that Xu Huaizhi showed a look of doubt and said, "Mother, what does this girl do?"

"Huai Zhi, this is the saintess of Jie Luck Dao, she needs her to do anything my mother wants your help!"

"Mother, what do you want your son to do?"

Xu Huaizhi's expression changed.

Road of robbery!

How could he not know the Dao of Jie Luck?

This is the remnant of the past!

According to the decree of the Tang Dynasty, anyone, if they have just colluded with the demon who just colluded with the Dao of Jie Fortune, will be regarded as an accomplice to the rebellion and will be punished by the clan!


"The Dao of Jie Luck is the remnant of the previous dynasty, how do you..."

"Huaizhi, don't you listen to what Ben Gong said?"

The eldest princess sank, "You should know that this palace doesn't like disobedient children the most, do you also want to be disobedient?"

"Son dare not!"

Xu Huaizhi responded quickly.

"Then do as the saint said!"

"If this palace's troubles are resolved, you will certainly benefit!"

"What is the Prince of Dingbei Hou?"

"Even if it is a king with a different surname, it is not impossible!"

When the eldest princess said these words, Xu Huaizhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said solemnly, "Mother, what should my son do?"

"Master Shizi doesn't need to do anything, just stand there!"

The saintess of the robbery and fortune smiled slightly, and began to describe the transfer array.

These days, she has been helping the eldest princess to perform this transfer method, and her portrayal of the transfer talisman has reached the level of perfection.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the depiction of the transfer array was completed.

The next step is to take blood!

"Your Highness, please!"

The Saintess of Jie Yundao stepped forward and handed the dagger in her hand to the eldest princess.

The eldest princess immediately cut her finger and dripped a drop of blood in the jade cup in front of her.

Then, the Saintess of Jie Yun Dao stood in front of Xu Huaizhi and said with a smile, "Master Shi, please!"

The fourth chapter was delivered, and the overall update was late today, because there was a little accident! Sorry, sorry! Well, still ask for a monthly pass! The last few hours, red duck!

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