Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 345 Accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger!

"Is this a blessing in disguise?"

The eldest princess squinted, thinking about a series of things that happened to Xu Shuo recently.

For people with great luck, it is the most basic thing to turn bad luck into good luck, and to turn disaster into auspiciousness. Unless it is the spell of the robbery, otherwise, everything is basically prosperous.

"Sister, how did you meet Xu Shuo?"

Her thoughts turned, and the eldest princess looked at Du Wan'er who was sitting beside her, "It is said that you were chased and killed, and that's when you met him, is that true?"

"As my sister said!"

Du Wan'er let out a long sigh, "Seeing that there is no hope for the restoration of the country, those people in my family thought of dividing the treasures of the restoration of the country.

"Little sister happened to have the treasure map and became the one being hunted down."

"So, Xu Shuo is really my sister's savior!"

The eldest princess chuckled, "Shouldn't my sister repay this life-saving grace? Why do you have such an attitude towards Xu Shuo with Ben Gong now?"

"Sister is joking!"

Du Wan'er's expression was indifferent, "My sister owes her life-saving grace, hasn't she already paid it back?"

"The treasures of my Du family's restoration of the country, and the innocence of my little sister, are they not worth the life-saving grace?"

"Nowadays, little sister and Ding Guogong have nothing to do with each other."

"And in this country's mansion, who is the head of the family, little sister naturally sees clearly. The so-called person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and the little sister just wants to live in peace, so naturally she is under the protection of your sister! "

What Du Wan'er said was sincere, because she thought so.

As a descendant of the previous royal family, Du Wan'er has a profound understanding of human nature. Her ancestors have worked hard all their lives, in order to restore the country, the result is still nothing. By her generation, the Du royal family had not even had a male.

Don't say it's a coincidence, with the guardian of the Taoist priests of the Dao of Jie Fortune, it is impossible for them to break the inheritance of the Du family.

But in fact, when it came to Du Wan'er's generation, the royal family's males were dead, and Du Wan'er knew very well what was going on.

"What a sweet and clear-minded person!"

The eldest princess smiled slightly, "Since my sister trusts her so much, why does she protect you?"


Palace, Temple of Heaven.

Emperor Yongping looked at the report in front of him with a very solemn expression.

Xu Huairen, the Duke of Antai, was ordered to negotiate with Beiman in the land of Beiman. As a result, the negotiation broke down abruptly.

A few days ago, Duke Antai was besieged and killed by the northern barbarian tribes. Fortunately, the iron cavalry of the Xu family guarded him, so he was able to protect the Duke of Antai from the land of the northern barbarians.

Now, the northern barbarian army is on the verge of pressure.

Emperor Yongping really wanted to summon King Yan back to Beijing immediately, but thinking of the hardships King Yan suffered in the north over the years, Emperor Yongping felt a little ashamed of this younger brother.

The helpless Yongping Emperor could only summon all the nobles and honorable men of the court to the Temple of Heaven.

Duke Ding Xu Shuo started his career with military exploits.

And the place where he once rose was in the land of Longxi Mansion, where he fought against the northern barbarians.

"Let's talk about it, how should the northern barbarian army invade the south?"

"Sacred Lord, Beiman has been beaten by His Royal Highness King Yan for all these years, and he has long been honest. I suspect that the other party's actions this time may have other secrets!"

After Emperor Yongping asked the question, the first person to answer was the Duke of Lai Yin Hong.

Lai Guogong is also in the limelight now.

After all, he and Ding Guo Gong Xu Shuo are in-laws.

"My minister asks the sage to thoroughly investigate the Duke of Antai!"

Yin Hong's opening immediately attracted the attention of the court.

"Your Majesty, this minister thinks that Duke Lai's remarks are groundless, and it is slanderous to want to blame the Duke of the Dynasty based on personal speculation!"

The Duke of Changle, Xu Yan, immediately stood up against it and stood up for Xu Huairen, his nephew.

And with the opening of these two people, the nobles in the army began to stand in line one after another. Some stood for Lai Guogong, and some stood for Le Gong.

So, the meeting on how to meet the enemy was instantly crooked.

On the dragon chair, Emperor Yongping's brain hurts.

Although he knew it might be such a situation, in the face of this situation, Emperor Yongping still felt that his head was going to explode.

Looking at all the nobles who were arguing below, Emperor Yongping simply closed his eyes and didn't look at it.

As for the ears, the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out.

He would like to see, in the eyes of these nobles, whether there is still him as a saint.

Emperor Yongping's silence not only did not make the nobles below feel that this was the emperor's silent protest, but thought it was the emperor's acquiescence, the debate became more intense, and there was a faint stance of fighting each other on the spot.

But even at this moment when the smell of gunpowder was strong, Emperor Yongping did not say a word.

By this time, a group of people finally realized that something was wrong.

In the Temple of Heaven, there was an instant silence.

After waiting for everyone to be quiet, Emperor Yongping slowly opened his eyes, his eyes swept across the faces of the nobles, and he smiled slightly, and said, "Are you finished arguing?"

"My lord is guilty!"

Lai Guogong, the old fritters, knelt on the ground for the first time.

And as Duke Lai knelt down, Duke Changle and Duke Yongan also knelt down.

Not long after, there was no one standing in the hall.

"What do you mean, dear gentlemen?"

"I don't blame you either!"

"Noisy, continue to quarrel. When the Beiman army is under the city, you can continue to quarrel. Anyway, the city is broken and the country is subjugated. I will definitely not be able to live as a saint."

"However, all of you Ai Qing, open a city gate and still be able to continue to be your princes and generals, why not do it?"

"Chen Wan die!"

Hearing what Emperor Yongping said, Duke Lai, Duke Changle and the others were completely pale. They were kneeling on the ground, kowtowing to the ground, daring not to make the slightest movement.

"Want to die?"

"Come on, who will perform for me, how can it be considered a thousand deaths?"

Emperor Yongping's voice was neither light nor heavy.

But the members of the army in the Qiantian Temple were all sweaty vests, trembling with trembling, sweat dripping from their foreheads and dripping on the ground of the Qiantian Temple.

"Lai Guogong, talk nonsense, seize the title! Confiscate the house and hand it over to the sect's mansion for inquiries!"

"Emperor Changle, there is no king in sight, one hundred sticks!"

"Yongan Gong, one hundred sticks!"

"Marquis of Xiping, eighty sticks!"


"Ding Guogong, lead the northwest town army, prepare for the northern barbarians!"

"The prince of Changle led the eight guards of the Nanying camp, left Longxi Mansion, and sent troops to the northern barbarians!"

"The eighth prince, go north to supervise the army!"


"Go back!"


Emperor Yongping will finish the treatment of all the nobles in one rage, and then directly drive everyone out of the Temple of Heaven, regardless of whether these people have opinions or not.

Before entering the palace, no one expected such a scene.

And this scene fully interprets a word: accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger!

Lai Guogong, who was in high spirits not long ago, is now like a mourning concubine.

One moment ago, he was still a high-ranking prince, and the next moment, he was guilty.

"My father-in-law, you have to save me!"

Duke Lai looked at Duke Ding Xu Shuo and regarded him as the only life-saving straw.

Haha, don't be surprised, Chapter 5 is here early! So, monthly pass, monthly pass!

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