Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 351 Shameless people, invincible in the world

In the end, Emperor Yongping did not dispose of Qin Yu, the general of Yulin, but only issued a decree, which probably meant that King Yan returned, this time the imperial expedition was cancelled, and King Yan was in charge of the overall situation.

As soon as the decree came out, the whole court was shocked.

In Qintian Prison, Tian You's old face was ashen, and he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He went to great lengths, and even did not hesitate to go out in person, just to encourage Emperor Yongping to leave the capital, thus waiting for an opportunity to break the Dragon Vein of the Tang Dynasty.

But now, all plans have come to nothing.

"This defeat is not a crime of war, the time of day is not for me, thief God, you are unfair!"

On that day, Qin Tianjian was appointed, and he died.

When the news reached Emperor Yongping, Emperor Yongping regained his sobriety, but why didn't he understand that there was indeed a problem in Qin Tianjian. Maybe not everyone has a problem, but there is definitely something wrong with the supervisor of Qin Tianjian.

"Where is Yan Jing?"

Emperor Yongping immediately thought of Yan Jing, who threatened to die in the court that day.

"Back to the sage, Master Yan went to the Northland, saying that it was a matter of food for the king and loyalty to the king. Xueshi Yan would like to fight for the country as a pawn in the Northland!"

Father Lan quickly went to inquire about the news and came back.

"Yuanshu, you are really loyal and good!"

Emperor Yongping is really embarrassed now.

"I am ashamed of him!"

"Eunuch Lan has passed on my will and summoned Yan Jing to return to Beijing to become a senior scholar at Chong Wenge!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Eunuch Lan quickly walked out of the Temple of Heaven, and found a servant outside to chase Yan Jing.


Xiangyi Mansion, the prefecture city Linyao.

Shen Wansheng saw King Yan alive. Not long after he was shocked, he was mobilizing military supplies with all his strength, preparing to help Old Master Xu and King Yan to win by surprise.

As a result, the imperial palace newspaper came.

The imperial decree clearly stated that King Yan was not dead and was about to return to take charge of this battle.

In other words, all the battle plans previously designated by King Yan and Mr. Xu were all in vain.

They wanted to be caught off guard by Beiman, which was already impossible.

"Li Zhen, your big brother is really a good chess player!"

When Mr. Xu received the news, he was really pissed off.

They have tried their best to plan here, but in the end, they can't reach an imperial decree.

King Yan was also speechless.

"Would you like to abolish him? You must be better than your elder brother as an emperor!"


Hearing Mr. Xu's ridicule, King Yan just stared at Mr. Xu intently.

Mr. Xu rolled his eyes and said, "Forget it, whatever you want, I'll just say it casually!"

King Yan sighed and said, "Now, I can only have a head-to-head with Beiman."

"Or, continue our previous plan? Regardless of your elder brother's will, give Beiman a false statement?"

After King Yan spoke, Old Master Xu suddenly had an idea.

"Your elder brother decreed that you are still alive, but few people have seen you. Except for the whirlwind rider, others must be shocked by the news that you are still alive."

"But if you haven't shown up, what will these people think?"

Hearing what Mr. Xu said, King Yan's expression changed.


If the people of the Tang Dynasty couldn't figure out whether he was alive or dead, then what would Beiman think?

"Cousin, if I don't show up, Beiman will definitely use all means to test. And the most likely way to test is to take down Huang Fengkou."

"Are you sure you want to do this again?"

"Come on then!"

Old Man Xu laughed, "As I said before, before me, Huang Fengkou was the place where you, King Yan Lizhen, became famous, but after me, you have nothing to do."

"Then, wait and see!"

King Yan also thought that Mr. Xu could win and win beautifully. As for his reputation in Huangfengkou, it was just a false name.

As long as Datang can win, Li Zhen can give up all his reputation, even his life.

In the past, King Yan did not have such a high level of consciousness.

But what Old Master Xu said a few days ago made King Yan Li Zhen feel an unprecedented shock in his heart.

The reason why they are the emperor of the Li family is to bless the people. But over the years, many things have changed. It should be that many things have changed since his father was in power.

Emperor Taizu once said that if the Li family no longer protects the people, the people in the world can attack in groups.

Today, although there is no such sign, the embankment of a thousand miles has collapsed in the ant nest.

Even Li Zhen doesn't know how bad the Tang Dynasty is now. But he knew that there was something wrong with Datang.


Lingshui Village.

Fu Bao can already read.

And the speed of recognizing words is extremely fast. Her third brother, who is known as the seed of reading, almost turned autistic after seeing her speed of recognizing words.

In this regard, Fu Bao just laughed.

She also didn't want to recognize words so quickly, but the current situation made it impossible for her to continue to develop in a low-key manner.

The barbarians from the north came to fight, and they fought like crazy.

Fu Bao couldn't imagine what the Antai Duke Xu Huairen had done to stimulate Ren Beiman to such a degree.

This person is really as his name suggests, Xu Huairen, Xu bad guy!

Look at how his father named him at the beginning, or said that his father was the prophecy emperor and knew that his son would be a scourge in the future, so he left a prophecy early.

It's a pity that the old lady of the Xu residence is a 250-year-old, so he actually let such a bad guy become An Tai Gong!

However, thinking about her grandfather who had never been around, Fu Bao felt that maybe the Xu residence really had a problem with feng shui. Otherwise, there is no good thing in this family!

Fu Bao, who can read, immediately found a biography of Emperor Taizu of the Tang Dynasty to read.

She wanted to know more about her transmigration senior and see what he did. Of course, the most important thing is that she has to figure out why this senior has made ice with saltpeter, why didn't he make out gunpowder, firearms and the like.

Then, after reading the biography of Emperor Taizu, Fubao was happy.

This man used gunpowder in the war to destroy the previous dynasty. However, after the Tang Dynasty was established, he issued an edict of guilt, saying that he caused the fire of the sky and the earth to hurt the heaven and harmony, so he annihilated this method.

The most amazing thing is that the founder of the country came up with such a trick, and he was respected by people all over the world, saying that he had the virtue of the ancient benevolent people and the sages.

"I'll beat your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys!"

Seeing this record, Fu Bao's admiration for this Transmigration senior instantly turned into deep contempt.

This person is clearly worried that someone will use gunpowder to deal with him.

Being able to talk about the fear of death in such a high-sounding manner and being recognized by the whole world, this senior deserves to be the one who could become the founding emperor of the country. His face and mouth are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

To be honest, he deserves to be the final winner!

People are shameless, the world is invincible!

Chapter Four! I always feel that I should say something, ask for something, otherwise I feel bad, then ask for a recommendation ticket!

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