Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 357 King Yan: Duke Dingguo slows down the army, stick fifty!

Cold is dead!

When King Yan quietly appeared at the whirlwind riding station, and was about to take action on Leng Que, the former guard commander, he found that Leng Que was dead.

"I was wrong!"

Coldness is suicidal.

Before committing suicide, he wrote such last words in blood.

"Take it out and bury it!"

King Yan looked at the cold and calm face of the dead man, and his mood was really complicated. They had grown up together, and he regarded Leng Que as his right-hand man and the most trusted person.

"Your Highness, are you still investigating?"


In the face of Leng Jue's inquiry, King Yan replied lightly.

Lengqing betrayal, of course, be damned.

However, he still wanted to know, why did Leng Que betray? At the same time want to know, who led the betrayal of coldness. Damn this man.

King Yan returned, and immediately erased the traces of Leng Que's time in charge of the whirlwind ride, and reorganized the whirlwind ride.

He will take the whirlwind cavalry deep into the hinterland of Beiman, forcing the king of Beiman to return to the rescue.

This is undoubtedly a strategic offensive that kills and lives on.

Before that, it must be ensured that there are no hidden dangers left in the whirlwind ride.

Of course, in addition to rectifying the whirlwind ride, King Yan had one more thing to do.

The reason why Beiman went south, and it was with the strength of the whole family, put on a stance of never dying with the Tang Dynasty, the reason must be clear.

"An Taigong is still in the northwest town army camp?"

"Go back to your Highness, yes!"

"Where's Duke Ding?"

"Also at the Northwest Town Army Camp!"

"These uncles and nephews are very close!"

King Yan also laughed when he heard the return from his subordinates.

At the beginning, Xu Shuo was deprived of the inheritance of Antai Gong by his mother Xu Laotaijun, and the seat of Antai Gong was given to Xu Huairen, and Xu Shuo's family was expelled from the Xu residence.

What kind of hatred is this?

It is an undying hatred to replace King Yan!

Now, Duke Ding Xu Shuo obviously had the opportunity to attack Xu Huairen, but he didn't do it.

This is so much more fun!

"Drumming, gather generals!"

As the enemy commander appointed by Emperor Yongping, the entire northwest town army, including Duke Ding Xu Shuo and Duke Antai Xu Huairen, all the troops of the Tang Dynasty in the northwest were controlled by King Yan.

Drumming and gathering, both the uncle and nephew must be present.

If anyone does not come, then the King of Yan can take action in an open and fair manner and take him down for the crime of neglecting the army.

The drums rumbled and rumbled.

The northwest town army camp suddenly came alive.

Countless soldiers appeared from their tents and rushed to the school grounds.

Drumming to gather generals is not just about generals.

After a quarter of an hour, the drumming stopped.

If someone appears after this, it is the responsibility of the slow army and the lazy army. Of course, whether it is a slow army or a slack army, the right to distinguish is entirely in the mind of King Yan.

Slow army, stick to blame!

The slack army, the light is the stick and the blame, the heavy is, the beheading and the sacrificial flag!

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

When the drums stopped, King Yan saw Xu Shuo, Duke Dingguo, but Xu Huairen, Duke Antai.

"Prince Dingguo!"

"The end is here!"

Hearing King Yan calling him, Xu Shuo hurried out of the queue and saluted.

"This king wants to know why Xu Huairen, Duke Antai, didn't appear here?"

"Go back to Your Highness, Duke Antai, he can't come!"


"This, please also ask Your Highness to go and see it in person, the final commander can't tell!"


King Yan immediately waved his hand and said, "Since it's not clear, don't say it."

"Come here, pass this king's order, Duke Antai slack off the army, behead!"

No matter why you didn't come, since it's in the hands of this king, go die!

"His Royal Highness King Yan, wait a minute!"

Hearing King Yan's order to kill Xu Huairen, Duke Antai, Xu Shuo stood up abruptly and stopped in front of King Yan.

"Is Duke Dingguo a general who wants to provoke this king?"

"The last will not dare!"

Xu Shuo had also been in the army before, so he naturally knew what it would be like to be put on such a hat, so he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice, "It's just that Duke Antai's situation is really not suitable to appear in front of people! "

"The last commander invites His Royal Highness King Yan to go and see in person!"

"Okay, this king will give Guo Gong a face!"

King Yan smiled slightly, "Everyone, follow this king to see our Duke Antai, what the hell is going on!"

Seeing that King Yan summoned all the generals to go together, Xu Shuo wanted to stop him, but facing King Yan's cold eyes, Xu Shuo could only hold back his persuasion.


After a cup of tea, King Yan met Xu Huairen, Duke Antai.

Then, go blind!

King Yan just glanced at it and withdrew from Xu Huairen's tent.

An Taigong Xu Huairen, dressed in women's clothes, dressed in a flamboyant manner, his eyes lit up when he saw King Yan, and he opened his mouth and said, "Master, come and play!"

An old man with a shaggy beard and thick eyebrows and big eyes, but painted a woman's makeup and made a look like a bird, which made King Yan almost vomit on the spot.

And the generals of the Northwest Town Army who entered with King Yan were also blinded.

"Prince Ding, what the hell is going on?"

"Back to King Yan, the last general doesn't know what's going on."

Xu Shuo said with a bitter face, "According to the iron cavalry that escorted An Tai Gong, An Tai went to see the Beiman High Priest before the accident. After that, the Beiman High Priest died, and An Tai became like this!"

Beiman High Priest is dead? !

When King Yan heard the news, he was quite stunned. With such a big news, his spies in Beiman would not be able to discover it.

"Ding Guogong, are you sure that the Beiman High Priest is dead?"

"That's what the iron cavalry of the Xu residence who escorted An Taigong back said, the last commander just relayed what the man said!"

Xu Shuo responded quickly.

Whether the High Priest of Beiman was dead or not, he had never seen it before, so naturally he was not sure.

King Yan glanced at Xu Shuo, and his evaluation of him was a layer lower.

A little bit of things, all want to push their responsibilities away.

"Come here, Duke Dingguo slows down the army, with fifty sticks!"

Just when Xu Shuo thought he had successfully avoided a hole dug by King Yan and was complacent, he suddenly heard King Yan's words.

"His Royal Highness, why did the last general slow down the army?"

Xu Shuo is anxious!

He was only beaten by the eldest princess some time ago, and he was only injured, so why was he beaten again?

"Before this king came, the sage entrusted you to lead the northwest town army and fight against the northern barbarians. Since you got the news of the death of the northern barbarian high priest from the iron horse of the Xu residence, why didn't you send someone to inquire about the truth?"

"This king punished you for the crime of being a slow army, you don't accept it?"

"The last general, serve..."

Xu Shuo understood.

King Yan is determined to trouble him, and even Xu Huairen, Duke Antai, may be just an excuse.

But Xu Shuo couldn't figure out why he had provoked King Yan.

King Yan didn't care what Xu Shuo thought, he wanted to clean up this so-called uncle for a long time.

Even if there is no such thing, there are excuses for him to clean up people.

But, right now, the excuse is enough.

What's more, Xu Shuo made him look at such hot eyes, who would he hit if he didn't hit him?

Chapter 5 is delivered, and more is achieved! Good night folks! I will try to update two more chapters tomorrow, so please support me!

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