Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 373 The strange Antai Gong, the northern barbarians go south

On the official road from Longxi Mansion to the capital.

A veiled carriage was escorted by five hundred soldiers, and in front of and behind the carriage, the iron cavalry of the Xu residence roamed.

In the carriage, there was Xu Huairen, Duke of Antai, who had escaped from Beiman.

It's just that the current An Taigong seems to be abnormal. A big man just dressed himself up as a woman.

What's even weirder is that the beard on the face of An Taigong, who is dressed as a woman, is well preserved.

Some people may think that An Taigong is pretending, but in fact, all the doctors who diagnosed Antaigong have come to the same conclusion that Antaigong is abnormal.

Think about it, normal people can't do what An Taigong is doing now.

King Yan couldn't see An Taigong's hot eyes, so he simply sent the person back to the capital and handed it over to the emperor for disposal.

As for how the emperor dealt with Duke Antai, who was already abnormal, that was the matter of those people in the court. Among the games, open and secret battles, King Yan has no interest at all.

The current King Yan has only one idea, and that is to win this battle.

Emperor Yongping's idea was to delay first, until the weather became cold, and Beiman had to retreat.

But the real situation on the battlefield is that the King of Beiman fought with the strength of his entire clan, but was stationed outside Longxi Mansion. Apart from continuously attacking Huang Fengkou, there is no other action.

With a large army gathered, the daily consumption of food and grass can be said to be an astronomical figure, but the King of Beiman seems to be in no hurry.

King Beiman's bizarre move made King Yan have to send Duke Antai back to the capital as soon as possible, and then concentrate on responding to Beiman's move.

Just considering that Beiman's dispatch of troops this time may have a direct impact on Duke Antai, King Yan specially sent five hundred soldiers from the Northwest Town Army to escort Duke Antai back to Beijing.

However, what King Yan didn't expect was that Beiman's target was actually Xu Huairen, Duke Antai.

When Duke Antai's carriage was about to leave Longxi Mansion and enter Donglin Mansion, a group of Beiman cavalry suddenly rushed out from the woods on both sides of the official road.

Cavalry has an advantage over infantry.

Now the Beiman cavalry is raiding again, and more than half of the soldiers of the Northwest Town Army who escorted An Taigong were slaughtered in one encounter.

The Xufu Iron Cavalry, who escorted Duke Antai, did not participate in the battle against the Beiman cavalry, but immediately ran towards the direction of Donglinfu while protecting the carriage that Duke Antai was riding.

The Beiman cavalry ignored the escaping Xufu iron cavalry and the horse-drawn carriage of An Taigong, but focused on slaughtering the soldiers of the Northwest Town Army.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the 500 soldiers of the Northwest Town Army were all killed and wounded.

"Owl Head!"

The leader of the Beiman generals looked at the soldiers of the Northwest Town Army who were dead and wounded, and let the Beiman cavalry under him dismount, and cut off and take away the heads of all the dead soldiers of the Northwest Town Army.

This will be their military feat!


The iron cavalry of the Xu residence and the carriage of Duke Antai, who left behind the soldiers of the northwest town army and escaped, did not run far before they were intercepted by the second wave of northern barbarian cavalry.

This time, the iron cavalry of the Xu residence, who had fled back to Beiman with Duke Antai, could be regarded as a warrior of a hundred battles.

However, in the face of absolute numerical superiority, their battle to the death was nothing but a dying struggle.

A stick of incense passed, and the battle came to an end.

The Beiman cavalry surrounded Duke Antai's carriage.

The next moment, the leader of the Beiman generals opened the closed carriage and released An Taigong who was trapped inside.

When Antai Gong Xu Huairen came out of the carriage and saw the Beiman cavalry kneeling on the ground, he couldn't help but let out a very harsh laugh.


Duke Antai Xu Huairen glanced at the Beiman cavalry knelt on the ground, and seemed very satisfied with the attitude of these people. With a wave of his hand, he jumped onto his own mount.

Soon, the Beiman cavalry who sneaked into the Tang Dynasty merged into one place, turned into a torrent, and flew southward.

All the villages and towns that this torrent passed through along the way were turned into ruins under this torrent, and the people in the villages and towns, without exception, were all killed.

When King Yan received the news, it was already two days later.

"Pass on the king's order, prepare for battle!"

The northern barbarians entered the country and attacked and killed the people of the Tang Dynasty. This was unbearable.

At the same time, Mr. Xu also received the news, and he immediately asked Kanyutu to come.

"Here, here, here..."


After reading the map, Mr. Xu's expression changed.

"Guan Ting!"

"The end is here!"

Hearing Old Master Xu's call, Guan Ting responded quickly.

"From now on, Huang Fengkou will be handed over to you!"

"Remember, don't go out of town to fight at any time!"

"As long as the Eight Bull Crossbow can still be used, I will always rely on the Eight Bull Crossbow to defend the city. Even if Beiman drives my Tang people to come, as long as they enter the firing range of the Eight Bull Crossbow, they will shoot for me!"

"This is a military order!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Guan Ting didn't know what happened, but he knew that something must have happened.

"Boss, call on the second and third, let's go home!"

Mr. Xu directly picked up his spear and strode out of the camp.

"Father, what do you mean, the destination of those Beiman cavalry is our place?"

"Nine out of nine!"

Mr. Xu was also very confused.

Beiman sneaked thousands of cavalry into the territory of the Tang Dynasty. Instead of harassing the capital, they went in the direction of Xiangyi Mansion. This is simply unreasonable.

But whether it is logical or not, Mr. Xu basically concluded from the southern route of this northern barbarian cavalry that their target was Anshun County.

What is there in Anshun County?

Could it be that King Beiman planned to take revenge on their family for the death of his two sons?

"Father, you are guarding Huangfengkou under an order. If you leave, wouldn't you be telling the truth?"

Boss Xu looked at his father, "It's better, just the three of us brothers go back!"

"What nonsense?"

"I guard Huangfengkou, and guard the people of the Tang Dynasty, not anyone else."

"But above the people of the Tang Dynasty, it is our family!"

Old Man Xu sneered, "Is it true that I don't care about this shitty title? Go!"


Hearing his father's words, Boss Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

What I said to his father just now was just a test for him as a son. Because Boss Xu was quite afraid that his father would have some ideas because he suddenly got the title.

Fortunately, his father is still his father.

Of course, fortunately, his father did not notice his temptation.

Otherwise, Boss Xu estimated that he would not be able to run a board.

Back to Lingshui Village, Mr. Xu did not bring any soldiers and horses. After all, they had to travel day and night, and ordinary cavalry could not keep up with their speed.

The most important thing is that if Mr. Xu's guess is true this time, he will have to fight fiercely.

Mr. Xu didn't have any reason to let other people's fathers, other people's sons, and other people's husbands go all out for their family affairs.

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