Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 382 I, Lichun, Hidden Master!

When the third thief fell, the pouring rain gradually began to decrease. In the end, the rain passed the sky, and a crescent moon broke through the barrier of the dark clouds, and sprinkled the bright moonlight, illuminating the sky and the earth.

Fu Bao looked up at the sky and grinned.

Sure enough, my father still loves her!

This torrential rain certainly made her lime powder useless, but it also limited the means of these thieves, creating conditions for her to overcome the enemy and win.


Fu Bao quickly stepped forward and tied the sleepy third thief firmly.

As for the rope used to tie people, it was the beef tendon rope obtained from Xu Zhong, and the way to tie people was to kill pigs.

Such a method, such a tendon rope, according to my father, no one can break free.

In order to ensure safety, Fubao found another fishing line and tied the man's thumbs together.

There are five fingers in the human hand, and any finger is very important. If you want to fully exert the strength of your hand, you must affect the strength of each finger, and it is impossible to lose one finger.

After the person was tied up, Fu Bao dragged the person back to her house.

The origins of these three people always have to be asked clearly.

After all, it's not her style to be beaten without fighting back. Although it is definitely impossible to fight back now, drawing curses in circles is her strength.

"Little, miss?!"

When Fubao dragged the sleepy thief back to the house, Lichun in the house was shivering with a stick in his head.

"Sister Lichun, it's all right!"

Fu Bao grinned.

"That, that, this person..."

The stick in Lichun's hand pointed at the thief who was dragged into the house by Fubao, still shaking.

"The bundles are strong, this is a prisoner!"

"When he wakes up, he has to ask questions!"

"Ask what?"

"Of course, who are they? Where do they come from? Who is instructing them!"

"No, don't you need to report to the officer?"

"Also, don't we tell Madam?"

Lichun was really a little scared. There was a thief running here, and her young lady even captured him alive.

"Yes, I have to talk about it!"

Before the incident, Fu Bao did not dare to tell his family, but when the incident was over, he always had to tell his mother.

Of course, the most important thing is that someone in their village told the three thieves about her family. Otherwise, she just moved to the new house, and the other party came over, how to explain?

Compared to Fubao's calmness, Lichun was about to collapse.

This is her lady!

One year old!

oh my god!

When she was one year old, she could just walk!

I knew that my lady was different, but this is too different!

Aware of Li Chun's strange gaze, Fu Bao suddenly woke up, as if he had accidentally made himself stand out!

However, she didn't want to become a salted fish in the desert, so that was the only way.

As for the impact?

and many more!

These things don't have to be done by yourself!

Fubao's eyes fell on Lichun.

"Miss, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Sister Lichun, you have to help me!"

"I'll help you?!"

Lichun is very confused, his legs are still shaking, how can you help me like this?

"Sister Lichun, now, only you can help me!"

Fubao left the thief she dragged into the house, quickly walked to Lichun, and held Lichun's hand coquettishly, "Sister Lichun, if you don't help me, I'll be in big trouble!"

"Sister Lichun, you are so good, you will definitely help me, right?"

"Sister Lichun..."

"Ah, okay, let me help!"

Being shaken by Fubao for a while, Lichun couldn't find the south, east, north and west, and as soon as his head became hot, he agreed.

"Sister Lichun, I knew that you are the best!"

Fubao is decisively a good person and the label will go on.

Lichun had a bitter face, and could only drive the ducks to the shelves.

In order to shape Lichun into a master, a series of professional training is undoubtedly required.

After all, Lichun had never shown his skills before. Therefore, Lichun must be a hidden master, the kind of existence who can't easily do it.

Fubao compiled the movies and TV dramas he had watched before, and finally designed a character design of a confused master for Lichun.

That is to ask three questions!

"Yes, yes, no matter who asks, Sister Lichun, you say you don't know what's going on!"

"Then, just laugh, yes, yes, just like that, an unfathomable smile!"

"Miss, laughing like this is really an unfathomable smile?"

"Yes, yes, this is the unfathomable and profound smile, Sister Lichun, you have to keep it!"

"Walk, can't be fast, can't be slow, step must be steady, keep the rhythm!"


Before dawn, Fu Bao did not interrogate the thief she captured alive, and even forgot the two cold corpses in the yard.

She exhausted all means to carry out all-round packaging for Lichun.

Finally, Lichun has become a hidden master.

"Miss, why do I feel weird!"

"I don't seem to be me anymore!"

Lichun feels awkward now, awkward to talk, awkward to walk, and even to smile.

"No, no, this is you, the real you!"

"Sister Lichun, believe in yourself, this is you!"

"That's a hidden peerless master who was placed by my uncle's side to protect me."

"Yes, that's it!"

"Before you came to our house, you were my uncle's person!"

"Miss, Lichun is yours!"

"Oops, it doesn't matter!"

Fubao waved his hand in a big way, "In short, this is your hidden character. Now, it has to be exposed. Of course, you still need to continue to disguise!"

"That's why you look awkward!"

"In short, it's to make my mother believe that you are a master, but you won't make it public!"

"Everything, according to my design, is properly, there will be no problem!"

Fubao patted his chest again and assured Lichun.

Li Chun looked at the little man of his young lady, and finally chose to accept his fate.

Well, I, Lichun, a hidden master!


The most pitiful is the third thief. After being turned over by Fubao's medicine, every time when he was about to wake up, Fubao would knock him on the back of the head with a stick.

Wake up time and time again, coma time and time again.

When it was dawn, the man woke up again, his head was already a little confused.

He couldn't remember what happened last night.

It was as if they had encountered a sneak attack by a peerless master, and his two companions fell face to face, while he was captured alive.

Yes, I was caught!

The man's head finally cleared up completely.

Then, he saw a back standing in front of him.

"Since you're awake, let's talk!"

"Who sent you here?"

"I'm happy to say that this seat can give you a good time, and it won't implicate your family."

"If not, hum!"

Li Chun, who had his back to the thief, was very skilled at this moment.

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