Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 589 Cunning Wolves

To put it simply, Guan Laoqi's mentality is to mourn his misfortune and hate him for not fighting.

Originally, their family held a good hand. If everything is done in accordance with his established regulations, then their Lingshui Village Guan clan will eventually leave Lingshui Village, even Anshun County, and Xiangyi Mansion. Over time, their clan will become prominent.

But now, because of Guan Laosan's selfishness, because of the self-righteousness of the clan, everything is in vain.

"I see that you are free!"

Guan Laoqi's daughter-in-law saw that Guan Laoqi was still worrying there, and scolded him angrily.

Guan Laoqi glanced at his daughter-in-law, sighed, and said, "Yes, I'm free!"

"It's all idle!"

When the days are better, you will think about things.

If they were still the same as before, struggling to fill their stomachs every day, Guan Laosan would not be fooled by that Yangmao.

"You guys, are you gone?"

Guan Laoqi stood up and strode to the clan who were arguing, "Tian'er's eyes darkened when he saw it. If the wolves come, they are all waiting to feed the wolves?"

Following Guan Laoqi's remarks, the group of people who were arguing just now shut up instantly.

At this time, these talents remembered that the Xu family had left, and not to mention Wei Qi or six masters, the most powerful Lu Mudan and Lu Xian'er were not here either.

Although the loss of the wolves is not small, they have never figured out how large the wolves are.

"Seventh, what do we do?"

"What do you say!"

"Yes, yes, we all listen to you!"

Thinking of the coming wolves, these people no longer dare to have their own thoughts. Regardless of whether they really approve of Guan Laoqi or not, at least they must have a leader before they spend this dangerous night.

Guan Laoqi wanted to ignore these people.

But he also knew that if everyone could not be temporarily integrated, the night would not be so easy.

There are no finished eggs under the nest!

If the camp is broken through by the wolves, no one in the camp will want to stay out of it.

In the end, Guan Laoqi could only temporarily respond, or at least lead the crowd through the immediate difficulties.

As for the future, Guan Laoqi has already thought about it. When the clansmen arrived at the place of refuge where the ancestor left a message, he left with his family.

Loyalty and righteousness have been difficult since ancient times!

Guan Laoqi is now in such a difficult situation.

After being told by his daughter-in-law, Guan Laoqi understood and made a decision, that is, who to love.


Night falls soon.

In the camp where the people of Lingshui Village were staying, piles of bonfires were rekindled, and all the young men and even some old men took their dicks and patrolled the camp.

When it was getting late, wolves emerged from the woods outside the camp.

It's just that the wolves quickly chose to leave not long after they appeared.

These beasts have very smart noses, they smell someone leaving, and they know that only a few people have left. Therefore, the wolves chose to track the Xu family who left.

In the eyes of the wolves, the side with fewer people is the soft persimmon.

But in fact, with Lu Mudan and Lu Xian'er there, the Xu family are the hard ones.

What's more, on the side of the Xu family, there is also Xu Zhong, a master of poison. If Xu Zhong used poison, it would not be impossible for the wolves to be wiped out.

It is a pity that Xu Zhong did not dare to poison easily.

His poison is too strong, and if someone is accidentally affected, there is no shortage of antidote, but he is afraid that the rescue will not be timely enough.


Fubao was still with the little white wolf as usual, and when the night was getting darker, the little white wolf suddenly let out a whimper of fear.

"Mother, the wolf is here!"

Fubao immediately reported to his mother, Mrs. Xu.

Then, everyone in the camp became alert.

This camp was originally where all of them spent the night before. There is enough space. But now that there are too many people, it is impossible to defend all the outer walls of the camp with the people of the old Xu family, the people of the Yue family, and the family members of the Zhou family, Li family, and Wang family.

After some discussion, everyone chose to shrink the camp and built a flame wall. As long as the flames were not extinguished, the wolves should not be able to rush over from the flame barrier.

The wolf is indeed a cunning animal.

After successively encountering traps that damaged members, when these wolves attacked again, they had already learned to avoid those simple traps. It was easy to get over the simple fence and sneak into the camp.

Lu Mudan and Lu Xian'er each carried weapons and stood guard on one side of the camp.

Wei Qi and others were on the other side of the camp.

At this time, even Wang Juren brought up the wooden spear, and together with Zhou's father Zhou Shunwang and Li's father Li Jinding, guarded the front of the family members and children.

Mr. Yue was not idle either, holding a bow and arrow in his hand to provide remote support.

In order to replenish food, the young men of their families all returned to Lingshui Village. As a result, although the people on their side are not small, they are basically the elderly, women, children and children.

Fu Bao followed his mother, Mrs. Xu, very steadily.

As God's favorite cub, she didn't think this pack of wolves could hurt her. If a pack of wolves can put her and the people around her in danger, then God must be asleep.

But this is obviously impossible.

The wolves quickly approached the flame wall, and their fear of the flame made them dare to look at it from a distance.

As for taking a detour and attacking from other directions, the wolf king did not issue orders, and the wolves naturally would not have any action.

To prohibit this, the wolves are much stricter than people.

"Sister, why don't I go kill for a while?"

Lu Xian'er looked at the wolves hiding behind the flames and looked at her eldest sister.

"Don't fool around!"

Lu Mudan glanced at Lu Xian'er, "Just wait!"

"It's so boring!"

Lu Xian'er rolled her eyes, "It's just a bunch of beasts, wouldn't it be over if you just kill them all?"

"Really? Then you go!"

Lu Mudan felt that her sister was floating.

Hearing her elder sister's words, Lu Xian'er swayed, swept across the flame wall like lightning, and went straight to the wolves squatting on the opposite side.

As a result, the moment Lu Xian'er crossed the flame wall, the wolves dispersed and fled back to the woods outside the camp.

Such a scene made Lu Xian'er a little dumbfounded.

Lu Mudan laughed lightly.

If the wolves were so easily wiped out, they would not be able to traverse the mountains and forests.

"Sister, why are these beasts so cunning?"

Lu Xian'er was really curious when she met such a cunning wolf for the first time.

Lu Mudan shrugged and said, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Why are wolves so cunning?

You have to ask the wolves!

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