Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 626 Who is the rescuer?


Hearing the servant's report, Emperor Yongping, who was sitting firmly on the dragon chair, abruptly stood up.

"This is impossible!"

King Yu, who was the Zongling of the Zongren Mansion, panicked and was completely stunned by the news.

The Zongren Mansion was breached, and the repeat offender was rescued. As the honorary king of the Zongren Mansion, he had to take responsibility.

"Your Majesty, please issue an decree to block the gates of the city and capture King Yan in the whole city!"

Compared with holding King Yu accountable, the most urgent task is to find out King Yan who was rescued.

The eldest princess is in a really bad mood at the moment, very bad.

King Yan was rescued, it would be better if he escaped from the capital. If he is lurking in the capital, then if King Yan wants to take revenge, he will definitely find her.

The betrayal of the whirlwind cavalry lieutenant Leng Tashi and the surrender of the four commanders of the Northwest Town Army were all planned by her.

The eldest princess thought that she had another powerful enemy hiding in the dark, and she really had trouble sleeping and eating.

The whirlwind ride is the reliance of the King of Yan.

In the eyes of many people, the whirlwind cavalry is equivalent to the private soldier of King Yan.

In fact, the original whirlwind cavalry was indeed the private soldier of King Yan. However, after colluding with the underworld to assassinate King Yan in the road of robbery, King Yan narrowly escaped, and then led the Whirlwind Rider to take revenge on the underworld.

In that revenge, the whirlwind rider lost most of it.

After the whirlwind cavalry are newly added soldiers.

King Yan trusted Leng Thorn, so he handed over the matter to Leng Thorn.

He didn't expect that Leng Thorn had already betrayed his trust, secretly disarming the veterans of the Whirlwind Cavalry who were loyal to King Yan.

The new whirlwind ride is no longer the whirlwind ride under the control of King Yan.

This is also the reason why Leng Thorn can easily backstab King Yan.

But did King Yan who lost the whirlwind ride really become a loner?

The answer is naturally no.

The whirlwind cavalry is the strongest cavalry in the northwest town army. King Yan has guarded the frontier in Longxi Mansion for more than ten years, and the whirlwind cavalry has changed several groups. And those cyclone cavalry veterans who have retired, their loyalty to King Yan is absolutely true.

Originally, the eldest princess was thinking of finding an opportunity to slowly clean up those whirlwind cavalry veterans, but before she could start her plan, King Yan was already rescued!

Being able to break through the sect's mansion is still in the capital, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Even if the veterans of Whirlwind Rider gather together, it is impossible to accomplish this without disturbing the Imperial City Division.

But in fact, Huangcheng Division did not get any news before this.

"Pass my will, block the gates of the city!"

"Transfer troops into the city and let me investigate. Even if the capital is turned upside down, King Yan must be found!"

Emperor Yongping listened to the words of the eldest princess and quickly issued a decree.

The meeting will disperse.

Everyone is in a hurry.

The eldest princess walked faster. After leaving the palace, she immediately brought her team of female guards and headed for the Imperial City Division.

Someone attacked the Zongren Mansion, and the Imperial City Division, the yamen monitoring the capital, did not receive any news. In the eyes of the eldest princess, the Imperial City Division was incompetent.


Xu Mansion, the courtyard where Xu Yuanzu, the Duke of Antai, is located, is in a quiet house.

The haggard-faced King Yan sat quietly on the chair with sharp eyes.

Since he was rescued from the dungeon of the Zongren Mansion, he was blindfolded and sent to this room until the black cloth bag covering his face was removed.

However, no one spoke to him.

King Yan, you are a battle-hardened person, not a casual young man.

He knew very well that since this person had arranged for someone to save him, he would definitely come to see him. No matter what the other party's purpose is, when the two sides meet, everything will be clear after all.

This wait is an hour.

When Xu Yuanzu appeared in front of King Yan, it was false for King Yan to say that he was not surprised.

Xu Yuanzu, the new Duke of Antai.

It was a disciple of the Xu family who came from Xujiazhuang in the Weihe River. For some special reason, he came to the capital and became a duke.

"Who the hell are you?"

After being shocked, King Yan naturally understood that this person's identity was definitely not a pure Xu family child, and there must be something he didn't know.

"It doesn't matter who I am!"

Xu Yuanzu smiled slightly, "It's you, Li Zhen, do you accept your fate?"

Accept your fate?

King Yan did not respond.

Accept fate?

How could he accept his fate?

But if he doesn't accept his fate, what can he do?

Frankly speaking, until now, he didn't know how he fell from an absolute advantage to a prisoner.

Cold thorn betrayal, he really did not expect.

But with the betrayal of Leng Que first, King Yan was not very surprised.

The most unacceptable thing for King Yan was that the Cyclone Rider actually followed Leng Thorn and turned his back on him.

"Do you wonder how you got to this point?"

Xu Yuanzu looked at King Yan with a smile.

King Yan nodded.

Xu Yuanzu raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "Whirlwind Riding, you have achieved the name of Li Zhen's God of War. Then, do you still remember how the original Whirlwind Riding came from?"

"How did the whirlwind ride today come from?"

After just two simple questions, King Yan's eyes widened and he suddenly realized.

He finally understood what was wrong with him.

Once, the whirlwind ride was built by him, and he and the whirlwind ride shared the same board and slept and trained together. Since when has he been estranged from the whirlwind rider?

King Yan began to reflect and reflect deeply.

Xu Yuanzu didn't have time to continue to reflect with King Yan, but he coughed lightly and said, "Li Zhen, you know that in the court hall not long ago, the eldest princess suggested that you assist a prince to lead the whirlwind riding and the peace. The northwest town army attacked the Japanese state."

"Will she be so kind?"

Hearing Xu Yuanzu's words, King Yan responded coldly.

"Do you think this is the kindness of the eldest princess?"

"do not think so!"

Although King Yan didn't know why Leng Thorn betrayed, he was inseparable from the eldest princess.

This good aunt of his is really a woman who doesn't allow men.

"If you go out to sea with the army, then none of your whirlwind cavalry veterans will be spared."

"This is the purpose of the eldest princess."

Xu Yuanzu spoke simply.

King Yan looked at Xu Yuanzu coldly and said, "Then, what is your purpose?"

People are precious!

Xu Yuanzu, who suddenly appeared from Xujiazhuang on the Weihe River, had no friendship with King Yan. But under such circumstances, Xu Yuanzu actually risked the crime of deceiving the king, let people break through the ancestral mansion, and robbed him from the dark dungeon.

As the saying goes, if you are diligent in nothing, you are either a traitor or a thief.

"If I said that I wanted to destroy the Tang Dynasty's Jiangshan Sheji, would you believe it?"

Xu Yuanzu looked at King Yan calmly and understood his purpose.

"I believe!"

King Yan and Xu Yuanzu looked at each other for a while, and finally nodded.

"So, can you and I cooperate?"

Xu Yuanzu faced King Yan for the first time.

Because, he found that King Yan really believed what he said.

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