Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 651 The Depression of the Second Xu

Xu Lao Er snorted and said, "Uncle Ben will verify this matter. If it proves that you are talking nonsense, hum..."

"Students absolutely dare not lie!"

Bai Jin almost didn't swear to God.

Xu Lao Er waved his hand in disgust, and asked Bai Jin to be taken away.

"Thank you Yong Uncle Wu for not killing him."

Bai Jin was really relieved when he saw that Xu Lao Er didn't let anyone kill him.

In his opinion, since he has escaped the catastrophe now, it means that his little life should be saved. Of course, until he finally saves his life, he will continue to live.

After all, there is only one small life, if it is gone, it is really gone.

He followed Song Dahu, but accumulated a huge amount of wealth.

Song Dahu was defeated, and he was bound to Xu Lao Er. The gold and silver jewelry around him seemed to be taken away. But the truth of the three caves of the cunning rabbit, he planned it from the beginning.

The gold and silver jewelry he had confiscated looked a lot, but it was only a small part of the wealth he had amassed, and he hid the bulk of it all the way.

As long as he can save his life, he can take out the hidden gold and silver and live his luxurious life.

Unfortunately, Bai Jin didn't know that Xu Lao Er never planned to let him go from the beginning.

Just to achieve the purpose of convincing people, Xu Lao Er also planned to carefully plan how to send this dog-headed military strategist on the road. After all, there are really not many such ready-made good targets to conquer people's hearts.

If it is according to Xu Lao Er's previous thoughts, one of the leaders of this group of people will be cut off, after all, there is no good thing.

But now the situation is really bad.

How could Song Dahu pull up such a large team so quickly? Although many people were coerced, there were also many people who were really following Song Dahu on the road to rebellion.

Why rebel? Of course, it's because I can't live anymore.

During the two years of famine, the local government not only did not do much disaster relief, but kept extorting and miscellaneous taxes. The arrival of this plague of locusts was undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Therefore, the people of Qiping Mansion, and even some of the town army, directly committed the crime.

Otherwise, just based on the influence of the locust plague, how could this civil upheaval swept the entire Qiping Mansion in such a short period of time?

In the end, he still can't live.

Xu Lao Er came to quell the rebellion. Although he didn't kill many people, he still made the people of Qiping House feel dissatisfied with his arrival.

If it wasn't for Xu Lao Er who blocked Beiman at Huangfengkou last year, killed the two little princes of Beiman in a row, and the prestige of capturing the Beiman king alive was too terrifying, the people of Qiping Mansion would never be as calm as they are now.

But before he came, Mr. Xu explained to Mr. Xu, asking him to act cautiously, and to be cautious and cautious about the people of Qiping Mansion.

With his father's explanation, when Xu Lao Er arrived at Qiping Mansion, he released his manpower to secretly inquire about the people's feelings, and only then did he understand the true idea of ​​Qiping Mansion's people turning into ordinary people.

In order to ensure the complete pacification of Qi Ping Mansion, Xu Lao Er would choose to defeat Song Dahu in one go, and kill the opponent without leaving any room for him.

Otherwise, it would not be difficult for Xu Lao Er to capture Song and fight the tiger alive.

After defeating the army of the people's rebellion, Xu Lao Er was the first to ask people to take out military rations to help the victims.

After being blocked by Xu Laosan's sea of ​​fire, the army of the people in Qiping Mansion was unable to get food supplements. Originally, relying on the support of Jie Yun Dao, Song Dahu kept a lot of food in his hands, but without food supplements, the people in the army of the people changed into a porridge a day.

When the plague of locusts crossed the border, everything that could be eaten by locusts was eaten.

In a normal disaster year, the people would not have enough food and could find some wild vegetables and fruits to satisfy their hunger.

"They're all idiots!"

Thinking that some people think that Song Dahu and Bai Jin are good people, Xu Lao Er feels a big head.

But now he really can't come up with any particularly reliable evidence to prove that they are bad people. Although they found a lot of gold and silver jewelry from Song Dahu and the others, Song Dahu and the others were always buying food. The existence of these gold and silver jewelry would not convict Song Dahu and others.

"Uncle, there is a letter from the third master!"

Just when Xu Lao Er was depressed, a guard arrived in a hurry and sent a handwritten letter from Xu Lao San.

Xu Lao Er ripped open the envelope and unfolded the letter inside.

When he read the letter from the third third Xu, the second Xu was happy.

"Miao, wonderful, it's not a loss to be Uncle Ben's brother, but his brain is agile!"

The depressed look on Xu Lao Er's face was swept away.

He immediately called people and asked them to draft a notice.

The content of the notice is very simple, that is, recruiting people to go to Xiangyi Mansion for mining.

In the mineral resource map Fubao obtained, there are many coal mines in the territory of Xiangyi Prefecture, and although there are minerals in Qiping Prefecture, they are iron mines that are temporarily useless.

In wartime, iron is indispensable.

But now in this situation, a cold winter is coming, and what the people need is cold clothing and charcoal fire, otherwise, if this cold winter comes, I don't know how many people will freeze to death.

"Go, send the notice down!"

When the notice was written, Mr. Xu immediately sent someone to post the notice.

The content of the notice is also simple. Anyone who goes to mine will directly give the other's family a hundred catties of food and two taels of silver. This is the money for the family!

Don't look at the small amount of money and food, but for the people of Qiping Mansion, this is life-saving money.

In fact, if it wasn't for the order to restore order in Qi Ping Mansion as soon as possible and to let businessmen from other places come in, Xu Lao Er planned to give all the food, but not the silver.

Today's Qiping Mansion is truly a blank.

Locust plagues, civil uprisings, the huge Qiping Mansion, and many county towns have become empty cities.

Those shops were looted all the way along the way.

It can be said that the current Qiping Mansion has undergone a thorough cleaning.

After the notice was posted, the lifeless people of Qiping Mansion were very quick to come to life.

One hundred catties of grain and two taels of silver, how many people would not be tempted to settle down so much?

If there are many males in the family, if they can go mining, they may harvest hundreds of catties of grain at once. So much food is enough for the family to survive the winter.

What's more, those who go to work are paid monthly.

The wages are not fixed, but are determined according to the amount of mining. As long as you have a lot of energy and work a lot, how much money you can make this month is really hard to say.

Of course, not all families still have males, and some unfortunate families have only the old and the weak, women and children.

This is a bit difficult to do!

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