"Prime Minister, but it's okay to talk!"

"As long as Er Xu can be removed, then, this palace will find someone to bear all the guilt, and will never implicate the Prime Minister!"

For the superior, when it is time to be ruthless, you must be ruthless.

After all, there are a lot of people, and it is not too difficult to find someone to take the blame.

"Fire attack!"

Guo Zhun took a deep breath and revealed his own way.

"As far as I know, in half a month, the southeast wind will blow in Jiannan for a long time."

"When the southeast wind blows, as long as we send people to set fire, the fire will quickly spread across the entire Shicheng County boundary."

"Even if Xu Lao Er's strength is against the sky, he can't imagine that he can defy the sky!"

"Xu Laosan set fire to a hundred miles in Xiangyi Mansion, burning out the plague of locusts that destroyed Qiping Mansion."

"My minister, again, I came up with this method to solve Xu Lao Er from the method of Xu Lao San."

"It's just that, once the fire spreads, the entire Shicheng County, the survivors, I am afraid that there are not one out of ten, even the surrounding counties, are also likely to be affected by the fire."

"Together with the fire, I am not sure how much it will burn!"

Having said that, Guo Zhun stopped.

Arson is easy, but putting out a fire is difficult.

The reason why Guo Zhun dared to suggest this is because it is now autumn and winter, and after this southeasterly wind in Jiannan Mansion, there are often cloudy and rainy days that last for more than a month.

But even knowing that there might be cloudy and rainy days, Guo Zhun was not at ease. After all, there were cloudy and rainy days in previous years, who knows if it will be this year?

If there is no rain this year, or if there is not enough rain, no one can predict what the consequences of this arson will be.

"This matter, this palace has to think about it!"

Du Qingruo was a ruthless person, but he was still shocked when he heard Guo Zhun's method of killing Xu Lao Er.

I don't know if this method can kill Xu Lao Er, but once this method is put into practice, Daoguo's public voice in Jiannan Mansion is afraid that it will plummet.

Even if she could find someone to take the blame afterwards, the harm caused by this incident is too far-reaching and too terrifying. Can it really be quelled by a few people taking the blame?

Therefore, even if Du Qingruo was prepared for Guo Zhun's method, he was really dizzy at the moment.

"His Royal Highness, those who make big things don't stick to trifles!"

"Second Xu cannot stay!"

Guo Zhun, who was still hesitant before making a suggestion, was a little anxious when he saw Du Qingruo's hesitation.

Du Qingruo glanced at Guo Zhun, frowning slightly.

At this moment, Du Qingruo was sensitively aware of a situation, Guo Zhun was not as loyal to her as she thought.

Before, Guo Zhun was hesitant, but now he is very eager, which is enough to show that this person is inconsistent and duplicitous.

Guo Zhun naturally saw Du Qingruo's unhappy expression.

Guo Zhun's expression froze slightly when he discovered this, and he said quickly, "Your Highness, this minister is not talented, and is willing to take all the guilt. I just ask His Highness to bless the family of the minister after the incident!"

As an old silver coin who played with conspiracy, Guo Zhun realized that he had acted in a hurry before, and quickly expressed his stance, expressed his loyalty, and used his life to express his position.

Du Qingruo was just a little suspicious of Guo Zhun's loyalty just now, but with Guo Zhun's remarks, she was more certain of this fact.

Guo Zhun is unbelievable.

Perhaps, fire attack is indeed a good way.

However, Guo Zhun is definitely not a courtier that she can control with confidence.

The harm of the fire attack is too great. At that time, in order to quell the grievances of the people, she, the heroine of the Taoist country, is likely to become the target of public criticism.

After all, such a serious harm is not something that casual people can bear the blame.

"The Prime Minister's words are serious!"

Realizing that Guo Zhun was really unreliable, Du Qingruo did not show any dissatisfaction directly, but responded calmly.

"Many things in the Taoist country still require the prime minister to plan."

"The way to get rid of Xu's second child, if we think about it, there may not be another better way!"

"His Royal Highness is right, but the minister is too hasty!"

Guo Zhun listened to Du Qingruo's words and did not insist on anything.

He was a smart man, but today he made two mistakes in succession.

First, he should well hide his inner urgency; second, he should not use his life to express his position, he has never been a person who can lay down his life for anyone or anything.

"Prime Minister, go back first!"

Du Qingruo waved his hand lightly and dismissed Guo Zhun.

And after Guo Zhun left, Du Qingruo immediately called his cronies to come in, and let people keep an eye on Guo Zhun's mansion to see who Guo Zhun was in contact with.

Since Guo Zhun was plotting against her, it couldn't be just his intention.

There might be someone hiding behind this.

Even the old fox, the Taoist Lord of Jie Fortune, is hidden behind Guo Zhun's back.

"Keep an eye on any troubles in Guo Zhun's mansion, even if it is a servant in his mansion, don't let it go."

"My subordinate understands!"


After waving his confidant and subordinates away, Du Qingruo threw Guo Zhun's abnormality aside and focused on the fire attack method proposed by Guo Zhun.

Fire attack is indeed a good method.

However, if Xu Lao Er wanted to run, this fire attack would be useless.

Therefore, even if it is to use a fire attack, at least Xu Lao Er must be led out first, and led to a special terrain, so that he has no way to escape.

Otherwise, how could a master like Xu Lao Er be killed?

"How can I get Xu Lao Er out?"

Du Qingruo frowned.

"No, no!"

"It shouldn't be like this!"

"The fire attack does not necessarily need to lead the second Xu out."

"When the fire ignited, Xu Lao Er couldn't escape. After all, he also wanted the hearts and minds of the people."

"Fire attack, it's really a good idea!"

After thinking about the process of fire attack in his mind, Du Qingruo found that when the difference in combat power is too large, this fire attack method is really the most effective method to deal with Xu Lao Er right now.

The only unpleasant thing is that if you want to attack, you need someone to take the blame.

And this person who bears the pot has to be heavy enough.

Guo Zhun!

The Prime Minister of the Dao Kingdom on Earth!

In this human kingdom of robbery and fortune, Guo Zhun is the most important person besides her, the heroine of the Taoist kingdom.

Let him take the blame, seems to be the best candidate.

Of course, just one Guo Zhun is not enough to quell public anger.

Coincidentally, find Guo Zhun's comrades, no matter what they are planning, let them all take the blame and take them away in one wave.

Du Qingruo has never been a soft-hearted person.

How could she continue to keep Guo Zhun when she was sure that Guo Zhun's loyalty to her was false?

The struggle for power is always bloody, either you die or I die!

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