Their Lucky Star Was Transmigrated!

Chapter 672 Xu Shuo: Success!

It is said that failure is the success of his mother, but many times, if you see the successful mother too many times, you will become a successful father.

Xu Shuo also had passion and ambition.

However, Zhao Bingjun, the old silver coin, has been secretly calculating, has been failing, has been failing, and then has all kinds of humiliation and trampling by the powerful woman, the eldest princess.

Xu Shuo, finally became a successful father.

Ambition? Hot blood? Ambition? glory?

What's all that?

He, Xu Shuo, has succeeded his father all his life, and he can spend one day at a time.

"What are you doing here?"

Xu Shuo didn't fight with Zhao Bingzheng, but sat down on the kang again, "If you have something to say, you can leave quickly. There is nothing to talk about between us."

"Back then, you were sorry for Huaiyi. Now, it's best not to bother him anymore."

"He's your son, so he might not treat you like that."

"But, I will!"

"Remember my words, don't say anything!"

Zhao Bingxiao didn't do anything, and after he finished speaking, he left immediately.

And Xu Shuo could only listen.

He used to be supported by the Xu family, and his mother, Mrs. Xu, was still there. He was the young master of the Xu family. He could be domineering and domineering, but now, besides being honest and low-key, what else could he do?

After waiting for Zhao Bingzheng to take the people away for a while, Xu Shuo glanced at the guards waiting there, and asked lightly, "Is there any clues to the people I asked you to find?"

"Master back to the country, since the Northland savages captured Xueji Pass, there have been very few Xinliguo merchants going to and from the Tang Dynasty. My subordinates are incompetent, and I haven't found a Xinliguo merchant who can lead the way!"

"Hurry up!"

Xu Shuo let out a long sigh, "In this Tang Dynasty, there is almost no place for us to stand!"

On the court side, he couldn't afford to offend him.

And Mr. Xu, his own son, he couldn't afford to offend him even more.

Rather than being caught between them and being in a dilemma, it's better to run away quickly.

This time, he can kill the eunuch sent by the eldest princess to pass the decree, but next time, the eunuch sent by the eldest princess may not be an eunuch, but a whirlwind rider.

"It's also trash!"

Thinking that King Yan's powerful whirlwind rider fell into the hands of the eldest princess, Xu Shuo was full of contempt for King Yan.

Usually, it seems to be very powerful.

Once the critical moment, all fall off the chain.

Whether it is King Yan or Xu Mansion, in normal times, they are always the first in the world, but in the end, they all hang up, even he is not as good as this trash!


Zhao Bingzheng didn't know about his visit, which made Xu Shuo think so much.

Not to mention that Xu Shuo had been thinking about running away for a long time.

However, to him, no matter what happened to Xu Shuo, it didn't matter.

In fact, the end of King Yan and Xu's residence made Zhao Bingxiao a lot more cautious.

It has been said since ancient times that those who are good at riding will fall, and those who are good at swimming will drown.

Smart people are often defeated by their own intelligence.

After all, a wise man has a thousand thoughts, and he must make a mistake.

If you are unlucky, a single slip can lead to disaster.

King Yan's prestige was created by fighting with the northern barbarians in the northern border, and it could not be faked.

Xu Mansion, a family of three princes, and the inheritance of Xu Zhengqi, the king of Taiping, the first noble family, never wanted to be defeated so quickly, and he was also charged with treason and treason.

People have to be very careful at all times.

After all, everyone has only one life.

dead, gone.

"Keep an eye on him. If he wants to return to the capital, whether it is voluntary or forced, kill him!"

"Master, don't worry, I have arranged it properly!"

Zhao Rui answered confidently.


At the same time, Jiannan Mansion.

Du Qingruo, the heroine of Daoguo, made the final decision and used fire attack on Xu Lao Er. The prime minister, Guo Zhun, will be in charge of this matter. If you want someone to give you money, you can only ask for money, and that is to kill Xu Lao Er.

Xu Lao Er's force value is too strong, keeping him will be a scourge sooner or later.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, your subordinates will definitely get rid of Second Young Master Xu!"

Guo Zhun made a solemn statement.

From the time he proposed the method of fire attack, Guo Zhun knew that this matter was likely to fall back on his head. However, he already had a solution.

He was originally the hidden veins of the Dao of Jie Fortune hidden in the dark.

If it weren't for the robbery and the establishment of the country, the people of their line would not come to the bright side.

It is true that when they became officials of the Taoist state, they enjoyed the wealth and glory that they could not enjoy before. These people are also very reluctant to be rich and glorious.

But in the face of life and death, wealth and glory can be abandoned.

Guo Zhun is ready to go into the background again.

Of course, even if he wanted to hide behind the scenes, he had to complete his mission, which was to take the blame and become the bearer of the fire attack incident.

After the cheating death, the prime minister of the Dao country, Zhun-General Guo, does not exist in the world.

However, the elders of the hidden veins of the robbery and fortune can continue to live, and even accumulate strength in the dark, and may be able to make a comeback in Mo Yitian.


Xu Lao Er didn't know that the biggest crisis in his life was coming. After accidentally killing the Daoist Jie Luck, Xu Lao Er felt that his life had reached the peak.

This is the robbery Daoist!

The big man who has stirred up the wind and rain in the Tang Dynasty for many years!

The Art of War says that only by knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies can we be victorious in a hundred battles.

To this end, after Xu Lao Er established a firm foothold in Shicheng County, he recruited some people and let them infiltrate Bacheng under the control of Jie Yundao to inquire about news.

When Guo Zhun was about to launch a fire attack, he had people prepare things to burn, such as lantern oil, rapeseed oil and other flammable fuels.

Such a large-scale move is naturally hidden from the eyes of the spies.

The news quickly reached Xu Lao Er's ears, but Xu Lao Er really didn't expect the other party to be so mad.

It wasn't until the fire ignited, the raging fire roared towards Shicheng County under the blowing of the southeast wind, and the thick smoke covered the clouds and the sun, and the second Xu knew that the people of the robbery were not as benevolent and righteous as they preached. And love the people like children.

"These beasts!"

Xu Lao Er was really going to explode with anger.

With such a fire, is this going to burn everyone to death?

"Uncle, what should I do?"

Seeing the raging fire, the captains under Xu Lao Er's command kept coming to ask how to deal with this raging fire.

"Move the people back first. As for this fire, let it burn first!"

To put out a fire, the most taboo thing is to do it in the direction of the fire, which is courting death.

But now in this situation, the fire is too fierce, even if it goes around behind everyone, it is difficult to put out the fire.

What's more, since this fire was set by the people of the Dao of Jie Fortune, they would definitely not just wait for the fire to destroy them. Behind the fire, there might be people from the Dao of Jie Fortune hiding.

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